Defining overdue notice triggers for default overdue notice trigers

Define up to three notices below. Specify the 'Delay' (days after item is overdue), a Notice to send, and whether to change the status of the patron to 'Debarred'

Note: you must specify the delay or the entry will be ignored. Delay is measured in days

Data error

The following fields have a forbidden value. Correct them and press OK again :

  • Delay for patron category has some unexpected characters. There should be only numerical characters.
  • Delay1 should be less than Delay2 which should be less than Delay3 for patron category
Notice triggers for overdues: default library


" size="5" value="" /> " value="" /> " checked="checked" value="1" /> " value="1" /> " size="5" value="" /> " value="" /> " checked="checked" value="1" /> " value="1" /> " size="5" value="" /> " value="" /> " checked="checked" value="1" /> " value="1" />