Bug 13124 - Record titles with parentheses causing label weirdness
Test Plan ( using sample data included with Koha )
1) Catalog a record and item with the title "Oh no! or, (How my
science project destroyed the world) /"
2) Edit the DEFAULT template
a) Set layout type to Biblio
b) Set data fields to "title, author, isbn, issn, itemtype,
barcode, itemcallnumber"
c) Set font size to 10
3) Create a batch with just the one item you created
4) Export the PDF with the Avery template and the DEFAULT layout
5) Note the weirdness
6) Apply this patch
7) Re-export the PDF, note it's no longer weird ; )
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@quecheelibrary.org> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de> Signed-off-by: Mason James <mtj@kohaaloha.com>