Bug 32707: ElasticSearch should not auto truncate (even if QueryAutoTruncate = 1) for identifiers (and some other fields)
Koha with Zebra prevented auto truncation in some circumstances -- see
the first return for ccl inside C4::Search:: buildQuery, before applying
auto truncation, and setting $auto_truncation = 0 for some search
Koha with ElasticSearch applies auto truncation for all search fields,
not paying attention to these special cases when it should not be done.
This leads to various problems as described in bug 26508, 26608, etc.
The solution would be to prevent auto truncation for certain search
fields, above all – the identifiers. In addition, under no
circumstances should a search field other than of text type be truncated
(an attempt to truncate would generate an exception from ElasticSearch,
e.g. number_format_exception for integer).
Test plan
0. Use the test data sample provided in the bug report. Comment 16 in
the ticket.
Scenario A (authority)
1. Enable Elasticsearch engine.
2. Have like 100+ bibliographic records and properly linked authority
3. Reindex ElasticSearch if needed.
4. Enable QueryAutoTruncate systempreference.
5. Find the authority record #1 and note the number of linked biblio
6. Show the detail of authority #1 and compare the number of linked
biblio records.
7. If in the database there are authority records with ids =~ /^1/ (i.e.
10, 11, 12, ..., 100, 101, ...) linked to the biblio records you get
two different numbers of linked records.
8. Also, as lists of linked biblio records (via link: Used in N
record(s) from results view and detail view) you will get two
different sets of biblio records. In particular, on the list generated
from detail view (authorities/detail.pl?authid=1) you will get biblio
records that are in fact not linked to the auth #1 (the list is
generated with &q=an:1).
8.99. Skip to scenario B and come back here after finishing to not have
to unapply the patches and restart services for nothing.
9. Apply this patch.
10. Counts and list of linked biblios should be ok.
Scenario B (analytics)
1. Enable Elasticsearch engine.
2. Have three monographic bibliographic records with 001 = 1, 10, 100
(i.e. =~ /^1/).
3. Have an analytical record with 773 $w = 1 (in the test data set - biblio 896).
4. Enable QueryAutoTruncate and UseControlNumber systempreference.
6. Find the analytical record and click on the link generated from 773,
i.e. (In: ... --> catalogue/search.pl?q=Control-number:1). You should see
a list of 100+ records (001 = 1, 10, 100) instead of one (001 = 1).
7. From the biblio # 1 try to go to the analytice records (with Show analytics
link) - you should get 60+ records with from different host records (773 $t)
-- instead of one.
8. Apply this patch. Make sure that control-number and record-control-number
are included in ESPreventAutoTruncate syspref.
9. Repeat steps 6 and 7. You should arrive at the right host record in p. 6
and at one analytical records when looking for analytical records in p. 7
(or more than one, but right, if you modified the test data set).
Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset/tuxayo <victor@tuxayo.net> Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>