This patch fixes several errors in and
Testing -
To test this patch, data must be in either the reserves table or old_reserves or both. The following SQL will give you the raw data that is used by the report.
SELECT priority, found, reservedate, notificationdate, reminderdate,
waitingdate, cancellationdate, borrowers.categorycode, items.itype,
reserves.branchcode, holdingbranch, items.homebranch, items.ccode,
items.location, items.itemcallnumber, borrowers.sort1, borrowers.sort2
FROM reserves
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (borrowers.borrowernumber = reserves.borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items on (items.itemnumber = reserves.itemnumber)
UNION SELECT priority, found, reservedate, notificationdate, reminderdate,
waitingdate, cancellationdate, borrowers.categorycode, items.itype,
old_reserves.branchcode, holdingbranch, items.homebranch, items.ccode,
items.location, items.itemcallnumber, borrowers.sort1, borrowers.sort2
FROM old_reserves
LEFT JOIN borrowers on (borrowers.borrowernumber = old_reserves.borrowernumber)
LEFT JOIN items on (items.itemnumber = old_reserves.itemnumber)
To test the notificationdate and reminderdate, I added data to the old_reserves table, since I have never run notices on my test machine.
UPDATE old_reserves
SET notificationdate = "2012-01-29",
reminderdate = "2012-01-29"
WHERE timestamp = "2012-01-29 20:09:34";
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <>
Confirm original bug -- Reports work as expected now!
prove t xt t/db_dependent no different from master.