Bug 9294 - Move JavaScript out of circulation template
This patch creates a new js file, js/pages/circulation.js, and begins
the process of moving JavaScript into it from circulation.tt. I have
started the process by focusing on sections which are least dependent on
template variables.
To test, load a patron for checkout who has something checked out.
There should be no JavaScript errors:
- Tabs should work.
- Showing and hiding the "Add message" form should work.
- The "specify due date" datepicker should work.
- Controls for selecting checkboxes in the checkouts table should work
Signed-off-by: Campbell Reid-Tait <campbellreidtait@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@biblibre.com>
Just found a weird behavior with checkboxes in the checkouts table, but
still exists on master.