Bug 22828: Elasticsearch - display errors encountered during indexing on the command line
To test:
1 - Use the Koha sample data, or insert a blank 245$b into a record (easiest way is using advanced cataloging editor
2 - Reindex elasticsearch
3 - Check the ES count on the about page
4 - Check the count in the DB (SELECT count(*) FROM biblio)
5 - They don't match!
6 - perl misc/search_tools/rebuild_elastic_search.pl -v -v
7 - No errors indicated
8 - Apply patch
9 - perl misc/search_tools/rebuild_elastic_search.pl -v
10 - You should be notified of an error
11 - perl misc/search_tools/rebuild_elastic_search.pl -v -v
12 - You should be notified of the specific biblio with an error and a (somewhat) readable reason
13 - perl misc/search_tools/rebuild_elastic_search.pl
14 - No output