Bug 7993: Save reports with Group/Subgroup hierarchy
This should make saved reports more manageable.
Group/Subgroup hierarchy is stored in authorised_values,
categories REPORT_GROUP and REPORT_SUBGROUP, connected by
REPORT_SUBGROUP.lib_opac -> REPORT_GROUP.authorised_value
Database changes:
* authorised_values: expanded category to 16 chars
* created default set of REPORT_GROUP authorised values to match
hardcoded report areas
* reports_dictionary: replaced area int with report_area text, converted
* saved_sql: added report_area, report_group and report_subgroup;
report_area is not currently used, saved for the record
* Replaced Area numeric values with the mnemonic codes
* get_report_areas(): returns hardcoded areas list
* created get_report_areas(): returns full hierarchy (groups with belonging
* save_report(): changed iterface, accepts fields hashref as input
* update_sql(): changed iterface, accepts id and fields hashref as input
* get_saved_reports():]
- join to authorised_values to pick group and subgroup name
- accept group and subgroup filter params
* get_saved_report():
- changed iterface, return record hashref
- join to authorised_values to pick group and subgroup name
* build_authorised_value_list(): new sub, moved code from
* Updated interfaces in:
cronjobs/runreport.pl, svc/report, opac/svc/report: get_saved_report()
reports/dictionary.pl: get_report_areas()
* Reports list:
- added group/subgroup filter
- display area/group/subgroup for the reports
* Create report wizard:
- carry area to the end
- select group and subgroup when saving the report; group defaults to area,
useful when report groups match areas
* Update report and Create from SQL: added group/subgroup
* Amended reports/guided_reports.pl accordingly