Bug 13624 - Remove columns branchcode, categorytype from table overduerules_transport_types
This patch is a _requirement_ to Bug #12771, and will be necessary once we start managing more than 3 levels of overdue notice
1) Create or improve on overduerules data
.1) Intranet -> tools -> overdue notices
.2) Make sure to have data in first, second and third tabs
.3) Make sure to have checked mixes of Email/Phone/Print/SMS (depending on availability)
.4) Make sure to have different letters and delay on first/second/third tab for at least one category
.5) Remember it all.
2) Apply patch
3) run installer/data/mysql/atomicupdate/update_13624_overduerules_transport_type.pl
4) run t/db_dependant/Overdues.t
5) Validate Overdue Notice page
.1) validate data entered previously is still there
.2) Add some more, save changes, validate
In installer/data/mysql/atomicupdate/update_13624_overduerules_transport_type.pl
- A new column and primary key, 'overduerules_id', is added to the table 'overduerules'
- A new column referencing a foreign key, 'overduerules_id', is added to the table 'overduerules_transport_types'
- The columns 'branchcode' and 'categorytype' are removed from the table 'overduerules_transport_types'
- Data is migrated from the old tables to the new ones
In installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql :
- Table 'overduerules'
- Added a primary key named 'overduerules_id'
- Table 'overduerules_transport_types'
- Added a foreign key named 'overduerules_id'
- Dropped columns 'branchcode', 'categorycode' since we now have them referenced through 'overduerules_id'
In tools/overduerules.pl
- INSERT and DELETE queries on 'overduerules_transport_types' were changed to reflect the new schema
In C4/Overdues.pm :
- The SQL query of the function 'GetOverdueMessageTransportTypes' is changed to take into account the new design of 'overduerules_transport
In t/db_dependent/Overdues.t :
- The INSERT calls before the tests were changed to take into account the new design of 'overduerules' and 'overduerules_transport_types'
Sponsored by : Halland County Library
Signed-off-by: Jesse Maseto <jesse@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Martin Persson <xarragon@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>