Bug 9499 - --itemscontent= option is undocumented in advanced-notice.pl cronjob + default date should be date_due, not issuedate
To Test:
Set up a borrower to receive due and/or predue notices.
Define your predue and/or due notice to use <<items.content>>
Give your borrower an issue that will trigger a notice to be sent
(Example: Henry Acevedo has checked out a book that will be coming due tomorrow,
he wants to receive predue notices 1 day in advance)
On the command line, run (your paths may vary, these are mine):
sudo env KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha/sites/devlibrary/koha-conf.xml PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib perl advance_notices.pl -c -n
Note that the date listed is the due date, not the issue date.