Bug 31147: Recalls should not adjust due time for related checkouts
The current recalls behaviour adjusts the due date of the most appropriate checkout based on the 'recall due date interval' circulation rule. It also adjusts the due time, which is buggy behaviour. The due date should be adjusted based on the circulation rule, but the due time should remain the same.
To test:
1. Enable the UseRecalls system preference and configure recalls-related circulation and fines rules
2. Check out Item A to Patron A
3. Log into the database and check the due date for that checked out item, e.g.
SELECT date_due FROM issues WHERE itemnumber = XXXX;
--> It should be YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:00
4. Log into the OPAC as Patron B and place a recall on Item A. This will force a change to the recall's due date. Check the due date in the database
SELECT date_due FROM issues WHERE itemnumber = XXXX;
--> It should be today + the number of days in your recall due date interval circulation rule, at the exact time you placed the recall. This is buggy behaviour.
5. Apply the patch and restart services
6. Check in Item A, do NOT fulfill the recall
7. Cancel the recall
8. Check out Item A to Patron A
9. Log into the database and check the due date for that checked out item, e.g.
SELECT date_due FROM issues WHERE itemnumber = XXXX;
--> It should be YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:00
10. Log into the OPAC as Patron B and place a recall on Item A. This will force a change to the recall's due date. Check the due date in the database
SELECT date_due FROM issues WHERE itemnumber = XXXX;
--> It should be today + the number of days in your recall due date interval circulation rule, with time of 23:59:00.
11. Check in Item A, do NOT fulfill the recall
12. Cancel the recall
13. Check out Item A to Patron A. Specify a due date and change the due time so it isn't 23:59.
14. Log into the OPAC as Patron B and place a recall on Item A. This will force a change to the recall's due date. Check the due date in the database
SELECT date_due FROM issues WHERE itemnumber = XXXX;
--> It should be today + the number of days in your recall due date interval circulation rule, with time you set in Step 13.
15. Confirm tests pass t/db_dependent/Koha/Recalls.t
Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT
Signed-off-by: Sam Lau <samalau@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
(cherry picked from commit
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>