Bug 15221: SIP server always sets the alert flag when item not returned
The checked in response from the ACS always has the alert bit set to
true, even when using the checked_in_ok option.
This patch sets the alert bit to 0 when checked_in_ok is used and
the item is checked in without a preceding checkout.
To test:
0) Create patron in web interface with a cardnumber and userid of "staff" with a password
that matches the account in SIPconfig.xml. Also set their branch to CPL
(also matching SIPconfig.xml).
1) Create an item with a barcode of 'test'
2) Choose a patron to check out to and record their borrowernumber
In one terminal:
3) cd to your git directory (e.g. /home/koha/koha)
4) perl ./C4/SIP/SIPServer.pm ~/koha-dev/etc/SIPconfig.xml
In another terminal:
5) cd to your git directory (e.g. /home/koha/koha)
6) perl ./misc/sip_cli_emulator.pl -l CPL -su staff -sp <password> --port=6001 --address=localhost --item test -m checkin --patron <borrowernumber>
NOTE: You need to replace <borrowernumber> with the borrowernumber from Step 2, and <password> with the password from Step 0.
Before patch:
9ec653ab82ce:~/koha$ perl ./misc/sip_cli_emulator.pl -l CPL -su staff -sp <password> --port=6001 --address=localhost --item test -m checkin --patron <borrowernumber>
Attempting socket connection to localhost:6001...connected!
SEND: 9300CNstaff|COStaff1|CPCPL|
READ: 941
Trying 'checkin'
SEND: 09N20190521
00310320190521 003103APCPL|AOCPL|ABtest|AC<password>|BIN|
READ: 101YNY20190521 003106AOCPL|ABtest|AQCPL|AJTest|
After patch:
9ec653ab82ce:~/koha$ perl ./misc/sip_cli_emulator.pl -l CPL -su staff -sp <password> --port=6001 --address=localhost --item test -m checkin --patron <borrowernumber>
Attempting socket connection to localhost:6001...connected!
SEND: 9300CNstaff|CO<password>|CPCPL|
READ: 941
Trying 'checkin'
SEND: 09N20190521
01000020190521 010000APCPL|AOCPL|ABtest|AC<password>|BIN|
READ: 101YNN20190521 010004AOCPL|ABtest|AQCPL|AJTest|
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <wizzyrea@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>