Bug 15824 - 'Done' button is unclear on batch item modification and deletion
EDIT: Making sure the messages and the buttons show the same text, as per Comment 6.
To test:
1) Go to a biblio record page (ie http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=1)
2) Click edit -> Edit items in a batch
3) Click Save (you don't need to make any changes)
4) Validate 'Done' button. Confirm that there is now a link in dialog message box which takes you back to the record detail page.
5) Go to a biblio record page
6) Select one or some or all items in the record
7) Click modify selected items
8) Click Save
9) Validate 'Done' button. Confirm that there is now a link in dialog message box which takes you back to the record detail page.
10) Go to batch item modification (http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/tools/batchMod.pl)
11) Write some barcodes into the barcode list and click Continue
12) Click Save
13) Validate 'Done' button. Confirm that there is now a link in dialog message box which takes you back to the batch item mod page.
14) Go to a biblio record page (ie http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=1)
15) Click edit -> Delete items in a batch
16) Unselect all the items so you don't actually delete them, then click Delete selected items
17) Validate 'Done' button. Confirm that there is now a link in dialog message box which takes you back to the record detail page.
18) Go to a biblio record page
19) Select one or some or all items in the record
20) Click Delete selected items
21) Unselect all the items so you don't actually delete them, then click Delete selected items
22) Validate 'Done' button. Confirm that there is now a link in dialog message box which takes you back to the record detail page.
23) Go to batch item deletion (http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/tools/batchMod.pl?del=1)
24) Write some barcodes into the barcode list and click Continue
25) Unselect all the items so you don't actually delete them, then click Delete selected items
26) Validate 'Done' button. Confirm that there is now a link in dialog message box which takes you back to the batch item deletion page.