Bug 18532: Add individual issues to digest notice and hide auto_renewals messaging preference when not needed
This patch enhances auto_renewals message, removes auto_renewals messaging preference when AutoRenewalNotices is not set to ‘preferences’ and uses that preference to send notices in automatic_renewals.pl script.
To test:
1. Apply patches
2. updatedatabase
3. make sure automatic renewals are allowed in circ rules, have a positive number of allowed renewals and a positive number for renewal period
4. Check AutoRenewalNotices preference
SUCCESS => AutoRenewalNotices has the value ‘cron’ (means that It keeps the usual behaviour)
5. Checkout two items for a patron, and set them as automatic renewal and set due date as your current yesterday
6. perl misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl -c -v
SUCCESS => items were renewed, but there is no message in message_queue table in mysql
7. Repeat step 5
8. perl misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl -c -s -v
SUCCESS => items were renewed, and there is one message per item in message_queue table in mysql
9. Change AutoRenewalNotices to ‘never’
10. Repeat step 5
11. perl misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl -c -s -v
SUCCESS => items were renewed, but there is no message in message_queue table in mysql, even with the -s switch
12. Check any patron’s category, and any detail page in staff or OPAC interface, and in any of them you should find Auto Renewals messaging preference
13. Change AutoRenewalNotices to ‘preferences’
14. Repeat step 12, but this time all of them shows the Auto Renewals messaging preference.
15. Repeat step 5 with a patron that has no messaging preference setted
16. perl misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl -c -s -v
SUCCESS => items were renewed, but there is no message in message_queue table in mysql, because patron didn’t choose to receive messages
17. Grab a category and modify auto renewals messaging preferences, and save
18. Create a new patron from that category.
SUCCESS => created patron has the same messaging preference for auto renewals
19. Grab that patron and change auto renewals messaging preference to email but not digest
20. Repeat step 5 for that last patron.
21. perl misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl -c -v
SUCCESS => Items were renewed, and there is a message for each item in message_queue table in mysql.
22. Change auto renewals messaging preference from the same patron and set to email and digest.
23. Repeat step 5.
24. perl misc/cronjobs/automatic_renewals.pl -c -v
SUCCESS => items where renewed, and now there is only one message in message_queue table with the details of both renewed items.
25. Check that any changes to a patron’s auto renewals messaging preference in staff is reflected in OPAC, and the other way arround too.
26. Sign off
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>