Bug 34516: Upgrade database fails for, points to web installer
MySQL requires key length for indexes of text columns, while MariaDB
sets it automatically for utf8mb4.
Test plan:
1. Setup Koha to use MySQL (e.g. ku-my8)
2. Downgrade database with the following commands (e.g. koha-mysql
ALTER TABLE `biblioitems` MODIFY COLUMN `publishercode` varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE `biblioitems` DROP INDEX `publishercode`;
ALTER TABLE `biblioitems` ADD INDEX `publishercode` (`publishercode`);
ALTER TABLE `deletedbiblioitems` MODIFY COLUMN `publishercode` varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE `deletedbiblioitems` DROP INDEX `publishercode`;
ALTER TABLE `deletedbiblioitems` ADD INDEX `publishercode` (`publishercode`);
UPDATE systempreferences SET value="23.
0600006" WHERE variable = "Version";
3. Attempt to upgrade the database (e.g. koha-upgrade-schema kohadev)
4. Notice the error about "key specification without a key length"
5. Apply patch
6. Attempt to upgrade the database (e.g. koha-upgrade-schema kohadev)
7. Notice that the database is upgraded
8. Sign off
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Signed-off-by: Emily Lamancusa <emily.lamancusa@montgomerycountymd.gov>
Perltidied the database update file.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>