Bug 16066 - JavaScript error on new patron form when duplicate is suspected
When a new patron is submitted which is suspected to be a duplicate, the
entry form is redisplayed with a new name attribute, "form_nodouble."
Other scripts on the page still look for a form named "form," so there
is an error.
This patch removes the use of "form_nodouble" on the assumption that it
is unnecessary to name the form something different when a duplicate is
suspected. All the same validation scripts should be run on the form
either way.
To test, apply the patch and clear your cache if necessary.
- Go to Patrons -> New patron and add a patron which matches an existing
one in order to trigger the duplicate warning.
- Confirm that Firebug (or similar) is not reporting a JavaScript error.
- Confirm that the 'Edit existing' and 'Save as new' buttons work