Test Plan:
1) Set your ACQORDER notice content to:
[%- USE Price -%]
[% bookseller.name %]
[% FOREACH order IN orders %]
Ordernumber [% order.ordernumber %] ([% order.biblio.title %] - [% order.biblio.biblioitem.publicationyear %]) (quantity: [% order.quantity %]) ($[% order.listprice | $Price %] each).
[% END %]
Thank you,
[% branch.branchname %]
2) Set up a vendor with an email, set contact for email so the "E-mail
order" button shows on a basket for that vendor
3) E-mail the basket
4) Check the content is correct
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>