* Apply dependant patches 14246 and 14247.
* Apply current patch.
* Log into the Staff client, go to
'Administration' -> 'Global Preferences' -> 'Tools',
a new section titled 'News' should appear with a single option named 'NewsAuthorDisplay'.
Available values should be 'Not at all', 'OPAC only', 'Staff client only' and
Both OPAC and staff client'. By default the value should be 'Not at all'
(to mimic existing behaviour, important!).
* Change the value to something different and save the changes.
* Go to 'Tools' -> 'News' and add some news items (at least 2).
* Use the MySQL command line tool to edit the opac_news table,
removing the user id from one of the news items:
$ mysql -u kohaadmin -p -D koha
> SELECT `idnew`, `title`, `borrowernumber` FROM `opac_news`;
* Make a mental note of one of the 'newid' numbers to change.
> UPDATE `opac_news` SET `borrowernumber` = NULL WHERE `idnew` = <your-id-here>;
* Now one of the news items will have no user id, and no author should be shown for it.
* Go to OPAC and Staff client and make sure the display modes works as intended.
* Repeat for all values, making sure that the settings works as intended.
* The changed news item should have no author info shown at any time.
* The unchanged news item should show your own user name if the
settings match the section where it is displayed.