When receiving orders, the old javascript would show the following above
the tables for pending orders and received orders:
"Only the first 5 items are displayed. Click here to show all 'X'
With the implementation of the Jquery Datatables plugin, this text and
the 4 JS functions associated with it are now pointless (since users
should be using the datatable toolbar) and problematic.
The problem is that the Jquery toolbar says "Showing 1 to 10 of X",
while in fact it is actually only showing 5 items, because that other JS
takes place after the Jquery.
While not a crippling bug, it's certainly irritating and misleading.
Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <julian.maurice@biblibre.com> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@biblibre.com> Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>