Bug 37008: Make "Help" link in vue modules translatable
The "Help" link in the upper right corner was not translatable
in the newer vue modules like ERM and Preservation.
To test in koha-testing-docker:
* Install any language:
sudo koha-translate --install de-DE --dev kohadev
* Activate the language in the language system preference
* Activate the ERMModule system preference
* Go to the ERM module, verify translation works in general, but Help
remains in English
* Apply patch
* Run: yarn build
* Run: gulp po:update
* Verify the string "Help" now appears in
* Translate it
* Run:
sudo koha-translate --update de-DE --dev kohadev
* Verify "Help" is now translated
Signed-off-by: Jake Deery <jake.deery@ptfs-europe.com> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>