Bug 16228 - Move some patron entry form JavaScript into members.js again
Bug 15206 undid the changes Bug 15692 made to memberentrygen.tt. This
patch re-removes the JS from the template and moves the additions made
by Bug 15206 into members.js.
Two other minor edits: Changes to quiet JSHint errors.
To test, apply the patch and repeat the test plan for Bug 15692. Confirm
that the following interactions still work on the patron entry form:
1. clear_entry(): With ExtendedPatronAttributes enabled, the "Clear"
link next to any attribute form field should work to clear the field.
2. clone_entry(): With ExtendedPatronAttributes enabled and a repeatable
attribute defined, it should be possible to click the "New" link to
add another instance of that attribute's entry field.
3. update_category_code(): With ExtendedPatronAttributes enabled and an
attribute defined which is limited to a single patron category,
changing the patron category selection should correctly show or hide
the attribute entry form.
4. select_user(): When adding or editing a patron with a "Child"
category it should be possible to search for and select a guarantor
to add to the record by clicking the "Set to patron" button.
Selecting a new guarantor should change the text of the button from
"Set to patron" to "Change."
5. noEnterSubmit(): This function should be correctly preventing you
from hitting "ENTER" in any form field to submit the form.
6. guarantordelete(): When adding or editing a patron with a "Child"
category, it should be possible to clear existing guarantor
information by clicking the "Delete" button. Clicking the "Delete"
button should change the text of the adjacent button to "Set to
7. select_city(): With one or more cities defined it should be possible
to use the drop-down menu of cities to populate the city, state, zip,
and country fields.
8. Date of birth entry should have a maximum date limit of yesterday.
The drop-down menu of years should go back 100 years.
9. Selecting a date of birth should replace the date format hint with a
message showing the user's age in years or months. Test with values
which will show an age of 1 month, between 2 and 11 months, 1 year,
and more than one year.
10. Client-side validation rules should be in effect, requiring that a
valid email address be entered in the primary email, secondary email,
and alternate address email fields.
11.When editing a patron, the "Add manual restriction" link should
display the form for adding a manual restriction, and clicking the
"Cancel" link should hide it.