--- /return_claims: post: x-mojo-to: ReturnClaims#claim_returned operationId: claimReturned summary: Add a return claim tags: - return_claims parameters: - name: body in: body description: A JSON object containing fields to modify required: true schema: type: object properties: item_id: description: Internal item id to claim as returned type: integer notes: description: Notes about this return claim type: string created_by: description: User id for the librarian submitting this claim type: string charge_lost_fee: description: Charge a lost fee if true and Koha is set to allow a choice. Ignored otherwise. type: boolean additionalProperties: false produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Created claim schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/return_claim "400": description: Bad request schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "401": description: Authentication required schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "403": description: Access forbidden schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "404": description: Checkout not found schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "409": description: Conflict creating the resource schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "503": description: Under maintenance schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error x-koha-authorization: permissions: circulate: circulate_remaining_permissions "/return_claims/{claim_id}/notes": put: x-mojo-to: ReturnClaims#update_notes operationId: updateClaimNotes summary: Update notes tags: - return_claims parameters: - name: claim_id in: path required: true description: Unique identifier for the claim whose notes are to be updated type: integer - name: body in: body description: A JSON object containing fields to modify required: true schema: type: object properties: notes: description: Notes about this return claim type: string updated_by: description: Interal identifier for the librarian updating the claim notes type: string additionalProperties: false produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Claim notes updated schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/return_claim "400": description: Bad request schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "401": description: Authentication required schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "403": description: Access forbidden schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "404": description: Claim not found schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "503": description: Under maintenance schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error x-koha-authorization: permissions: circulate: circulate_remaining_permissions "/return_claims/{claim_id}": delete: x-mojo-to: ReturnClaims#delete_claim operationId: deletedClaim summary: Delete claim tags: - return_claims parameters: - name: claim_id in: path required: true description: Unique identifier for the claim to be deleted type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "204": description: Claim deleted schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/return_claim "400": description: Bad request schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "401": description: Authentication required schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "403": description: Access forbidden schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "404": description: Claim not found schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "503": description: Under maintenance schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error x-koha-authorization: permissions: circulate: circulate_remaining_permissions "/return_claims/{claim_id}/resolve": put: x-mojo-to: ReturnClaims#resolve_claim operationId: updateClaimResolve summary: Resolve claim tags: - return_claims parameters: - name: claim_id in: path required: true description: Unique identifier for the claim to be resolved type: integer - name: body in: body description: A JSON object containing fields to modify required: true schema: type: object properties: resolution: description: The RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION code to be used to resolve the calim type: string resolved_by: description: User id for the librarian resolving the claim type: string new_lost_status: description: New lost status to set to the item type: string additionalProperties: false produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Claim resolved schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/return_claim "400": description: Bad request schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "401": description: Authentication required schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "403": description: Access forbidden schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "404": description: Claim not found schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error "503": description: Under maintenance schema: $ref: ../definitions.yaml#/error x-koha-authorization: permissions: circulate: circulate_remaining_permissions