bug fix :add new condition in javascript to eliminate error when field not exist.
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / en / includes / javascript / members.js
1 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">\r
2 function CheckDate(d) {\r
3         if (d!="")\r
4 {\r
5       // Cette fonction vérifie le format JJ/MM/AAAA saisi et la validité de la date.\r
6       // Le séparateur est défini dans la variable separateur\r
7       var amin=1900; // année mini\r
8       var amax=2100; // année maxi\r
9       var separateur="/"; // separateur entre jour/mois/annee\r
10       var j=(d.substring(0,2));\r
11       var m=(d.substring(3,5));\r
12       var a=(d.substring(6));\r
13       var ok=1;\r
14         var msg; \r
15       if ( ((isNaN(j))||(j<1)||(j>31)) && (ok==1) ) {\r
16         msg = _("day not correct."); \r
17         alert(msg); ok=0;\r
18       }\r
19       if ( ((isNaN(m))||(m<1)||(m>12)) && (ok==1) ) {\r
20         msg = _("month not correct.");\r
21          alert(msg); ok=0;\r
22       }\r
23       if ( ((isNaN(a))||(a<amin)||(a>amax)) && (ok==1) ) {\r
24          msg = _("years not correct."); \r
25         alert(msg); ok=0;\r
26       }\r
27       if ( ((d.substring(2,3)!=separateur)||(d.substring(5,6)!=separateur)) && (ok==1) ) {\r
28          alert("Separator must be "+separateur); ok=0;\r
29       }\r
30       return ok;\r
31    }\r
32 }   \r
33    \r
34 \r
35 \r
36 \r
37 //function test if member is unique and if it's right the member is registred\r
38 function unique() {\r
39 var msg1;\r
40 var msg2;\r
41 if (  document.form.check_member.value==1){\r
42         if (document.form.categorycode.value != "I"){\r
43                 \r
44                 msg1 += _("Warning  !!!! Duplicate borrower!!!!");\r
45                 alert(msg1);\r
46         check_form_borrowers(0);\r
47         document.form.submit();\r
48         \r
49         }else{\r
50                 msg2 += _("Warning !!!! Duplicate organisation!!!!");\r
51                 alert(msg2);\r
52         check_form_borrowers(0);\r
53         }\r
54 }\r
55 else\r
56 {\r
57         document.form.submit();\r
58 }\r
59 \r
60 }\r
61 //end function\r
62 //function test if date enrooled < date expiry\r
63 function check_manip_date(status) {\r
64 if (status=='verify'){\r
65 // this part of function('verify') is used to check if dateenrolled<date expiry\r
66 var myDate1=document.form.dateenrolled.value.split ('/');\r
67 var myDate2=document.form.dateexpiry.value.split ('/');\r
68         if ((myDate1[2]>myDate2[2])||(myDate1[2]==myDate2[2] && myDate1[1]>myDate2[1])||(myDate1[2]==myDate2[2] && myDate1[1]>=myDate2[1] && myDate1[0]>=myDate2[0]))\r
69         \r
70                 { \r
71                 var msg = _("Warning !!! check date expiry  > date enrolment");\r
72                 alert(msg);\r
73                 document.form.dateexpiry.value="";\r
74                 document.form.dateexpiry.setfocus;\r
75                 }\r
76         }\r
77 }\r
78 //end function\r
79 \r
80 \r
81 // function to test all fields in forms and nav in different forms(1 ,2 or 3)\r
82  function check_form_borrowers(nav){\r
83 var statut=0;\r
84 if (nav < document.form.step.value) {\r
85         document.form.step.value=nav;\r
86         if ((document.form.step.value==0) && document.form.check_member.value == 1 )\r
87         {\r
88         \r
89                 if (document.form_double.answernodouble)        {\r
90                         if( (!(document.form_double.answernodouble.checked))){\r
91                                 document.form.nodouble.value=0;\r
92                         }\r
93                         else {\r
94                         document.form.nodouble.value=1;\r
95                         }\r
96                 }\r
97         } \r
98         document.form.submit();\r
99         \r
100 \r
101 } else {\r
102         if (document.form.BorrowerMandatoryfield.value==''||document.form.FormFieldList.value=='' )\r
103         {}\r
104         else\r
105         {\r
106         var champ_verif = document.form.BorrowerMandatoryfield.value.split ('|');\r
107         var champ_form= document.form.FormFieldList.value.split('|');\r
108                 var message ="The following fields are mandatory :\n";\r
109                 var message_champ="";\r
110         for (var j=0; j<champ_form.length; j++){ \r
111                 if (document.getElementsByName(""+champ_form[j]+"")[0]){\r
112                         for (var i=0; i<champ_verif.length; i++) {\r
113                                         if (eval("document.form.elements['"+champ_verif[i]+"']") ) {\r
114                                                 var val_champ=eval("document.form."+champ_verif[i]+".value");\r
115                                                 var ref_champ=eval("document.form."+champ_verif[i]);\r
116                                                 var val_form=eval("document.form."+champ_form[j]+".value");\r
117                                                 if (champ_verif[i] == champ_form[j]){\r
118                                                         //check if it's a select\r
119                                                         if (ref_champ.type=='select-one'){\r
120                                                                 if (ref_champ.options[0].selected ){\r
121                                                                         // action if field is empty\r
122                                                                         message_champ+=champ_verif[i]+"\n";\r
123                                                                         //test to konw if u must show a message with error\r
124                                                                         statut=1;\r
125                                                                 }\r
126                                                         }else {\r
127                                                                 if ( val_champ == '' ) {\r
128                                                                         // action if the field is not empty\r
129                                                                         message_champ+=champ_verif[i]+"\n";\r
130                                                                         statut=1;\r
131                                                                 }       \r
132                                                         }\r
133                                                 }\r
134                                         }\r
135                         }\r
136                 }\r
137         }\r
138         }\r
139 //borrowers form 2 test if u chcked no to the quetsion of double \r
140         if (document.form.step.value==2 && statut!=1 && document.form.check_member.value > 0 )\r
141         {\r
142                 \r
143                 \r
144                         if (!(document.form_double.answernodouble.checked)){\r
145                                         \r
146                                 message ="";\r
147                                         message_champ+=_("Please confirm suspicious duplicate borrower !!! ");\r
148                                         statut=1;\r
149                                         document.form.nodouble.value=0;\r
150                         }\r
151                         else {\r
152                         document.form.nodouble.value=1;\r
153                         }\r
154         }\r
155                 \r
156                         if (statut==1){\r
157                         //alert if at least 1 error\r
158                                 alert(message+"\n"+message_champ);\r
159                         }\r
160                         else \r
161                         {\r
162                         document.form.step=nav;\r
163                         document.form.submit();\r
164                         }\r
165                 }\r
166 \r
167 }\r
168 function Dopop(link) {\r
169 // //   var searchstring=document.form.value[i].value;\r
170         newin=window.open(link,'popup','width=600,height=400,resizable=no,toolbar=false,scrollbars=no,top');\r
171 }\r
172 \r
173 function Dopopguarantor(link) {\r
174 \r
175         newin=window.open(link,'popup','width=600,height=400,resizable=no,toolbar=false,scrollbars=no,top');\r
176 }\r
177 \r
178 </script>\r