# Copyright 2007 MJ Ray # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Current maintainer MJR http://mjr.towers.org.uk/ # See http://www.koha.org/wiki/?page=KohaInstaller # use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use POSIX; use File::Spec; use Cwd; my $DEBUG = 0; die "perl 5.6.1 or later required" unless ($] >= 5.006001); # Hash up directory structure & files beginning with the directory we were called from (should be the base of koha)... my $dirtree = hashdir('.'); my %result = (); =head1 NAME Makefile.PL - Koha packager and installer =head1 SYNOPSIS =head2 BASIC INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make sudo make install =head2 PACKAGING RELEASE TARBALLS make manifest tardist make manifest zipdist =head2 CLEANING UP make clean =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a packager and installer that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker, which is fairly common on perl systems. As well as building tar or zip files and installing with the above commands, it allows us to check pre-requisites and generate configuration files. =head1 VARIABLES =head2 NAME, VERSION_FROM, ABSTRACT, AUTHOR Basic metadata about this software. =head2 NO_META Suppress generation of META.yml file. =head2 PREREQ_PM Hash of perl modules and versions required. =head2 PM Hash of file mappings =head2 PL_FILES This is a hash of PL scripts to run after installation and the files to ask them to generate. Maybe use the values from CONFIGURE to generate initial configuration files in future. =cut =head2 target_map This is a hash mapping directories and files in the source tree to installation target directories. The rules for this mapping are: =over 4 =item If a directory or file is specified, it and its contents will be copied to the installation target directory. =item If a subdirectory of a mapped directory is specified, its target overrides the parent's target for that subdirectory. =item The value of each map entry may either be a scalar containing one target or a reference to a hash containing 'target' and 'trimdir' keys. =item Any files at the top level of the source tree that are not included in the map will not be installed. =item Any directories at the top level of the source tree that are not included in the map will be installed in INTRANET_CGI_DIR. This is a sensible default given the current organization of the source tree, but (FIXME) it would be better to reorganize the source tree to better match the installation system, to allow adding new directories without having to adjust Makefile.PL each time. The idea is to make the C<$target_map> hash as minimal as possible. =back The permitted installation targets are: =over 4 =item INTRANET_CGI_DIR CGI scripts for intranet (staff) interface. =item INTRANET_TMPL_DIR HTML templates for the intranet interface. =item INTRANET_WWW_DIR HTML files, images, etc. for DocumentRoot for the intranet interface. =item OPAC_CGI_DIR CGI scripts for OPAC (public) interface. =item OPAC_TMPL_DIR HTML templates for the OPAC interface. =item OPAC_WWW_DIR HTML files, images, etc. for DocumentRoot for the OPAC interface. =item PERL_MODULE_DIR Perl modules (at present just the C4 modules) that are intimately tied to Koha. Depending on the installation options, these may or may not be installed one of the standard directories in Perl's default @LIB. =item KOHA_CONF_DIR Directory for Koha configuration files. =item ZEBRA_CONF_DIR Directory for Zebra configuration files. =item ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR Directory for Zebra's lock files. =item ZEBRA_DATA_DIR Directory for Zebra's data files. =item ZEBRA_RUN_DIR Directory for Zebra's UNIX-domain sockets. =item MISC_DIR Directory for for miscellaenous scripts, among other things the translation toolkit and RSS feed tools. =item SCRIPT_DIR Directory for command-line scripts and daemons. =item MAN_DIR Directory for man pages created from POD -- will mostly contain information of interest to Koha developers. =item DOC_DIR Directory for Koha documentation accessed from the command-line, e.g., READMEs. =item LOG_DIR Directory for Apache and Zebra logs produced by Koha. =item NONE This is a dummy target used to explicitly state that a given file or directory is not to be installed. This is used either for parts of the installer itself or for development tools that are not applicable to a production installation. =back =cut my $target_map = { './about.pl' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './acqui' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './admin' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './authorities' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './C4' => 'PERL_MODULE_DIR', './C4/SIP/t' => 'NONE', './C4/SIP/koha_test' => 'NONE', './C4/tests' => 'NONE', './catalogue' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './cataloguing' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './changelanguage.pl' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './check_sysprefs.pl' => 'NONE', './circ' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './edithelp.pl' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './etc' => { target => 'KOHA_CONF_DIR', trimdir => -1 }, './etc/zebradb' => { target => 'ZEBRA_CONF_DIR', trimdir => -1 }, './help.pl' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './installer-CPAN.pl' => 'NONE', './installer' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './koha-tmpl/errors' => {target => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', trimdir => 2}, './koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl' => {target => 'INTRANET_TMPL_DIR', trimdir => -1}, './koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl' => {target => 'OPAC_TMPL_DIR', trimdir => -1}, './kohaversion.pl' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './labels' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './mainpage.pl' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './Makefile.PL' => 'NONE', './MANIFEST.SKIP' => 'NONE', './members' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './misc' => { target => 'SCRIPT_DIR', trimdir => -1 }, './misc/info' => { target => 'DOC_DIR', trimdir => 2 }, './misc/release notes' => { target => 'DOC_DIR', trimdir => 2 }, './misc/translator' => { target => 'MISC_DIR', trimdir => 2 }, './misc/installer_devel_notes' => 'NONE', './opac' => 'OPAC_CGI_DIR', './README.txt' => 'NONE', './reports' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './reserve' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './reviews' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './rewrite-config.PL' => 'NONE', './reviews' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './rss' => 'MISC_DIR', './serials' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './skel' => 'NONE', './skel/var/log/koha' => { target => 'LOG_DIR', trimdir => -1 }, './skel/var/run/koha/zebradb' => { target => 'ZEBRA_RUN_DIR', trimdir => -1 }, './skel/var/lock/koha/zebradb/authorities' => { target => 'ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/authorities/key' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/authorities/register' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/authorities/shadow' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/authorities/tmp' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lock/koha/zebradb/biblios' => { target => 'ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios/key' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios/register' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios/shadow' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './skel/var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios/tmp' => { target => 'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR', trimdir => 6 }, './sms' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './suggestion' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './svc' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './t' => 'NONE', './tmp' => 'NONE', # FIXME need to determine whether # Koha generates any persistent temp files # that should go in /var/tmp/koha './tools' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', './virtualshelves' => 'INTRANET_CGI_DIR', # ignore files and directories created by the install itself './pm_to_blib' => 'NONE', './blib' => 'NONE', }; =head1 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS The following configuration options are used by the installer. =over 4 =item INSTALL_MODE Specifies whether installation will be FHS-compliant (default, assumes user has root), put everything under a single directory (for users installing on a web host that allows CGI scripts and a MySQL database but not root access), or development (for a developer who wants to run Koha from a git clone with no fuss). =item INSTALL_BASE Directory under which most components will go. Default value will vary depending on INSTALL_MODE. =item DB_TYPE Type of DBMS (e.g., mysql or Pg). =item DB_HOST Name of DBMS server. =item DB_PORT Port that DBMS server is listening on. =item DB_NAME Name of the DBMS database for Koha. =item DB_USER Name of DBMS user account for Koha's database. =item DB_PASS Pasword of DMBS user account for Koha's database. =item INSTALL_ZEBRA Whether to install Zebra configuration files and data directories. =item ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT Specifies format of MARC records to be indexed by Zebra. =item ZEBRA_LANGUAGE Specifies primary language of records that will be indexed by Zebra. =item ZEBRA_USER Internal Zebra user account for the index. =item ZEBRA_PASS Internal Zebra user account's password. =item KOHA_USER System user account that will own Koha's files. =item KOHA_GROUP System group that will own Koha's files. =back =cut # default configuration options my %config_defaults = ( 'DB_TYPE' => 'mysql', 'DB_HOST' => 'localhost', 'DB_NAME' => 'koha', 'DB_USER' => 'kohaadmin', 'DB_PASS' => 'katikoan', 'INSTALL_ZEBRA' => 'yes', 'ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT' => 'marc21', 'ZEBRA_LANGUAGE' => 'en', 'ZEBRA_USER' => 'kohauser', 'ZEBRA_PASS' => 'zebrastripes', 'KOHA_USER' => 'koha', 'KOHA_GROUP' => 'koha', ); # set some default configuratio options based on OS # more conditions need to be added for other OS's # this should probably also incorporate usage of Win32::GetOSName() and/or Win32::GetOSVersion() # to allow for more granular decisions based on which Win32 platform warn "Your platform appears to be $^O.\n" if $DEBUG; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { # Most Unix2Win32 ports seem to poke everything into the Program Files directory # this could be changed to put some files (ie. libraries) into system32, etc. $config_defaults{'INSTALL_MODE'} = 'single'; $config_defaults{'INSTALL_BASE'} = 'c:/progra~1/koha'; # Use 8.3 names to be safe... } elsif ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) { # Most Unix2Win32 ports seem to poke everything into the Program Files directory # this could be changed to put some files (ie. libraries) into system32, etc. $config_defaults{'INSTALL_MODE'} = 'single'; $config_defaults{'INSTALL_BASE'} = 'c:/progra~1/koha'; # Use 8.3 names to be safe... } else { $config_defaults{'INSTALL_MODE'} = 'standard'; $config_defaults{'INSTALL_BASE'} = '/usr/share/koha'; } # valid values for certain configuration options my %valid_config_values = ( 'INSTALL_MODE' => { 'standard' => 1, 'single' => 1, 'dev' => 1 }, 'DB_TYPE' => { 'mysql' => 1, 'Pg' => 1 }, 'INSTALL_ZEBRA' => { 'yes' => 1, 'no' => 1 }, 'ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT' => { 'marc21' => 1, 'unimarc' => 1 }, # FIXME should generate from contents of distributation 'ZEBRA_LANGUAGE' => { 'en' => 1, 'fr' => 1 }, # FIXME should generate from contents of distribution ); my %config = get_configuration(\%config_defaults, \%valid_config_values); my ($target_directories, $skip_directories) = get_target_directories(\%config); display_configuration(\%config, $target_directories); my $file_map = {}; get_file_map($target_map, $dirtree, $file_map, $config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} eq "yes" ? 1: 0); my $pl_files = { 'rewrite-config.PL' => [ 'blib/KOHA_CONF_DIR/koha-conf.xml', 'blib/KOHA_CONF_DIR/koha-httpd.conf', ] }; if ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} eq "yes") { push @{ $pl_files->{'rewrite-config.PL'} }, ( 'blib/ZEBRA_CONF_DIR/etc/passwd', 'blib/ZEBRA_CONF_DIR/zebra-biblios.cfg', 'blib/ZEBRA_CONF_DIR/zebra-authorities.cfg' ); } if ($config{'INSTALL_MODE'} ne "dev") { push @{ $pl_files->{'rewrite-config.PL'} }, ( 'blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Context.pm', 'blib/SCRIPT_DIR/kohalib.pl' ); } WriteMakefile( NAME => 'koha', #VERSION => strftime('2.9.%Y%m%d%H',gmtime), VERSION_FROM => 'kohaversion.pl', ABSTRACT => 'Award-winning integrated library system (ILS) and Web OPAC', AUTHOR => 'Koha Developers ', NO_META => 1, PREREQ_PM => { 'Algorithm::CheckDigits' => 0.48, 'Biblio::EndnoteStyle' => 0.05, 'CGI' => 3.15, 'CGI::Carp' => 1.29, 'CGI::Session' => '4.10', 'Class::Factory::Util' => 1.7, 'Class::Accessor' => 0.30, 'DBD::mysql' => 3.0008, 'DBI' => 1.53, 'Data::ICal' => 0.13, 'Data::Dumper' => 2.121_08, 'Date::Calc' => 5.4, 'Date::ICal' => 1.72, 'Date::Manip' => 5.44, 'Digest::MD5' => 2.36, 'File::Temp' => 0.16, 'GD::Barcode::UPCE' => 1.1, 'Getopt::Long' => 2.35, 'Getopt::Std' => 1.05, 'HTML::Template::Pro' => 0.65, 'HTTP::Cookies' => 1.39, 'HTTP::Request::Common' => 1.26, 'LWP::Simple' => 1.41, 'LWP::UserAgent' => 2.033, 'Lingua::Stem' => 0.82, 'List::Util' => 1.18, 'List::MoreUtils' => 0.22, 'Locale::Language' => 2.07, 'MARC::Charset' => 0.98, 'MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore' => 0.02, 'MARC::File::XML' => 0.88, 'MARC::Record' => 2.00, 'MIME::Base64' => 3.07, 'MIME::QuotedPrint' => 3.07, 'Mail::Sendmail' => 0.79, 'Net::LDAP' => 0.34, 'Net::LDAP::Filter' => 0.34, 'Net::Z3950::ZOOM' => 1.16, 'PDF::API2' => 2.000, 'PDF::API2::Page' => 2.000, 'PDF::API2::Util' => 2.000, 'PDF::Reuse' => 0.33, 'PDF::Reuse::Barcode' => 0.05, 'POE' => 0.9999, 'POSIX' => 1.09, 'Schedule::At' => 1.06, 'Term::ANSIColor' => 1.10, 'Test' => 1.25, 'Test::Harness' => 2.56, 'Test::More' => 0.62, 'Text::CSV' => 0.01, 'Text::CSV_XS' => 0.32, 'Text::Wrap' => 2005.082401, 'Time::HiRes' => 1.86, 'Time::localtime' => 1.02, 'Unicode::Normalize' => 0.32, 'XML::Dumper' => 0.81, 'XML::LibXML' => 1.59, 'XML::LibXSLT' => 1.63, 'XML::SAX::ParserFactory' => 1.01, 'XML::Simple' => 2.14, 'XML::RSS' => 1.31, }, # File tree mapping PM => $file_map, # Man pages generated from POD INSTALLMAN1DIR => File::Spec->catdir($target_directories->{'MAN_DIR'}, 'man1'), INSTALLMAN3DIR => File::Spec->catdir($target_directories->{'MAN_DIR'}, 'man3'), PL_FILES => $pl_files, ); =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 hashdir This function recurses through the directory structure and builds a hash of hashes containing the structure with arrays holding filenames. This directory hashing routine was taken from BrowserUK @ http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=219919 =cut sub hashdir{ my $dir = shift; opendir my $dh, $dir or die $!; my $tree = {}->{$dir} = {}; while( my $file = readdir($dh) ) { next if $file =~ m/^\.{1,2}/ and $file !~ /^\.htaccess/; # .htaccess is a special case my $path = $dir .'/' . $file; $tree->{$file} = hashdir($path), next if -d $path; push @{$tree->{'.'}}, $file; } return $tree; } =head2 get_file_map This function combines the target_map and file hash to map each source file to its destination relative to the set of installation targets. Output will be a hash mapping from each source file to its destination value, like this: 'mainpage.pl' => '$(INTRANET_CGI_DIR)/mainpage.pl' =cut sub get_file_map { my $target_map = shift; my $dirtree = shift; my $file_map = shift; my $install_zebra = shift; my $curr_path = @_ ? shift : ['.']; # Traverse the directory tree. # For each file or directory, identify the # most specific match in the target_map foreach my $dir (sort keys %{ $dirtree }) { if ($dir eq '.') { # deal with files in directory foreach my $file (sort @{ $dirtree->{$dir} }) { my $targetdir = undef; my $matchlevel = undef; # first, see if there is a match on this specific # file in the target map my $filepath = join("/", @$curr_path, $file); if (exists $target_map->{$filepath}) { $targetdir = $target_map->{$filepath}; $matchlevel = scalar(@$curr_path) + 1; } else { # no match on the specific file; look for # a directory match for (my $i = scalar(@$curr_path) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { my $dirpath = join("/", @$curr_path[0..$i]); if (exists $target_map->{$dirpath}) { $targetdir = $target_map->{$dirpath}; $matchlevel = $i + 1; last; } } } if (defined $targetdir) { _add_to_file_map($file_map, $targetdir, $curr_path, $file, $matchlevel, $install_zebra); } else { my $path = join("/", @$curr_path); print "failed to map: $path/$file\n" if $DEBUG; } } } else { # dealing with subdirectory push @$curr_path, $dir; get_file_map($target_map, $dirtree->{$dir}, $file_map, $install_zebra, $curr_path); pop @$curr_path; } } } sub _add_to_file_map { my $file_map = shift; my $targetdir = shift; my $curr_path = shift; my $file = shift; my $matchlevel = shift; my $install_zebra = shift; my $dest_path = @_ ? shift : $curr_path; # The target can be one of the following: # 1. scalar representing target symbol # 2. hash ref containing target and trimdir keys # # Consequently, this routine traverses this structure, # calling itself recursively, until it deals with # all of the scalar target symbols. if (ref $targetdir eq 'HASH') { my $subtarget = $targetdir->{target}; if (exists $targetdir->{trimdir}) { # if we get here, we've specified that # rather than installing the file to # $(TARGET)/matching/dirs/subdirs/file, # we want to install it to # $(TARGET)/subdirs/file # # Note that this the only place where # $matchlevel is used. my @new_dest_path = @$dest_path; if ($targetdir->{trimdir} == -1) { splice @new_dest_path, 0, $matchlevel; } else { splice @new_dest_path, 0, $targetdir->{trimdir}; } _add_to_file_map($file_map, $subtarget, $curr_path, $file, $matchlevel, $install_zebra, \@new_dest_path); } else { # actually getting here means that the # target was unnecessarily listed # as a hash, but we'll forgive that _add_to_file_map($file_map, $subtarget, $curr_path, $file, $matchlevel, $install_zebra); } } elsif ($targetdir ne 'NONE' and $targetdir ne '') { my $source = File::Spec->catfile(@$curr_path, $file); my $destination = File::Spec->catfile('blib', $targetdir, @$dest_path, $file); #print "$source => $destination\n"; # DEBUG # quote spaces in file names # FIXME: this is of questionable portability and # probably depends on user's make recognizing this # quoting syntax -- probably better to remove # spaces and shell metacharacters from all file names $source =~ s/ /\\ /g; $destination =~ s/ /\\ /g; $file_map->{$source} = $destination unless (!$install_zebra and $targetdir =~ /ZEBRA/); } } =head2 get_configuration_options This prompts the user for various configuration options. =cut sub get_configuration { my $defaults = shift; my $valid_values = shift; my %config = (); my $msg = q( By default, Koha can be installed in one of three ways: standard: Install files in conformance with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This is the default mode and should be used when installing a production Koha system. On Unix systems, root access is needed to complete a standard installation. single: Install files under a single directory. This option is useful for installing Koha without root access, e.g., on a web host that allows CGI scripts and MySQL databases but requires the user to keep all files under the user's HOME directory. dev: Create a set of symbolic links and configuration files to allow Koha to run directly from the source distribution. This mode is useful for developers who want to run Koha from a git clone. Installation mode); $msg .= _add_valid_values_disp('INSTALL_MODE', $valid_values); $config{'INSTALL_MODE'} = _get_value('INSTALL_MODE', $msg, $defaults->{'INSTALL_MODE'}, $valid_values); # set message and default value for INSTALL_BASE # depending on value of INSTALL_MODE my $install_base_default = $defaults->{'INSTALL_BASE'}; if ($config{'INSTALL_MODE'} eq 'dev') { $msg = q( Please specify the directory in which to install Koha's active configuration files and (if applicable) the Zebra database. Koha's CGI scripts and templates will be run from the current directory. Configuration directory:); # FIXME - home directory portability consideration apply $install_base_default = (exists $ENV{'HOME'}) ? "$ENV{'HOME'}/koha-dev" : "$defaults->{'INSTALL_BASE'}-dev"; } elsif ($config{'INSTALL_MODE'} eq 'single') { $msg = "\nPlease specify the directory in which to install Koha"; # FIXME -- we're assuming under a 'single' mode install # that user will likely want to install under the home # directory. This is OK in and of itself, but we should # use File::HomeDir to locate the home directory portably. # This is deferred for now because File::HomeDir is not yet # core. # --we must also keep this portable to the major OS's -fbcit $install_base_default = (exists $ENV{'HOME'}) ? "$ENV{'HOME'}/koha" : $defaults->{'INSTALL_BASE'}; } else { # must be standard $msg = q( Please specify the directory under which most Koha files will be installed. Note that if you are planning in installing more than one instance of Koha, you may want to modify the last component of the directory path, which will be used as the package name in the FHS layout. Base installation directory); } $config{'INSTALL_BASE'} = _get_value('INSTALL_BASE', $msg, $install_base_default, $valid_values); $config{'INSTALL_BASE'} = File::Spec->rel2abs($config{'INSTALL_BASE'}); print "INSTALL_BASE=$config{'INSTALL_BASE'}\r\n" if $DEBUG; if ($config{'INSTALL_MODE'} eq "standard") { $msg = q( Since you are using the 'standard' install mode, you should run 'make install' as root. However, it is recommended that a non-root user (on Unix and Linux platforms) have ownership of Koha's files, including the Zebra indexes if applicable. Please specify a user account. This user account does not need to exist right now, but it needs to exist before you run 'make install'. Please note that for security reasons, this user should not be the same as the user account Apache runs under. User account); $config{'KOHA_USER'} = _get_value('KOHA_USER', $msg, $defaults->{'KOHA_USER'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify the group that should own Koha's files. As above, this group need not exist right now, but should be created before you run 'make install'. Group); $config{'KOHA_GROUP'} = _get_value('KOHA_GROUP', $msg, $defaults->{'KOHA_GROUP'}, $valid_values); } $msg = q( Please specify which database engine you will use to store data in Koha. The choices are MySQL and PostgreSQL; please note that at the moment PostgreSQL support is highly experimental. DBMS to use); $msg .= _add_valid_values_disp('DB_TYPE', $valid_values); $config{'DB_TYPE'} = _get_value('DB_TYPE', $msg, $defaults->{'DB_TYPE'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify the name or address of your database server. Note that the database does not have to exist at this point, it can be created after running 'make install' and before you try using Koha for the first time. Database server); $config{'DB_HOST'} = _get_value('DB_HOST', $msg, $defaults->{'DB_HOST'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify the port used to connect to the DMBS); my $db_port_default = $config{'DB_TYPE'} eq 'mysql' ? '3306' : '5432'; $config{'DB_PORT'} = _get_value('DB_PORT', $msg, $db_port_default, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify the name of the database to be used by Koha); $config{'DB_NAME'} = _get_value('DB_NAME', $msg, $defaults->{'DB_NAME'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify the user that owns the database to be used by Koha); $config{'DB_USER'} = _get_value('DB_USER', $msg, $defaults->{'DB_USER'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify the password of the user that owns the database to be used by Koha); $config{'DB_PASS'} = _get_value('DB_PASS', $msg, $defaults->{'DB_PASS'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Koha can use the Zebra search engine for high-performance searching of bibliographic and authority records. If you have installed the Zebra software and would like to use it, please answer 'yes' to the following question. Otherwise, Koha will default to using its internal search engine. Please note that if you choose *NOT* to install Zebra, koha-conf.xml will still contain some references to Zebra settings. Those references will be ignored by Koha. Install the Zebra configuration files?); $msg .= _add_valid_values_disp('INSTALL_ZEBRA', $valid_values); $config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} = _get_value('INSTALL_ZEBRA', $msg, $defaults->{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'}, $valid_values); if ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} eq 'yes') { $msg = q( Since you've chosen to use Zebra with Koha, you must specify the primary MARC format of the records to be indexed by Zebra. Koha provides Zebra configuration files for MARC 21 and UNIMARC. MARC format for Zebra indexing); $msg .= _add_valid_values_disp('ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT', $valid_values); $config{'ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT'} = _get_value('ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT', $msg, $defaults->{'ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Koha supplies Zebra configuration files tuned for searching either English (en) or French (fr) MARC records. Primary language for Zebra indexing); $msg .= _add_valid_values_disp('ZEBRA_LANGUAGE', $valid_values); $config{'ZEBRA_LANGUAGE'} = _get_value('ZEBRA_LANGUAGE', $msg, $defaults->{'ZEBRA_LANGUAGE'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify Zebra database user); $config{'ZEBRA_USER'} = _get_value('ZEBRA_USER', $msg, $defaults->{'ZEBRA_USER'}, $valid_values); $msg = q( Please specify the Zebra database password); $config{'ZEBRA_PASS'} = _get_value('ZEBRA_PASS', $msg, $defaults->{'ZEBRA_PASS'}, $valid_values); } print "\n\n"; return %config; } sub _add_valid_values_disp { my $key = shift; my $valid_values = shift; my $disp = ""; if (exists $valid_values->{$key}) { $disp = " (" . join(", ", sort keys %{ $valid_values->{$key} }) . ")"; } return $disp; } sub _get_value { my $key = shift; my $msg = shift; my $default = shift; my $valid_values = shift; # override default value from environment if (exists $ENV{$key}) { $default = $ENV{$key}; $msg .= " (default from environment)"; } my $val = prompt($msg, $default); while (exists $valid_values->{$key} and $val ne $default and not exists $valid_values->{$key}->{$val}) { my $retry_msg = "Value '$val' is not a valid option.\n"; $retry_msg .= "Please enter a value"; $retry_msg .= _add_valid_values_disp($key, $valid_values); $val = prompt($retry_msg, $default); } return $val; } =head2 get_target_directories Creates a hash mapping from symbols for installation target directories to actual directory paths. Also returns a hash indicating targets for which files need not be copied -- this is used for the 'dev' mode installation, where some files are installed in place. =cut sub get_target_directories { my $config = shift; my $base = $config->{'INSTALL_BASE'}; my $mode = $config->{'INSTALL_MODE'}; # get last component of install base directory # to treat as package name my ($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($base, 1); my @basedir = File::Spec->splitdir($directories); # for Win32 we need to prepend the volume to the directory path if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { shift @basedir; unshift @basedir, $volume; } elsif ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) { shift @basedir; unshift @basedir, 'c:'; } # in a cygwin environment, $volume is returned empty my $package = pop @basedir; my %dirmap = (); my %skipdirs = (); if ($mode eq 'single') { $dirmap{'INTRANET_CGI_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'intranet', 'cgi-bin'); $dirmap{'INTRANET_TMPL_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'intranet', 'htdocs', 'intranet-tmpl'); $dirmap{'INTRANET_WWW_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'intranet', 'htdocs'); $dirmap{'OPAC_CGI_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'opac', 'cgi-bin'); $dirmap{'OPAC_TMPL_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'opac', 'htdocs', 'opac-tmpl'); $dirmap{'OPAC_WWW_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'opac', 'htdocs'); $dirmap{'PERL_MODULE_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'lib'); $dirmap{'KOHA_CONF_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'etc'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_CONF_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'etc', 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'MISC_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'misc'); $dirmap{'SCRIPT_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'bin'); $dirmap{'MAN_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'man'); $dirmap{'DOC_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'doc'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'lock', 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'LOG_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'log'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'lib', 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_RUN_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'run', 'zebradb'); } elsif ($mode eq 'dev') { my $curdir = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->curdir()); $dirmap{'INTRANET_CGI_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir($curdir); $skipdirs{'INTRANET_CGI_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'INTRANET_TMPL_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir($curdir, 'koha-tmpl', 'intranet-tmpl'); $skipdirs{'INTRANET_TMPL_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'INTRANET_WWW_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir($curdir, 'koha-tmpl'); $skipdirs{'INTRANET_WWW_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'OPAC_CGI_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir($curdir, 'opac'); $skipdirs{'OPAC_CGI_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'OPAC_TMPL_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir($curdir, 'koha-tmpl', 'opac-tmpl'); $skipdirs{'OPAC_TMPL_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'OPAC_WWW_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir($curdir, 'koha-tmpl'); $skipdirs{'OPAC_WWW_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'PERL_MODULE_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir($curdir); $skipdirs{'PERL_MODULE_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'KOHA_CONF_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'etc'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_CONF_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'etc', 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'MISC_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'misc'); $dirmap{'SCRIPT_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'bin'); $skipdirs{'SCRIPT_DIR'} = 1; $dirmap{'MAN_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'man'); $dirmap{'DOC_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'doc'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'lock', 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'LOG_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'log'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'lib', 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_RUN_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'var', 'run', 'zebradb'); } else { # mode is standard, i.e., 'fhs' $dirmap{'INTRANET_CGI_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'intranet', 'cgi-bin'); $dirmap{'INTRANET_TMPL_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'intranet', 'htdocs', 'intranet-tmpl'); $dirmap{'INTRANET_WWW_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'intranet', 'htdocs'); $dirmap{'OPAC_CGI_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'opac', 'cgi-bin'); $dirmap{'OPAC_TMPL_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'opac', 'htdocs', 'opac-tmpl'); $dirmap{'OPAC_WWW_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'opac', 'htdocs'); $dirmap{'PERL_MODULE_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'lib'); $dirmap{'KOHA_CONF_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'etc', $package); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_CONF_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'etc', $package, 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'MISC_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'misc'); $dirmap{'SCRIPT_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'bin'); $dirmap{'MAN_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'man'); $dirmap{'DOC_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(@basedir, $package, 'doc'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'var', 'lock', $package, 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'LOG_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'var', 'log', $package); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_DATA_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'var', 'lib', $package, 'zebradb'); $dirmap{'ZEBRA_RUN_DIR'} = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'var', 'run', $package, 'zebradb'); } _get_env_overrides(\%dirmap); _get_argv_overrides(\%dirmap); return \%dirmap, \%skipdirs; } sub _get_env_overrides { my $dirmap = shift; foreach my $key (keys %$dirmap) { if (exists $ENV{$key}) { $dirmap->{$key} = $ENV{$key}; print "Setting $key from environment\n"; } } } sub _get_argv_overrides { my $dirmap = shift; my @new_argv = (); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^([^=]+)=([^=]+)$/ and exists $dirmap->{$1}) { $dirmap->{$1} = $2; } else { push @new_argv, $ARGV[$i]; } } @ARGV = @new_argv; } sub display_configuration { my $config = shift; my $dirmap = shift; print "\n\nKoha will be installed with the following configuration parameters:\n\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %$config) { print sprintf("%-25.25s%s\n", $key, $config->{$key}); } print "\nand in the following directories:\n\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %$dirmap) { print sprintf("%-25.25s%s\n", $key, $dirmap->{$key}); } print "\n\nTo change any configuration setting, please run\n"; print "perl Makefile.PL again. To override one of the target\n"; print "directories, you can do so on the command line like this:\n"; print "\nperl Makefile.PL PERL_MODULE_DIR=/usr/share/perl/5.8\n\n"; print "You can also set different default values for parameters\n"; print "or override directory locations by using environment variables.\n"; print "\nFor example:\n\n"; print "export DB_USER=my_koha\n"; print "perl Makefile.PL\n"; print "\nor\n\n"; print "DB_USER=my_koha DOC_DIR=/usr/local/info perl Makefile.PL\n\n"; } =head2 fixshebang This sub will recurse through a given directory and its subdirectories checking for the existence of a shebang line in .pl files and replacing it with the correct line for the current OS if needed. It should be called in a manner similar to 'fixshebang (getcwd())' but may be supplied with any directory in absolute path form. =cut sub fixshebang{ # NOTE: this might be dressed up a bit with File::Spec since we're using it here already. my $dir = shift; opendir my $dh, $dir or die $!; while( my $file = readdir($dh) ) { print "Reading $dir contents.\r\n" if $DEBUG; print "Current item = $file\r\n" if $DEBUG; # this may be used to exclude any desired files from the scan if ( $file =~ /shebang|wixgen/ ) { next; } # handle files... other extensions could be substituted/added if needed if ( $file =~ /\.pl$/ ) { my $pathfile =$dir . '/' . $file; print "Found a perl script named $pathfile\r\n" if $DEBUG; open FH, '+<', "$pathfile"; my @file = ; seek( FH, 0, 0 ); truncate( FH, 0 ); my $line = shift @file; print "Found shebang line: $line\r\n" if $DEBUG; # FIXME: these conditionals need to be modified to select shebang line based on OS ($^O) if ( $line =~ /#!c:\\strawberry-perl\\perl\\bin\\perl -w/ ) { # FIXME: This can probably be done with less of a hack. -fbcit print FH $line; print FH @file; close (FH); next; } elsif ( $line =~ /#!\/usr\/bin\/perl/ ) { print "Re-writing shebang line for $pathfile\r\n"; print FH "#!c:\\strawberry-perl\\perl\\bin\\perl -w\n"; print FH @file; close(FH); } else { # FIXME: This can probably be done with less of a hack. -fbcit print FH $line; print FH @file; close (FH); next; } } # handle directories elsif ( -d ($dir . '/' . $file) && $file !~ /^\.{1,2}/ ) { my $pathfile = $dir . '/' . $file; print "Found a subdir named $pathfile\r\n" if $DEBUG; &fixshebang ($pathfile); # closedir $dh; # I'm not really sure if this is necessary } } closedir $dh; } package MY; # This will have to be reworked in order to accommodate Win32... sub test { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->SUPER::test(@_); $test =~ s!\$\(INST_LIB\)!blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR!g; return $test; } sub install { my $self = shift; my $install = ""; # NOTE: we're *not* doing this: my $install = $self->SUPER::install(@_); # This means that we're completely overriding EU::MM's default # installation and uninstallation targets. # If installation is on Win32, we need to do permissions different from *nix if ( $^O =~ /linux|cygwin/ ) { # this value needs to be verified for each platform and modified accordingly foreach my $key (sort keys %$target_directories) { $install .= qq( KOHA_INST_$key = blib/$key KOHA_DEST_$key = $target_directories->{$key} ) unless ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} ne "yes" and $key =~ /ZEBRA/) or exists $skip_directories->{$key}; } $install .= qq( install :: all install_koha set_koha_ownership set_koha_permissions warn_koha_env_vars \t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) ); $install .= "install_koha ::\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) umask 022; \$(MOD_INSTALL) \\\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %$target_directories) { $install .= "\t\t\$(KOHA_INST_$key) \$(KOHA_DEST_$key) \\\n" unless ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} ne "yes" and $key =~ /ZEBRA/) or exists $skip_directories->{$key}; } $install .= "\t\t\$(INST_MAN1DIR) \$(DESTINSTALLMAN1DIR) \\\n"; $install .= "\t\t\$(INST_MAN3DIR) \$(DESTINSTALLMAN3DIR)\n"; $install .= "\n"; $install .= "set_koha_ownership ::\n"; if ($config{'INSTALL_MODE'} eq 'standard' and $config{'KOHA_USER'} ne "root") { foreach my $key (sort keys %$target_directories) { $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) chown -R $config{'KOHA_USER'}:$config{'KOHA_GROUP'} \$(KOHA_DEST_$key)\n" unless ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} ne "yes" and $key =~ /ZEBRA/) or exists $skip_directories->{$key}; } } else { $install .= "\t\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n\n"; } $install .= "\n"; $install .= "set_koha_permissions ::\n"; # This is necessary because EU::MM installs files # as either 0444 or 0555, and we want the owner # of Koha's files to have write permission by default. foreach my $key (sort keys %$target_directories) { $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) chmod -R u+w \$(KOHA_DEST_$key)\n" unless ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} ne "yes" and $key =~ /ZEBRA/) or exists $skip_directories->{$key}; } } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { # On Win32, the install probably needs to be done under the user account koha will be running as... # We can attempt some creative things with command line utils such as CACLS which allows permission # management from Win32 cmd.exe, but permissions really only apply to NTFS. foreach my $key (sort keys %$target_directories) { $install .= qq( KOHA_INST_$key = blib/$key KOHA_DEST_$key = $target_directories->{$key} ) unless ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} ne "yes" and $key =~ /ZEBRA/) or exists $skip_directories->{$key}; } $install .= qq( install :: all install_koha warn_koha_env_vars \t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) ); $install .= "install_koha ::\n"; $install .= "\t\$(MOD_INSTALL) \\\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %$target_directories) { $install .= "\t\t\$(KOHA_INST_$key) \$(KOHA_DEST_$key) \\\n" unless ($config{'INSTALL_ZEBRA'} ne "yes" and $key =~ /ZEBRA/) or exists $skip_directories->{$key}; } } $install .= "\t\t\$(INST_MAN1DIR) \$(DESTINSTALLMAN1DIR) \\\n"; $install .= "\t\t\$(INST_MAN3DIR) \$(DESTINSTALLMAN3DIR)\n"; $install .= "\n"; $install .= "warn_koha_env_vars ::\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO)\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) Koha\\'s files have now been installed. \n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO)\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) In order to use Koha\\'s command-line batch jobs,\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) you should set the following environment variables:\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO)\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) export KOHA_CONF=\$(KOHA_DEST_KOHA_CONF_DIR)/koha-conf.xml\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) export PERL5LIB=$target_directories->{'PERL_MODULE_DIR'}\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO)\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) If installing on a Win32 platform, be sure to use:\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) 'dmake -x MAXLINELENGTH=300000'\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO)\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) For other post-installation tasks, please consult the README.\n"; $install .= "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO)\n"; return $install; } sub postamble { # put directory mappings into Makefile # so that Make will export as environment # variables -- this is for the use of # rewrite-confg.PL # quote '$' in the two password parameters my %config = %config; $config{'DB_PASS'} =~ s/\$/\$\$/g; $config{'ZEBRA_PASS'} =~ s/\$/\$\$/g; # Hereagain, we must alter syntax per platform... if ( $^O =~ /linux|cygwin/ ) { my $env = join("\n", map { "export __${_}__ := $target_directories->{$_}" } keys %$target_directories); $env .= "\n\n"; $env .= join("\n", map { "export __${_}__ := $config{$_}" } keys %config); return "$env\n"; } elsif ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { # NOTE: it is imperative that there be no whitespaces in ENV=value... my $env = join("\n", map { "__${_}__=$target_directories->{$_}" } keys %$target_directories); $env .= "\n\n"; $env .= join("\n", map { "__${_}__=$config{$_}" } keys %config); return "$env\n"; } } __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO ExtUtils::MakeMaker(3) =head1 AUTHORS MJ Ray mjr at phonecoop.coop Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com =cut FIXME: deal with .htaccess