Cataloging: # broken, omitted: marc Interface: - - Use - pref: DefaultClassificationSource choices: class-sources - as the default classification source. - - pref: advancedMARCeditor choices: yes: "Don't display" no: Display - descriptions of fields and subfields in the MARC editor. - - pref: EasyAnalyticalRecords choices: yes: Display no: "Don't display" - "easy ways to create analytical record relationships." - - pref: EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor default: 0 choices: yes: Enable no: "Don't enable" - the advanced cataloging editor. - "
NOTE:" - Currently does not include support for UNIMARC or NORMARC fixed fields. Spine labels: - - When using the quick spine label printer, - pref: SpineLabelAutoPrint choices: yes: do no: "don't" - automatically pop up a print dialog. - - "Include the following fields on a quick-printed spine label:" - (Enter in columns from the biblio, biblioitems or items tables, surrounded by < and >.) - pref: SpineLabelFormat type: textarea - - pref: SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails choices: yes: Display no: "Don't display" - buttons on the bibliographic details page to print item spine labels. - Record structure: - - "Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see MARC Code List for Languages):" - pref: DefaultLanguageField008 - " Empty defaults to eng." - - "Fill in the default country code for field 008 Range 15-17 of MARC21 - Place of publication, production, or execution. (See MARC Code List for Countries):" - pref: DefaultCountryField008 - " Empty defaults to xxu for United States." - - Interpret and store MARC records in the - pref: marcflavour choices: MARC21: MARC21 UNIMARC: UNIMARC NORMARC: NORMARC - format. - - Use the item type of the - pref: item-level_itypes choices: yes: specific item no: bibliographic record - as the authoritative item type (for determining circulation and fines rules, for displaying an item type icon on either opac detail or results page, etc). - - Map the MARC subfields - pref: itemcallnumber - "to an item's callnumber. List multiple comma-separated fields to check them sequentially. Each field can include multiple subfields. The order of the subfields in the record will be preserved. For example: '082ab,092ab' will look in the 082$a and 082$b, then the 092$a and 092$b. Examples (for MARC21 records): Dewey: 082ab,092ab; LOC: 050ab,090ab; from the item record: 952hi." - - Display MARC subfield - pref: AlternateHoldingsField - "as holdings information for records that do not have items (this can contain multiple subfields to look in, for example 852abhi would look in 852 subfields a, b, h, and i), with the subfields separated by" - pref: AlternateHoldingsSeparator - "." - - Fill in the MARC organization code - pref: MARCOrgCode - by default in new MARC21 records (leave blank to disable). This can be also set on libraries level. - - When items are created, give them the temporary location of - pref: NewItemsDefaultLocation class: short - (should be a location code, or blank to disable). - - pref: z3950NormalizeAuthor choices: yes: Copy no: "Don't copy" - authors from the UNIMARC - pref: z3950AuthorAuthFields class: multi - tags (separated by commas) to the correct author tags when importing a record using Z39.50. - - Barcodes are - pref: autoBarcode choices: incremental: generated in the form 1, 2, 3. annual: generated in the form -0001, -0002. hbyymmincr: generated in the form yymm0001. EAN13: incremental EAN-13 barcodes. "OFF": not generated automatically. - - When a new item is added, - pref: PrefillItem choices: yes: the new item is prefilled with last created item values. no: the new item is not prefilled with last created item values. - - "Define a list of subfields to use when prefilling items (separated by space):" - pref: SubfieldsToUseWhenPrefill - - Use the languague (ISO 690-2) - pref: UNIMARCField100Language class: short - as default language in the UNIMARC field 100 when creating a new record or in the field plugin. - - "List of subfields for which editing is authorized when the edit_items_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces:" - pref: SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing - 'Examples:' - 'UNIMARC: "995$f 995$h 995$j"' - 'MARC21: "952$a 952$b 952$c"' - Note that the FA framework is excluded from the permission. - If the system preference is empty, no fields are restricted. - - "List of subfields for which editing is authorized when the items_batchmod_restricted permission is enabled, separated by spaces:" - pref: SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod - 'Examples:' - 'UNIMARC: "995$f 995$h 995$j"' - 'MARC21: "952$a 952$b 952$c"' - Note that the FA framework is excluded from the permission. - If the system preference is empty, no fields are restricted. - - Store record's creator borrowernumber in MARC subfield - pref: MarcFieldForCreatorId - and record's creator name in MARC subfield - pref: MarcFieldForCreatorName - "." - Store record's last modifier borrowernumber in MARC subfield - pref: MarcFieldForModifierId - and record's last modifier name in MARC subfield - pref: MarcFieldForModifierName - ".
NOTE: Use a dollar sign between field and subfield like 123$a." Display: - - 'Separate main entry and subdivisions with ' - pref: AuthoritySeparator class: short - '(non-XSLT view only).' - - Show - pref: URLLinkText - as the text of links embedded in MARC records and items. - - pref: UseControlNumber choices: yes: Use no: "Don't use" - record control number ($w subfields) and control number (001) for linking of bibliographic records. - - Use - pref: MarcFieldDocURL class: url - as the URL for MARC field documentation. - Possible substitutions are {MARC} (marc flavour, eg. "MARC21" or "UNIMARC"), {FIELD} (field number, eg. "000" or "048"), {LANG} (user language, eg. "en" or "fi-FI"). - If left empty, the format documentation on (MARC21) or (UNIMARC) is used. - For example{MARC}&field={FIELD}&language={LANG} - - pref: hide_marc choices: yes: "Don't display" no: Display - MARC tag numbers, subfield codes and indicators in MARC views. - - pref: LabelMARCView choices: standard: "Don't" economical: Do - collapse repeated tags of the same type into one tag entry on the display. - - By default, display bibliographic records in - pref: IntranetBiblioDefaultView choices: normal: normal form. marc: MARC form. labeled_marc: labelled MARC form. isbd: ISBD form (see below). - - "Use the following as the staff interface ISBD template:" - pref: ISBD type: textarea syntax: text/html class: code - - pref: OpacSuppression choices: yes: Hide no: "Don't hide" - bibliographic records marked as suppressed from OPAC search results. -
Restrict the suppression to IP addresses outside of the IP range - pref: OpacSuppressionByIPRange class: short - (Leave blank if not used. Define a range like 192.168..) -
Redirect the opac detail page for suppressed records to - pref: OpacSuppressionRedirect choices: yes: "an explanatory page ('This record is blocked')." no: "the 404 error page ('Not found')." - "
Display the following message on the redirect page for suppressed bibliographic records:" - pref: OpacSuppressionMessage type: textarea class: code - - pref: SeparateHoldings choices: yes: Separate no: "Don't separate" - "items display into two tabs, where the first tab contains items whose" - pref: SeparateHoldingsBranch choices: homebranch: 'home library' holdingbranch: 'holding library' - "is the logged in user's library. The second tab will contain all other items." - - "Don't show" - pref: NotesToHide class: multi - "note fields in the 'Title notes' tab and in the 'Description' tab on the OPAC and staff interface detail pages. Use a comma to separate multiple fields. Examples: 500,502 (MARC21); 300,328 (UNIMARC)." -
- For hiding fields from other pages like the normal view, use the visibility settings for subfields in the MARC bibliographic frameworks section of the administration module. - - pref: AcquisitionDetails choices: yes: Display no: "Don't display" - acquisition details on the bibliographic record detail page. - - "Show the following fields for deleted records after a merge:" - pref: MergeReportFields - ".
For example: '001,245ab,600'" - "displays:" - "
    " - "
  • value of 001
  • " - "
  • subfields a and b of fields 245
  • " - "
  • all subfields of fields 600
  • " Importing: - - When matching on ISBN with the record import tool, - pref: AggressiveMatchOnISBN choices: yes: "do" no: "don't" - attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISBNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISBN fields of already cataloged records. - - Display the MARC field/subfields - pref: AdditionalFieldsInZ3950ResultSearch - " in the 'Additional fields' column of Z39.50 search results (use comma as delimiter e.g.: \"001, 082$ab, 090$ab\")" - - When matching on ISSN with the record import tool, - pref: AggressiveMatchOnISSN choices: yes: "do" no: "don't" - attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISSNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISSN fields of already cataloged records. Exporting: - - "Include the following fields when exporting BibTeX:" - pref: BibtexExportAdditionalFields type: textarea syntax: text/x-yaml - "Use one line per tag in the format BT_TAG: TAG$SUBFIELD ( e.g. lccn: 010$a )." - "
    " - "To specify multiple marc tags/subfields as targets for a repeating BibTex tag, use the following format: BT_TAG: [TAG2$SUBFIELD1, TAG2$SUBFIELD2] ( e.g. notes: [501$a, 505$g] )." - "
    " - "All values of repeating tags and subfields will be printed with the given BibTeX tag." - "
    " - "Use '@' ( with quotes ) as the BT_TAG to replace the bibtex record type with a field value of your choosing." - - "Include the following fields when exporting RIS:" - pref: RisExportAdditionalFields type: textarea syntax: text/x-yaml - "Use one line per tag in the format RIS_TAG: TAG$SUBFIELD ( e.g. LC: 010$a )." - "
    " - "To specify multiple MARC tags/subfields as targets for a repeating RIS tag, use the following format: RIS_TAG: [TAG2$SUBFIELD1, TAG2$SUBFIELD2] ( e.g. NT: [501$a, 505$g] )." - "
    " - "All values of repeating tags and subfields will be printed with the given RIS tag." - "
    " - "Use of TY ( record type ) as a key will replace the default TY with the field value of your choosing."