Cataloging: # broken, omitted: marc Interface: - - Use - pref: DefaultClassificationSource choices: class-sources - as the default classification source. - - pref: advancedMARCeditor choices: yes: "Don't display" no: Display - descriptions of fields and subfields in the MARC editor. Spine Labels: - - When using the quick spine label printer, - pref: SpineLabelAutoPrint choices: yes: do no: "don't" - automatically pop up a print dialog. - - "Include the following fields on a quick-printed spine label:" - (Enter in columns from the biblio, biblioitems or items tables, surrounded by < and >.) - pref: SpineLabelFormat type: textarea - - pref: SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails choices: yes: Display no: "Don't display" - buttons on the bib details page to print item spine labels. - Record Structure: - - Interpret and store MARC records in the - pref: marcflavour choices: MARC21: MARC21 UNIMARC: UNIMARC NORMARC: NORMARC - format. - - Use the item type of the - pref: item-level_itypes choices: yes: specific item no: biblio record - as the authoritative item type (for determining circulation and fines rules, etc). - - Map the MARC subfield - pref: itemcallnumber - "to an item's callnumber. (This can contain multiple subfields to look in; for instance 082ab would look in 082 subfields a and b.)
Examples: Dewey: 082ab or 092ab; LOC: 050ab or 090ab; from the item record: 852hi" - - Fill in the MARC organization code - pref: MARCOrgCode - by default in new MARC records (leave blank to disable). - - When items are created, give them the temporary location of - pref: NewItemsDefaultLocation class: short - (should be a location code, or blank to disable). - - pref: z3950NormalizeAuthor choices: yes: Copy no: "Don't copy" - authors from the UNIMARC - pref: z3950AuthorAuthFields class: multi - tags (separated by commas) to the correct author tags when importing a record using Z39.50. - - Barcodes are - pref: autoBarcode choices: incremental: generated in the form 1, 2, 3. annual: generated in the form <year>-0001, <year>-0002. hbyymmincr: generated in the form <branchcode>yymm0001. "OFF": not generated automatically. Display: - - 'Separate multiple displayed authors, series or subjects with ' - pref: authoritysep class: short - '.' - - Show - pref: URLLinkText - as the text of links embedded in MARC records. - - pref: hide_marc choices: yes: "Don't display" no: Display - MARC tag numbers, subfield codes and indicators in MARC views. - - pref: LabelMARCView choices: standard: "Don't" economical: Do - collapse repeated tags of the same type into one tag entry on the display. - - By default, display biblio records in - pref: IntranetBiblioDefaultView choices: normal: normal form. marc: MARC form. labeled_marc: Labelled MARC form isbd: ISBD form (see below). - - "Use the following as the ISBD template:" - pref: ISBD type: textarea class: code - - pref: OpacSuppression choices: yes: Hide no: "Don't hide" - items marked as suppressed from OPAC search results. Note that you must have the Suppress index set up in Zebra and at least one suppressed item, or your searches will be broken.