Patron's account has been renewed until

Please Confirm Checkout

  • The patron has a debt of
  • Item is currently checked out to this patron. Renew?
  • Item is consigned for
  • Item is on reserve for
  • Item ( ) checked out to . Check in and check out?
  • Too many checked out (already checked out / max : )
  • This patron can't check out this item per library circulation policy
  • Item is normally not for loan. Check out anyway?

" /> " /> " /> " /> " />
" /> " /> " />
  • Local Use Recorded
  • The due date "" is invalid
  • The barcode was not found
  • Item not for loan
  • Item has been withdrawn
  • Item is restricted
  • Patron's address is in doubt
  • Patron's card is lost
  • Patron is restricted
  • No more renewals possible
  • Patron's card is expired
  • This item belongs to and cannot be issued from this location.

Item Checked out

No patron matched

Patron selection " /> " /> " /> " />

Enter item barcode:
Specify Due Date:
" /> /lib/calendar/cal.gif" alt="Show Calendar" border="0" id="CalendarDueDate" style="cursor: pointer;" />
" /> " /> " /> " /> " />

Checking out to ()

Cannot Check Out!Attention:

Holds waiting:

  • "> (), by Hold placed on .
    Waiting at


" /> " /> " />
Due date Title Item Type Checked out on Call no Charge Price Renew

select all | none

Check in

select all | none


Renewal due date: " /> /lib/calendar/cal.gif" id="newduedate_button" alt="Show Calendar" />

&type=intra">, by - &itemnumber=#item"> " alt="" /> " checked="checked" style="display: none;" /> " checked="checked" /> " /> On Hold Not Renewable Checkin Failed " onclick="uncheck_sibling(this);" /> " checked="checked" style="display: none;" /> Renewal Failed
Previous checkouts
Previous checkouts
&type=intra">, by - &itemnumber=#item"> 0 " checked="checked" style="display: none;" /> " checked="checked" /> " /> On Hold Not Renewable Checkin Failed " onclick="uncheck_sibling(this);" /> " checked="checked" style="display: none;" /> Renewal Failed

Patron has nothing checked out.

Hold date Title Call Number Barcode Priority Delete?
">, by Item waiting at in transit from since hasn't been transfered yet from " /> " />

Patron has nothing on hold.