[3.0.x] (bug #4263) fix the edition of items with repeatable subfields
The subfield management in item level is broken, fields are concatenated in one field, and if the librarian edit it, the values are not selected.
This big patch fix three things:
1) saving fields that are stocked in SQL(using koha2marc mapping) are now well cut and separated in _REAL_ subfields
2) loading records with repeatable subfields are now well returned
3) Editing items with repeatable fields works well
edit_items permissions were not set for an existing system
This would have propted user to loose some edit rights.
This patch enables the edit_items provided that they had editcatalogue permissions
Adds the ability to customize CSV exports through the use of a YAML file.
The following customizations are available :
- Preprocessing
- Postprocessing
- Field-by-field processing
The YAML field should be stored in the tools/csv-profiles/ directory and
named after the id of the CSV profile you want to customize.
An example file is provided in that directory.
When using XSLT Display, and UNIMARC,
since marcFlavour is not used in encoding data, when data is true utf8, as_xml
fails on some subfields.
Moreover, because transformMARCXMLForXSLT edits some values in the marc record
and the PERL UTF8 is not handled by MARC::File::USMARC, it endsup in double
encoding the data.
Sending a patch to fix both issues.
This patch adds
- two functions in C4/Charset.pm
NormalizeString (uses Unicode::Normalize)
SetUTF8Flag (This function in my opinion belongs to MARC::Record, or at least MARC::File::USMARC)
- edits C4::XSLT in order to cope with the correct marcflavour
- edits C4::Search searchResults to use setUTF8Flag
this fix the way to delete repeatable mandatory fields, the minus char is now shown only on repeatable fields, even if they are mandatory or not.
If the last field is mandatory it won't be deleted.
Fix the problem of searching on partial itemtypes strings
for instance, itemtype="ARTICLE DE PERIODIQUE", itemtype="PERIODIQUE"
searching on itemtype="PERIODIQUE" would also get "ARTICLE DE PERIODIQUE"
this fix the sqlquery to use "curdate()" instead of "now()", because now return a "datetime", and in date_due we have only a "date", so now() > curdate() everytime, it cause some problems in messages.
Paul Poulain [Tue, 5 Jan 2010 20:25:57 +0000 (21:25 +0100)]
bug fixing : Patron Search : IndependentBranches
When Independant Branches is set, some library expect not to see the patrons of other library
Adding a new systempreference : IndependentBranchPatron in order to be able to restrict Patron search to the library of the current user and not change the current behaviour of IndependantBranches patron search
(bug #3042) Changing XSLT sysprefs to take filename
This change system preferences for XSLT management
bumps kohaversion to
If you are using Koha in a non devel mode AND use XSLT, then you HAVE TO adapt the system preference to point to your htdocs
- tested with UNIMARC XSL
- donot test the presence of the file, if file absent, then BOOM
- XSL CANNOT be different for intranet and OPAC for result lists.
(bug #4002) fix database for single itemnumber and foreign key
this fix serialitems to have a foreign key to items(if an item is deleted, serialitem must be deleted)
and it fixes issues to have only one issue by itemnumber(strange to have more than one).
(bug #4004) disallow access for non-logged in users in opac
This doesn't define borrowernumber = 0 if a borrower is NOT logged.
We know borrowernumber 0 is mysqluser... So in virtualshelves, a non logged user have all permissions.
(bug #3950) rebuild pendingreserves and fix reserves and transfert case
This patch rebuild pending reserves, export code to API and simplify SQL query(that was _very_ ugly!).
It fixes too circulation case, when a document is transfered because of user hold, it's still shown in pending reserves, now it don't.
For 3.0.x head of the Git branch, the ISO 639-2 Language Code for
Portuguese in Koha database is wrong.
Specifically, in the table "language_rfc4646_to_iso639", when the
field "rfc4646_subtag" has the value "pt", the field "iso639_2_code"
should have the value of "por" and NOT the current one of "pol"
("pol" refers to "Polish" as correctly also appears for the code "pl",
in the row above the "pt" one).
In my test setups, this showed some serious sequences for people
that choose the Portuguese language in the Web Installer, namely:
- very weird look of Staff client with missing Header and Footer,
that renders the Staff client unusable
- Portuguese translation apparently not getting updated for the OPAC
(for people that do an Upgrade from a previous version)
This patch is for the 3.0.x branch (I tested it with that branch).
For the master branch, I don't have a database setup to create and
test a similar patch but Chris Cormack nicely volunteered to do that.
Thanks Chris!
Credits : Ricardo Dias Marques