Bug 19287: Add ability to mark an item 'Lost' from 'Holds to pull' list
The goal to this enhancement is to add the ability to cancel a hold and
mark items as lost from the 'Holds to pull' page.
A new pref is added to control the behaviour, default is off
To mark items as lost you need to set the new pref CanMarkHoldsToPullAsLost to one of these two values:
- "Allow to mark items as lost"
=> The item will be marked as lost and the hold will be cancelled
- "Allow to mark items as lost and notify the patron"
=> Same as previously but the patron will be notified as well.
The notification is done using a new notice template (code=CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST).
Feel free to suggest another default wording.
To update the values of the items when one of these 2 buttons are used, you need to
fill the UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList with something like: 'itemlost: 1'
Test plan:
1/ Place holds on some items
2/ Go to Home > Circulation > Holds to pull
From here you can cancel the hold or
3/ Mark the items as lost
=> You will receive feedback messages depending on different situations:
* The CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST does not exist
* The patron does not have an email address (but the notice has been
enqueued! It is the current behaviour with other notices)
* The notice has been enqueued
* The hold has been cancelled
QA Notes:
From which library do we want to pick the notice? This patch use