Bug 13041 - Can't add user as manager of basket if name includes a single quote
If you are trying to add a user as a manager of a basket in
acquisitions, a JavaScript error will be triggered if that user has a
single quote in their name (e.g. "O'Neil"). This patch corrects the
issue by removing the "onclick" attribute and using the JS change made
in Bug 16386.
Also changed by this patch: Increased the size of the patron search
popup and made a correction to some invalid HTML.
To test you should have a patron whose name contains a single quote who
is also a user with permission to manage acquisitions.
- Apply the patch and go to Acquisitions.
- Locate an open basket and view the details for that basket.
- In the "Managed by" section, click the "Add user" button to trigger
the patron search popup.
- Search for the patron described above and click the "Add" button.
- In the parent window, the patron you chose should have been added to
the "Managed by" section.