Bug 37476: Fix reserved word error on Serials.pm on MySQL 8
This patch fixes the fact `RANK` become a reserved word in MySQL 8.0.2
To test:
1. Launch KTD with MySQL 8:
$ ktd down
$ DB_IMAGE=mysql:8 ktd up -d
2. Open the logs
$ ktd --shell
k$ tail -f /var/log/koha/kohadev/*.log
3. Create a serial, receive an issue and try to create a routing list
4. Click on `+ Add recipients` and look for Henry
5. Click `Add` and then `Close`
=> FAIL: Henry not added
=> FAIL: The logs show an error about wrong SQL syntax
6. Run:
k$ prove t/db_dependent/Serials.t
=> FAIL: Tests explode with the same kind of error!
6. Apply this patch
7. Restart plack
8. Repeat 3 through 6
=> SUCCESS: Henry added!
=> SUCCESS: No explosion about the SQL syntax in the logs
=> SUCCESS: Tests pass!
9. Sign off :-D