utf8 is a : go for beta test in HEAD.
some explanations :
- updater/updatedatabase => will transform all tables in innoDB (not related to utf8, just to warn you) AND collate them in utf8 / utf8_general_ci. The SQL command is : ALTER TABLE tablename DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci.
- *-top.inc will show the pages in utf8
- THE HARD THING : for me, mysql-client and mysql-server were set up to communicate in iso8859-1, whatever the mysql collation ! Thus, pages were improperly shown, as datas were transmitted in iso8859-1 format ! After a full day of investigation, someone on usenet pointed "set NAMES 'utf8'" to explain that I wanted utf8. I could put this in my.cnf, but if I do that, ALL databases will "speak" in utf8, that's not what we want. Thus, I added a line in Context.pm : everytime a DB handle is opened, the communication is set to utf8.
- using marcxml field and no more the iso2709 raw marc biblioitems.marc field.