This patch fixes the following issue: in OPAC self registration form,
even if all alternate address fields are configured as hidden,
the heading for "Alternate address" still shows.
To test:
1/ Confirm the issue: hide all alternate adres field names (i.e., enter
B_email|contactnote into PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField
system prefrence).
2/ Observe that "Alternate address" section heading still shows
in patron self registration form ("your personal details" tab),
despite that all section fields are configured as hidden.
3/ Apply patch.
4/ Reload OPAC self registration form; confirm that "Alternate address"
is not displyed any longer, and the issue is now fixed.
5/ Remove some field name (e.g. B_address2) from
PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField; ensure that "Alternate
address" heading does show if at least one section field is not
6/ Test steps 1-5 should be performed/repeated in both bootstrap
and prog OPAC themes.