Bug 32179: Add page-sections as appropraite to the ERM module
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / js / vue / components / ERM / EHoldingsEBSCOTitlesList.vue
1 <template>
2     <div>
3         <fieldset>
4             {{ $__("Publication title") }}:
5             <input
6                 type="text"
7                 id="publication_title_filter"
8                 v-model="filters.publication_title"
9                 @keyup.enter="filter_table"
10             />
11             {{ $__("Publication type") }}:
12             <select
13                 id="publication_type_filter"
14                 v-model="filters.publication_type"
15             >
16                 <option value="">{{ $__("All") }}</option>
17                 <option
18                     v-for="type in av_title_publication_types"
19                     :key="type.authorised_values"
20                     :value="type.authorised_value"
21                 >
22                     {{ type.lib }}
23                 </option>
24             </select>
25             {{ $__("Selection status") }}:
26             <select id="selection_type_filter" v-model="filters.selection_type">
27                 <option value="0">{{ $__("All") }}</option>
28                 <option value="1">{{ $__("Selected") }}</option>
29                 <option value="2">{{ $__("Not selected") }}</option>
30             </select>
31             <input
32                 @click="filter_table"
33                 id="filter_table"
34                 type="button"
35                 :value="$__('Submit')"
36             />
37             <span v-if="cannot_search">{{
38                 $__("Please enter a search term")
39             }}</span>
40         </fieldset>
42         <!-- We need to display the table element to initiate DataTable -->
43         <div
44             id="title_list_result"
45             :style="show_table ? 'display: block' : 'display: none'"
46         >
47             <div
48                 v-if="
49                     local_count_titles !== undefined &&
50                     local_count_titles !== null
51                 "
52             >
53                 <router-link :to="local_titles_url">
54                     {{
55                         $__("%s titles found locally").format(
56                             local_count_titles
57                         )
58                     }}</router-link
59                 >
60             </div>
61             <div id="title_list_result" class="page-section">
62                 <table :id="table_id"></table>
63             </div>
64         </div>
65     </div>
66 </template>
68 <script>
69 import { inject, createVNode, render } from "vue"
70 import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"
71 import { fetchCountLocalTitles } from "./../../fetch"
72 import {
73     useDataTable,
74     build_url_params,
75     build_url,
76 } from "../../composables/datatables"
78 export default {
79     setup() {
80         const vendorStore = inject("vendorStore")
81         const { vendors } = storeToRefs(vendorStore)
83         const AVStore = inject("AVStore")
84         const { av_title_publication_types } = storeToRefs(AVStore)
85         const { get_lib_from_av } = AVStore
87         const table_id = "title_list"
88         useDataTable(table_id)
90         return {
91             vendors,
92             av_title_publication_types,
93             get_lib_from_av,
94             erm_providers,
95             table_id,
96         }
97     },
98     data: function () {
99         return {
100             titles: [],
101             initialized: true,
102             filters: {
103                 publication_title: this.$route.query.publication_title || "",
104                 publication_type: this.$route.query.publication_type || "",
105                 selection_type: this.$route.query.selection_type || "",
106             },
107             cannot_search: false,
108             show_table: false,
109             local_count_titles: null,
110         }
111     },
112     computed: {
113         local_titles_url() {
114             return build_url(
115                 "/cgi-bin/koha/erm/eholdings/local/titles",
116                 this.filters
117             )
118         },
119     },
120     beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
121         next(vm => {
122             vm.build_datatable()
123         })
124     },
125     methods: {
126         show_title: function (title_id) {
127             this.$router.push(
128                 "/cgi-bin/koha/erm/eholdings/ebsco/titles/" + title_id
129             )
130         },
131         filter_table: async function () {
132             if (this.filters.publication_title.length) {
133                 this.cannot_search = false
134                 let new_route = build_url(
135                     "/cgi-bin/koha/erm/eholdings/ebsco/titles",
136                     this.filters
137                 )
138                 this.$router.push(new_route)
139                 this.show_table = true
140                 this.local_count_titles = null
141                 $("#" + this.table_id)
142                     .DataTable()
143                     .draw()
144                 if (this.erm_providers.includes("local")) {
145                     this.local_count_titles = await fetchCountLocalTitles(
146                         this.filters
147                     )
148                 }
149             } else {
150                 this.cannot_search = true
151             }
152         },
153         build_datatable: function () {
154             let show_title = this.show_title
155             let get_lib_from_av = this.get_lib_from_av
156             if (!this.show_table) {
157                 this.show_table = build_url_params(this.filters).length
158                     ? true
159                     : false
160             }
161             let filters = this.filters
162             let table_id = this.table_id
164             window["vendors"] = this.vendors.map(e => {
165                 e["_id"] = e["id"]
166                 e["_str"] = e["name"]
167                 return e
168             })
169             let vendors_map = this.vendors.reduce((map, e) => {
170                 map[e.id] = e
171                 return map
172             }, {})
173             window["av_title_publication_types"] =
174                 this.av_title_publication_types.map(e => {
175                     e["_id"] = e["authorised_value"]
176                     e["_str"] = e["lib"]
177                     return e
178                 })
180             let additional_filters = {
181                 publication_title: function () {
182                     return filters.publication_title || ""
183                 },
184                 publication_type: function () {
185                     return filters.publication_type || ""
186                 },
187                 selection_type: function () {
188                     return filters.selection_type || ""
189                 },
190             }
191             $("#" + table_id).kohaTable(
192                 {
193                     ajax: {
194                         url: "/api/v1/erm/eholdings/ebsco/titles",
195                     },
196                     ordering: false,
197                     dom: '<"top pager"<"table_entries"ilp>>tr<"bottom pager"ip>',
198                     aLengthMenu: [
199                         [10, 20, 50, 100],
200                         [10, 20, 50, 100],
201                     ],
202                     deferLoading: true,
203                     autoWidth: false,
204                     columns: [
205                         {
206                             title: __("Title"),
207                             data: "me.publication_title",
208                             searchable: false,
209                             orderable: false,
210                             render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
211                                 // Rendering done in drawCallback
212                                 return ""
213                             },
214                         },
215                         {
216                             title: __("Publisher name"),
217                             data: "me.publisher_name",
218                             searchable: false,
219                             orderable: false,
220                             render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
221                                 return escape_str(row.publisher_name)
222                             },
223                         },
224                         {
225                             title: __("Publication type"),
226                             data: "publication_type",
227                             searchable: false,
228                             orderable: false,
229                             render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
230                                 return escape_str(
231                                     get_lib_from_av(
232                                         "av_title_publication_types",
233                                         row.publication_type
234                                     )
235                                 )
236                             },
237                         },
238                         {
239                             title: __("Identifier"),
240                             data: "print_identifier:online_identifier",
241                             searchable: false,
242                             orderable: false,
243                             render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
244                                 let print_identifier = row.print_identifier
245                                 let online_identifier = row.online_identifier
246                                 return (
247                                     (print_identifier
248                                         ? escape_str(
249                                               _("ISBN (Print): %s").format(
250                                                   print_identifier
251                                               )
252                                           )
253                                         : "") +
254                                     (online_identifier
255                                         ? escape_str(
256                                               _("ISBN (Online): %s").format(
257                                                   online_identifier
258                                               )
259                                           )
260                                         : "")
261                                 )
262                             },
263                         },
264                     ],
265                     drawCallback: function (settings) {
266                         var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings)
268                         if (!api.rows({ search: "applied" }).count()) return
270                         $.each(
271                             $(this).find("tbody tr td:first-child"),
272                             function (index, e) {
273                                 let tr = $(this).parent()
274                                 let row = api.row(tr).data()
275                                 if (!row) return // Happen if the table is empty
276                                 let n = createVNode(
277                                     "a",
278                                     {
279                                         role: "button",
280                                         onClick: e => {
281                                             e.preventDefault()
282                                             show_title(row.title_id)
283                                         },
284                                     },
285                                     `${row.publication_title} (#${row.title_id})`
286                                 )
288                                 if (row.is_selected) {
289                                     n = createVNode("span", {}, [
290                                         n,
291                                         " ",
292                                         createVNode("i", {
293                                             class: "fa fa-check-square-o",
294                                             style: {
295                                                 color: "green",
296                                                 float: "right",
297                                             },
298                                             title: __("Is selected"),
299                                         }),
300                                     ])
301                                 }
302                                 render(n, e)
303                             }
304                         )
305                     },
306                 },
307                 null,
308                 0,
309                 additional_filters
310             )
312             if (filters.publication_title.length) {
313                 this.filter_table()
314             }
315         },
316     },
317     name: "EHoldingsEBSCOTitlesList",
318 }
319 </script>