OPAC: Appearance: - - pref: OPACUserSummary choices: 1: Show 0: "Don't show" - "a summary of a logged in patron's checkouts, overdues, holds and charges on the OPAC start page." - - For search results in the OPAC, show the item's - pref: OPACResultsLibrary choices: holdingbranch: "current library" homebranch: "home library" - . Please note that this feature is currently available for MARC21 and UNIMARC. - - Use the - pref: opacthemes choices: opac-templates - theme on the OPAC. - - Use the - pref: OPACFallback choices: bootstrap: bootstrap prog: prog - theme as the fallback theme on the OPAC. - - "The OPAC is located at " - pref: OPACBaseURL class: url - . This should be a complete URL, starting with http:// or https://. Do not include a trailing slash in the URL. (This must be filled in correctly for RSS, unAPI, and search plugins to work.) - - Show - pref: LibraryName class: long - as the name of the library on the OPAC. - - pref: OpacPublic choices: 1: Enable 0: Disable - "Koha OPAC as public. Private OPAC requires authentication before accessing the OPAC. " - 'Note: This does not affect the public API, see the RESTPublicAnonymousRequests to control the API.' - - "Show star-ratings on" - pref: OpacStarRatings choices: all: "results, details, and patron" disable: "no" details: "only details" - "pages." - - pref: OpacMaintenance choices: 1: Show 0: "Don't show" - "a warning that the OPAC is under maintenance, instead of the OPAC itself. Note: this shows the same warning as when the database needs to be upgraded, but unconditionally. A custom message can be shown on OPAC maintenance page by creating an HTML customization in the OpacMaintenanceNotice region." - - "This description will show in search engine results (160 characters)." - pref: OpacMetaDescription type: textarea - - By default, show bibliographic records - pref: BiblioDefaultView choices: normal: in simple form. marc: in their MARC form. isbd: as specified in the ISBD template. - - When patrons click on a link to another website from your OPAC (like Amazon or OCLC), - pref: OPACURLOpenInNewWindow choices: 1: do 0: "don't" - open the website in a new window. - - pref: hidelostitems choices: 1: "Don't show" 0: Show - lost items on search and detail pages. - - 'Display lists in the OPAC using XSLT stylesheet at: ' - pref: OPACXSLTListsDisplay class: file - '
Options:If you have multiple stylesheets for different languages the placeholder {langcode} will be replaced with current interface language.' - - 'Display OPAC results using XSLT stylesheet at: ' - pref: OPACXSLTResultsDisplay class: file - '
Options:If you have multiple stylesheets for different languages the placeholder {langcode} will be replaced with current interface language.' - - 'Display OPAC details using XSLT stylesheet at: ' - pref: OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay class: file - '
Options:If you have multiple stylesheets for different languages the placeholder {langcode} will be replaced with current interface language.' - - 'Display authority results in the OPAC using the XSLT stylesheet at: ' - pref: AuthorityXSLTOpacResultsDisplay class: file - '
Options:If you have multiple stylesheets for: