[% USE Koha %] [% USE KohaDates %] [% USE AuthorisedValues %] [% USE ColumnsSettings %] [% IF Koha.Preference('ExportRemoveFields') OR Koha.Preference('ExportWithCsvProfile') %] [% SET exports_enabled = 1 %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › Patrons › [% IF ( unknowuser ) %] Patron does not exist [% ELSE %] Patron details for [% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'datatables.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'columns_settings.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'strings.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'timepicker.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %] [% INCLUDE 'patron-search.inc' %]
[% UNLESS ( unknowuser ) %] [% INCLUDE 'members-toolbar.inc' %] [% END %] [% IF ( error ) %]
[% IF ( error == 'CANT_DELETE_STAFF' ) %]

Unable to delete staff user

Insufficient privileges.

[% END %] [% IF ( error == 'CANT_DELETE_YOURSELF' ) %]

Not allowed to delete own account

Deleting your own account would lock you out of Koha.

[% END %] [% IF ( error == 'CANT_DELETE_OTHERLIBRARY' ) %]

Unable to delete patrons from other libraries with current settings

Insufficient privileges.

[% END %] [% IF ( error == 'CANT_DELETE' ) %]

Unable to delete patron

Insufficient privileges.

[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( unknowuser ) %]
This patron does not exist. Find another patron?
[% ELSE %] [% IF ( was_renewed ) %]
Patron's account has been renewed until [% dateexpiry | $KohaDates %]
[% END %] [% IF fines %] [% SET NoIssuesCharge = Koha.Preference('noissuescharge') %] [% IF NoIssuesCharge && fines > NoIssuesCharge %]
  • Fees & Charges: Patron has Outstanding fees & charges [% IF ( chargesamount ) %] of [% chargesamount %] [% END %] . [% IF !Koha.Preference('AllowFineOverride') %] Checkouts are BLOCKED because fine balance is OVER THE LIMIT. [% END %] Make payment or Pay all fines
  • [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( flagged ) %]
      [% IF ( userdebarred ) %]
    • Patron's account is restricted [% IF ( userdebarreddate ) %] until [% userdebarreddate %] [% END %] [% IF ( debarredcomment ) %] with the explanation: [% debarredcomment | html_line_break %] [% END %] View restrictions
    • [% END %] [% IF ( gonenoaddress ) %]
    • Patron's address is in doubt.
    • [% END %] [% IF ( lost ) %]
    • Patron's card has been reported lost.
    • [% END %]
    [% END %]

    [% UNLESS ( I ) %] [% title %] [% firstname %] [% END %] [% surname %] ([% cardnumber %])

    [% UNLESS ( I ) %][% IF ( othernames ) %]“[% othernames %]”[% END %]
    [% IF Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) %] [% INCLUDE "member-display-address-style-${ Koha.Preference( 'AddressFormat' ) }.inc" %] [% ELSE %] [% INCLUDE 'member-display-address-style-us.inc' %] [% END %]
      [% IF ( I ) %] [% IF ( phonepro ) %]
    1. Organization phone: [% phonepro %]
    2. [% END %] [% IF ( emailpro ) %][% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( phone ) %]
    3. Primary phone: [% phone %]
    4. [% END %] [% IF ( phonepro ) %]
    5. Secondary phone: [% phonepro %]
    6. [% END %] [% IF ( mobile ) %]
    7. Other phone: [% mobile %]
    8. [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( P ) %] [% IF ( phone ) %]
    9. Primary phone: [% phone %]
    10. [% END %] [% IF ( mobile ) %]
    11. Other phone: [% mobile %]
    12. [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( fax ) %]
    13. Fax: [% fax %]
    14. [% END %] [% UNLESS ( I ) %] [% IF ( email ) %][% END %] [% IF ( emailpro ) %][% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( initials ) %]
    15. Initials: [% initials %]
    16. [% END %] [% IF ( dateofbirth ) %]
    17. Date of birth:[% dateofbirth | $KohaDates %] ([% age %] years)
    18. [% END %] [% IF ( sex ) %]
    19. Gender: [% IF ( sex == 'F' ) %]Female[% ELSIF ( sex == 'M' ) %]Male[% ELSE %][% sex %][% END %]
    20. [% END %][% END %] [% IF guarantees %]
    21. Guarantees:
    22. [% ELSIF guarantor %]
    23. Guarantor: [% IF guarantor.borrowernumber %] [% guarantor.firstname %] [% guarantor.surname %] [% ELSE %] [% guarantor.firstname %] [% guarantor.surname %] [% END %]
    24. [% END %]
    [% IF ( guarantorborrowernumber ) %] Edit [% ELSE %] Edit [% END %]
    [% IF ( patronimages ) %] [% IF ( CAN_user_tools_batch_upload_patron_images ) %]
    [% IF ( picture ) %] Manage Patron Image
    To update the image for [% title %] [% surname %], select a new image file and click 'Upload.'
    Click the 'Delete' button to remove the current image. [% ELSE %] Upload Patron Image
    [% title %] [% firstname %] [% surname %] does not currently have an image available. To import an image for [% title %] [% surname %], enter the name of an image file to upload. [% END %]
    Only PNG, GIF, JPEG, XPM formats are supported.
    [% IF ( picture ) %]Delete[% END %]
    [% END %] [% END %]
    [% IF ( ExtendedPatronAttributes ) %] [% UNLESS ( no_patron_attribute_types ) %]

    Additional attributes and identifiers

    [% FOREACH attribute IN attributes_loop %] [% IF attribute.class %]
    [% ELSE %]
    [% END %]

    [% attribute.lib %]

      [% FOREACH item IN attribute.items %]
    1. [% item.description %]: [% IF ( item.value_description ) %] [% item.value_description %] [% ELSE %] [% item.value| html_line_break %] [% END %]
    2. [% END %]
    [% END %]
    [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( EnhancedMessagingPreferences ) %]

    Patron messaging preferences

    [% INCLUDE 'messaging-preference-form.inc' %] [% IF ( SMSSendDriver ) %]
    1. SMS number:[% SMSnumber %]
    [% END %]
    [% END %]

    Library use

    1. Card number: [% cardnumber %]
    2. Borrowernumber: [% borrowernumber %]
    3. Category: [% description %] ([% categorycode %])
    4. Registration date: [% dateenrolled | $KohaDates %]
    5. Expiration date: [% IF ( was_renewed ) %] [% dateexpiry | $KohaDates %] [% ELSE %] [% dateexpiry | $KohaDates %] [% END %]
    6. Library: [% branchname %]
    7. [% IF ( OPACPrivacy ) %]
    8. Privacy Pref: [% IF ( privacy0 ) %]Forever[% END %] [% IF ( privacy1 ) %]Default[% END %] [% IF ( privacy2 ) %]Never[% END %]
    9. [% END %]
    10. Show checkouts to guarantor [% IF privacy_guarantor_checkouts %] Yes [% ELSE %] No [% END %]
    11. [% IF ( sort1 ) %]
    12. Sort field 1:[% lib1 %]
    13. [% END %] [% IF ( sort2 ) %]
    14. Sort field 2:[% lib2 %]
    15. [% END %]
    16. Username: [% userid %]
    17. Password: [% IF ( password ) %] ******* [% ELSE %] Undefined [% END %]
    18. [% IF ( borrowernotes ) %]
    19. Circulation note: [% borrowernotes %]
    20. [% END %] [% IF ( opacnote ) %]
    21. OPAC note:[% opacnote %]
    22. [% END %] [% IF Koha.Preference( 'NorwegianPatronDBEnable' ) == 1 %] [% IF ( sync == 1 ) %]
    23. Activate sync: Yes
    24. [% IF ( syncstatus ) %]
    25. Sync status: [% syncstatus %]
    26. [% END %] [% IF ( lastsync ) %]
    27. Last sync: [% lastsync | $KohaDates %]
    28. [% END %] [% ELSE %]
    29. Activate sync: No
    30. [% END %] [% END %]
    [% UNLESS ( I ) %]

    Alternate address

    1. Address: [% B_address %]
    2. Address 2: [% B_address2 %]
    3. City: [% B_city %]
    4. [% IF ( B_state ) %]
    5. State: [% B_state %]
    6. [% END %]
    7. ZIP/Postal code: [% B_zipcode %]
    8. [% IF ( B_country ) %]
    9. Country: [% B_country %]
    10. [% END %] [% IF ( B_phone ) %]
    11. Phone: [% B_phone %]
    12. [% END %] [% IF ( B_email ) %][% END %] [% IF ( contactnote ) %]
    13. Contact note: [% contactnote %]
    14. [% END %]
    [% END %]

    Alternative contact

    1. Surname: [% altcontactsurname %]
    2. First name: [% altcontactfirstname %]
    3. Address: [% altcontactaddress1 %]
    4. Address 2: [% altcontactaddress2 %]
    5. City: [% altcontactaddress3 %]
    6. [% IF ( altcontactstate ) %]
    7. State: [% altcontactstate %]
    8. [% END %]
    9. ZIP/Postal code: [% altcontactzipcode %]
    10. [% IF ( altcontactcountry ) %]
    11. Country: [% altcontactcountry %]
    12. [% END %] [% IF ( altcontactphone ) %]
    13. Phone: [% altcontactphone %]
    14. [% END %]
    [% INCLUDE "checkouts-table.inc" %] [% IF ( relatives_issues_count ) %]
    Due date hidden not formatted Due date Title Item type Location Checked out on Checked out from Call no Charge Fine Price Patron
    [% END %]
    [% IF ( totaldue_raw ) %]

    Total due: [% totaldue %]

    [% ELSE %]

    No outstanding charges

    [% END %]
    [% INCLUDE borrower_debarments.inc %]
    [% IF ( holds_count ) %]
    Hold date Title Call number Barcode Pickup at Expiration Priority Delete? Suspend?
    [% IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %]
    [% IF AutoResumeSuspendedHolds %] Specify date on which to resume [% INCLUDE 'date-format.inc' %]: [% END %]
    [% END # IF SuspendHoldsIntranet %] [% ELSE %]

    Patron has nothing on hold.

    [% END %]
    [% END %]
    [% INCLUDE 'circ-menu.inc' %]
    [% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]