(bug #2856) Activate the duplicate patrons detection and check birthdate only if one is set
This patch activate the check of unique member, it was checked but not shown, and the member was added even if a duplicate was
It improve the duplicate detection, to check the birthdate only if it was specified in the form.
And fix an url of "Yes" link(if the borrower added IS the duplicate detected).
Michael Hafen [Fri, 21 Nov 2008 16:34:44 +0000 (09:34 -0700)]
bug in rebuild_zebra verbose logging - found another print I didn't want to see all the time
Add the phrase 'if ( $verbose_logging )' to the two print statements
concerning the skipping of biblio or authority records.
I recently had to split biblio and authority index updating in my cron
script ( had some really big records so had to add the -x switch which
should only be used on biblios accourding to the help ). So I noticed
that rebuild_zebra.pl printed messages that it was skipping biblios or
This patch is to conditionalize those prints based on the verbose
logging switch.
The bug throw because the booksellerid is not in the request, and the newordersuggestion.pl need this one to import
it in a new order.
So I just added an hidden input in the search form.
Danny Bouman [Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:21:08 +0000 (14:21 -0500)]
bug 2817: Added support to pull Amazon information based on UPC, EAN, and 13-digit ISBN
By adding support for UPC,EAN and 13-digit ISBN we are able to pull much more content from Amazon, especially on most music and dvd content which
does not have an ISBN.
This patch change the method used to generate a new login for a user when his informations are modified(memberentry.pl).
Before the login are generated with the first letter of lastname and the 9 first letter of the surname, and do not verify the
login already exist).
Now the login will be lastname.surnameX, where X is an incremented digit if the login already exists.
Galen Charlton [Tue, 2 Dec 2008 16:58:40 +0000 (10:58 -0600)]
bug 2758: don't confirm checkout if fine balance is 0
Fixes problem where if the IssuingInProcess preference is ON,
the operator is always required to confirm a checkout if
the patron has had any fine transactions at all, even if
the patron's balance is 0.
Allen Reinmeyer [Wed, 3 Dec 2008 18:10:50 +0000 (12:10 -0600)]
Bug 2675 users public lists do not show on opac-detail.pl
Code change actually occurs in opac-addbybiblionumber.pl accessed via opac-detail.pl.
Bug fix allows for users to select the 'save to lists' link and add item
to their private, public and all open lists. Previously, only private
and open lists were retrieved and listed.
Owen Leonard [Mon, 24 Nov 2008 20:34:18 +0000 (14:34 -0600)]
Corrections and tweaks to recent lists fixes.
Corrected an instance where <!-- TMPL_IF --> was embedded inside an HTML tag (conflicts with translation script). Modified styling of confirm button to match existing interface convention.
- adds 2 new sys prefs AllowRenewalOverride and MergeAuthoritiesOnupdate AllowRenewallOverride
- set null issues.issuedate to lastreneweddate
- Adding some changes in Database for bugfixes only UNIMARC
[bug #2750] Cannot return to another branch if the independantbranch option is set as ON
The code was modified to change the holding branch ONLY if the return to
the right branch is done. If you set IndependantBranch to on, you must
return the document to the HomeBranch.
And verify the return is done before show the message that allow to
transfert the document to another branch.
Originally by Jesse Weaver <jesse.weaver@liblime.com>
This patch creates a new system preference, AllowRenewalLimitOverride,
that, if YES, allows the renewal limit to be manually overridden. It
updates C4::Circulation and reserve/renewscript.pl to obey this.
Bugs 2541 and 2587 - AddIssue must return date object as intended.
SIP actually relied on the AddIssue return that was not reliable.
AddRenew also updated to return C4::Dates object for datedue.
Please note, any running SIPServer will have to be restarted
*immediately* after applying this patch, because although Koha
C4 behaves as normal, the SIP server runs as a Net::Server with
components cached. Changes will not be applied until SIPServer
restarts, and so checkout actions may fail until then.
Joe Atzberger [Tue, 18 Nov 2008 16:33:54 +0000 (10:33 -0600)]
Bug 2801 and other cleanup.
In addition to documented bug:
~ SearchString took an unused argument,
~ refactored repeated code into column_picks(),
~ fixed display during delete_confirm, including "name",
~ removed unused C4::Dates dependency.
Allen Reinmeyer [Mon, 17 Nov 2008 21:10:27 +0000 (15:10 -0600)]
Bug #2531 Cannot delete private shelf
Added logic to create a list of private lists to check on deletion. Multiple pages have the ability to delete lists, both private and public. Default option of retrieving a user's lists is retrieving the public ones. Now private lists of the owner are retrieved as well and checked upon deletion request. This allows any method of deletion to delete the correct list without examining the myriad of options currently used to indicate display of privateshelves and expect all pages to know whether a shelf number comes from a private or public list. Since deletion occurs based on shelf number and the virtualshelves table has a primary key on shelf number, this will not cause unwanted deletion of shelves.
UPDATE: added logic for conditional creation of shelves. Also note change in staff side as deletions worked except for viewing a populated shelf, then deleting. The confirm message showed, but the display was of public shelves, not private.
Michael Hafen [Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:16:58 +0000 (13:16 -0600)]
Use biblioitems.itemtype as a default for items.itype
This correct the html select default in additem.pl, and enforces use of
biblioitems.itemtype as the default in Items::AddItem. The code in
Items is to catch items added through MARC record staging.
Adds some rewriting
bug fix for merging
AddAuthority had some problem with updating existing data.
ModAuthority adds a new Syspref called MergeAuthoritiesOnUpdate which is used to launch or disable biblios update when updating an authority
Merging authorities caused an encoding problem in biblios
MARC::File::USMARC::decode is not aware of encoding as MARC::File::XML is
So it caused a problem when decoding information and updating biblios.
Now uses MARC::File::XML
Encoding is OK
- adds 2 new sys prefs AllowRenewalOverride and MergeAuthoritiesOnupdate AllowRenewallOverride
- set null issues.issuedate to lastreneweddate
- Adding some changes in Database for bugfixes only UNIMARC
Adds some rewriting
bug fix for merging
AddAuthority had some problem with updating existing data.
ModAuthority adds a new Syspref called MergeAuthoritiesOnUpdate which is used to launch or disable biblios update when updating an authority
Joe Atzberger [Fri, 7 Nov 2008 21:49:59 +0000 (15:49 -0600)]
Results of CSV module analysis, testing various CSV modules and configs.
The upshot is that despite appearances, whe should NEVER use Text::CSV::Unicode
or any CSV module in non-binary mode. Text::CSV works in binary mode
by using Text::CSV_XS, so the behavior is the same for both (in binary).