Bug 9617 - Replace YUI menu on catalog pages with Bootstrap
This patch converts the toolbar include file used by catalog detail
pages (detail.pl, MARCdetail.pl, etc.) replacing YUI button and menu
code with Bootstrap.
Minor change to staff client CSS fixes issue with language footer.
Minor change to doc-head-close.inc corrects error in logic for handling
cart and lists js discovered in testing.
To test, view any page which uses cat-toolbar.inc. Buttons and menus
should look correct and work correctly. Functions to test include:
New record
New item
New subscription
New child record
Edit record
Edit items
Edit items in a batch
Delete items in a batch
Attach item
Edit as new (duplicate)
Replace record via Z39.50
Delete record
Delete all items
Save (various formats)
Add to cart
Add to list
Place hold (including with search-to-hold active).
Testing should be done by users with varying permissions including with
and without: