Bug 32030: Allow syspref to be read from the config
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / js / vue / components / ERM / EHoldingsPackageTitlesList.vue
1 <template>
2     <div id="title_list_result">
3         <div id="filters" v-if="erm_provider != 'manual'">
4             <a href="#" @click.prevent="toggle_filters($event)"
5                 ><i class="fa fa-search"></i>
6                 {{ display_filters ? $t("Hide filters") : $t("Show filters") }}
7             </a>
8             <fieldset v-if="display_filters">
9                 <ol>
10                     <li>
11                         <label>{{ $t("Title") }}:</label>
12                         <input
13                             type="text"
14                             id="publication_title_filter"
15                             v-model="filters.publication_title"
16                             @keyup.enter="filter_table"
17                         />
18                     </li>
19                     <li>
20                         <label>{{ $t("Publication type") }}:</label>
21                         <select
22                             id="publication_type_filter"
23                             v-model="filters.publication_type"
24                         >
25                             <option value="">{{ $t("All") }}</option>
26                             <option
27                                 v-for="type in av_title_publication_types"
28                                 :key="type.authorised_values"
29                                 :value="type.authorised_value"
30                             >
31                                 {{ type.lib }}
32                             </option>
33                         </select>
34                     </li>
35                     <li>
36                         <label>{{ $t("Selection status") }}:</label>
37                         <select
38                             id="selection_type_filter"
39                             v-model="filters.selection_type"
40                         >
41                             <option value="0">{{ $t("All") }}</option>
42                             <option value="1">{{ $t("Selected") }}</option>
43                             <option value="2">{{ $t("Not selected") }}</option>
44                         </select>
45                     </li>
46                 </ol>
48                 <input
49                     @click="filter_table"
50                     id="filter_table"
51                     type="button"
52                     :value="$t('Filter')"
53                 />
54             </fieldset>
55         </div>
56         <table id="title_list"></table>
57     </div>
58 </template>
60 <script>
62 import { createVNode, render } from 'vue'
63 import { useAVStore } from "../../stores/authorised_values"
64 import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"
66 export default {
67     setup() {
68         const AVStore = useAVStore()
69         const { av_title_publication_types } = storeToRefs(AVStore)
70         const { get_lib_from_av } = AVStore
72         return {
73             av_title_publication_types,
74             get_lib_from_av,
75         }
76     },
77     data() {
78         return {
79             filters: {
80                 publication_title: "",
81                 publication_type: "",
82                 selection_type: "",
83             },
84             display_filters: false,
85         }
86     },
87     inject: ['erm_provider'],
88     methods: {
89         show_resource: function (resource_id) {
90             this.$router.push("/cgi-bin/koha/erm/eholdings/resources/" + resource_id)
91         },
92         filter_table: function () {
93             $("#title_list").DataTable().draw()
94         },
95         toggle_filters: function (e) {
96             this.display_filters = !this.display_filters
97         },
98         build_datatable: function () {
99             let show_resource = this.show_resource
100             let package_id = this.package_id
101             let get_lib_from_av = this.get_lib_from_av
102             let filters = this.filters
104             window['av_title_publication_types'] = this.av_title_publication_types.map(e => {
105                 e['_id'] = e['authorised_value']
106                 e['_str'] = e['lib']
107                 return e
108             })
110             let additional_filters = {}
111             if (erm_provider != 'manual') {
112                 additional_filters = {
113                     publication_title: function () {
114                         return filters.publication_title || ""
115                     },
116                     publication_type: function () {
117                         return filters.publication_type || ""
118                     },
119                     selection_type: function () {
120                         return filters.selection_type || ""
121                     },
122                 }
123             }
125             $('#title_list').kohaTable({
126                 "ajax": {
127                     "url": "/api/v1/erm/eholdings/packages/" + package_id + "/resources",
128                 },
129                 ...(erm_provider != 'manual' ? { ordering: false } : {}),
130                 ...(erm_provider != 'manual' ? { dom: '<"top pager"<"table_entries"ilp>>tr<"bottom pager"ip>' } : {}),
131                 ...(erm_provider != 'manual' ? { aLengthMenu: [[10, 20, 50, 100], [10, 20, 50, 100]] } : {}),
132                 "embed": ['title'],
133                 autoWidth: false,
134                 "columns": [
135                     {
136                         "title": __("Name"),
137                         "data": "title.publication_title",
138                         "searchable": (erm_provider == 'manual') ? 1 : 0,
139                         "orderable": (erm_provider == 'manul') ? 1 : 0,
140                         "render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
141                             // Rendering done in drawCallback
142                             return ""
143                         }
144                     },
145                     {
146                         "title": __("Publication type"),
147                         "data": "title.publication_type",
148                         "searchable": (erm_provider == 'manual') ? 1 : 0,
149                         "orderable": (erm_provider == 'manul') ? 1 : 0,
150                         "render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
151                             return escape_str(get_lib_from_av("av_title_publication_types", row.title.publication_type))
152                         }
153                     },
154                 ],
155                 drawCallback: function (settings) {
157                     var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings)
159                     $.each($(this).find("tbody tr td:first-child"), function (index, e) {
160                         let row = api.row(index).data()
161                         if (!row) return // Happen if the table is empty
162                         let n = createVNode("a", {
163                             role: "button",
164                             href: "/cgi-bin/koha/erm/eholdings/resources/" + row.resource_id,
165                             onClick: (e) => {
166                                 e.preventDefault()
167                                 show_resource(row.resource_id)
168                             }
169                         },
170                             `${row.title.publication_title}`
171                         )
172                         if (row.is_selected) {
173                             n = createVNode('span', {}, [n, " ", createVNode("i", { class: "fa fa-check-square-o", style: { color: "green" }, title: __("Is selected") })])
174                         }
175                         render(n, e)
176                     })
177                 },
178                 ...(erm_provider == 'manual' ? {
179                     preDrawCallback: function (settings) {
180                         var table_id = settings.nTable.id
181                         if (erm_provider == 'manual') {
182                             $("#" + table_id).find("thead th").eq(1).attr('data-filter', 'av_title_publication_types')
183                         }
184                     }
185                 } : {}),
186             }, null, erm_provider == 'manual' ? 1 : 0, additional_filters)
187         },
188     },
189     mounted() {
190         this.build_datatable()
191     },
192     beforeUnmount() {
193         $('#title_list')
194             .DataTable()
195             .destroy(true)
196     },
197     props: {
198         package_id: String,
199     },
200     name: 'EHoldingsPackageTitlesList',
201 }
202 </script>
204 <style scoped>
205 #title_list_result {
206     width: 60%;
207     padding-left: 10rem;
208 }
209 #title_list {
210     display: table;
211 }
212 #filters {
213     margin: 0;
214 }
215 </style>