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Bug 15878 - Updated unit tests for hbyymmincr barcodes

Test plan in second patch

Signed-off-by: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>

Bug 15878 - QA Followup

* Remove debug statment
* Move transcation start
* Remove unused testbuilder object

Rebased on top of 16561

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Nick Clemens 8 years ago
committed by Kyle M Hall
  1. 84


@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 74;
use Test::More tests => 75;
use Test::Warn;
use Test::MockModule;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
@ -81,6 +81,62 @@ subtest 'Test generation of annual barcodes from DB values' => sub {
subtest 'Test generation of hbyymmincr barcodes from DB values' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
$builder->schema->resultset( 'Issue' )->delete_all;
$builder->schema->resultset( 'Item' )->delete_all;
my $branchcode_1 = "LETTERS"; #NOTE: This barcode type supports only letters in the branchcode
my $barcodeobj;
warnings_are { $barcodeobj = C4::Barcodes->new('hbyymmincr'); }
[ "HBYYMM Barcode created with no branchcode, default is blank",
"No existing hbyymmincr barcodes found. Reverting to initial value.",
"HBYYMM Barcode was not passed a branch, default is blank"]
, "(hbyymmincr) Expected complaint regarding no max barcode found";
warning_like { $barcodeobj = C4::Barcodes->new('hbyymmincr',$branchcode_1); }
[ qr/No existing hbyymmincr barcodes found\. Reverting to initial value\./],
"(hbyymmincr) Expected complaint regarding no max barcode found";
my $barcodevalue = $barcodeobj->value();
my $item_1 = $builder->build({
source => 'Item',
value => {
barcode => $barcodevalue
is($barcodevalue,$barcodeobj->db_max(), "(hbyymmincr) First barcode saved to db is equal to db_max" );
#This is just setting the value ahead an arbitrary amount before adding a second barcode to db
$barcodevalue = $barcodeobj->next_value();
$barcodevalue = $barcodeobj->next_value($barcodevalue);
$barcodevalue = $barcodeobj->next_value($barcodevalue);
$barcodevalue = $barcodeobj->next_value($barcodevalue);
$barcodevalue = $barcodeobj->next_value($barcodevalue);
my $item_2 = $builder->build({
source => 'Item',
value => {
barcode => $barcodevalue
$barcodeobj = C4::Barcodes->new('hbyymmincr',$branchcode_1);
is($barcodevalue,$barcodeobj->db_max(), '(hbyymmincr) db_max should equal the greatest barcode in the db when more than 1 present');
ok($barcodeobj->value() gt $barcodevalue, '(hbyymmincr) new barcode object should be created with value greater and last value inserted into db');
$builder->schema->resultset( 'Issue' )->delete_all;
@ -108,9 +164,11 @@ foreach (@formats) {
"$pre Expected complaint regarding no max barcode found";
elsif ($_ eq 'hbyymmincr') {
warning_like { $obj1 = C4::Barcodes->new($_); }
[ qr/No existing hbyymmincr barcodes found\. Reverting to initial value\./ ],
"$pre Expected complaint regarding no hbyymmincr barcodes found";
warnings_are { $obj1 = C4::Barcodes->new($_); }
[ "HBYYMM Barcode created with no branchcode, default is blank",
"No existing hbyymmincr barcodes found. Reverting to initial value.",
"HBYYMM Barcode was not passed a branch, default is blank"]
, "$pre Expected complaint regarding no max barcode found";
elsif ($_ eq 'incremental') {
$obj1 = C4::Barcodes->new($_);
@ -122,20 +180,30 @@ foreach (@formats) {
skip "No Object Returned by new($_)", 17 unless $obj1;
ok($_ eq ($format = $obj1->autoBarcode()), "$pre autoBarcode() : " . ($format || 'FAILED') );
ok($initial= $obj1->initial(), "$pre initial() : " . ($initial|| 'FAILED') );
if ($_ eq 'hbyymmincr') {
warning_like { $temp = $obj1->db_max(); }
[ qr/No existing hbyymmincr barcodes found\. Reverting to initial value\./ ],
"$pre Expected complaint regarding no hbyymmincr barcodes found";
warning_like { $initial= $obj1->initial(); }
[ qr/HBYYMM Barcode was not passed a branch, default is blank/ ]
,"$pre Expected complaint regarding no branch passed when getting initial\n $pre initial() : " . $initial ;
warnings_are { $temp = $obj1->db_max(); }
[ "No existing hbyymmincr barcodes found. Reverting to initial value.",
"HBYYMM Barcode was not passed a branch, default is blank"]
,"$pre Expected complaint regarding no hbyymmincr barcodes found";
else {
ok($initial= $obj1->initial(), "$pre initial() : " . ($initial|| 'FAILED') );
$temp = $obj1->db_max();
ok($temp = $obj1->max(), "$pre max() : " . ($temp || 'FAILED') );
ok($value = $obj1->value(), "$pre value() : " . ($value || 'FAILED') );
ok($serial = $obj1->serial(), "$pre serial() : " . ($serial || 'FAILED') );
ok($temp = $obj1->is_max(), "$pre obj1->is_max() [obj1 should currently be max]");
if ($_ eq 'hbyymmincr') {
warning_like { $obj2 = $obj1->new(); }
[ qr/HBYYMM Barcode created with no branchcode, default is blank/ ]
,"$pre Expected complaint regarding no branch passed when getting initial\n $pre Barcode Creation : obj2 = obj1->new()" ;
} else {
ok($obj2 = $obj1->new(), "$pre Barcode Creation : obj2 = obj1->new()");
ok(not($obj1->is_max()), "$pre obj1->is_max() [obj1 should no longer be max]");
ok( $obj2->is_max(), "$pre obj2->is_max() [obj2 should currently be max]");
ok($obj2->serial == $obj1->serial + 1, "$pre obj2->serial() : " . ($obj2->serial || 'FAILED'));
