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Bug 12404: Allow TT tags for csv profiles

This patch is the main patch. It contains the changes in

The goal of this development is to provide a better flexibility on
creating a CSV profile.
Currently it is not possible to:
- Concatenate specific subfields into a csv column
- Display a field/subfield using a condition
- Extract a substring of a subfield value
and a lot of other actions.

This patch allows to write Template Toolkit code and to extract only
data you want.

See the help page for more information (in next patch).

Test plan:
Create some CSV profiles (MARC, not SQL) using some TT methods.
Use the basket export and the export tool and verify the CSV file
generated is what you expected.

Signed-off-by: Courret <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Jonathan Druart 10 years ago
committed by Tomas Cohen Arazi
  1. 149


@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ use C4::Csv; #marc2csv
use C4::Koha; #marc2csv
use C4::XSLT ();
use YAML; #marcrecords2csv
use Template;
use Text::CSV::Encoded; #marc2csv
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
@ -420,14 +421,13 @@ C<$itemnumbers> a list of itemnumbers to export
sub marcrecord2csv {
my ($biblio, $id, $header, $csv, $fieldprocessing, $itemnumbers) = @_;
my $output;
# Getting the record
my $record = GetMarcBiblio($biblio);
next unless $record;
return unless $record;
C4::Biblio::EmbedItemsInMarcBiblio( $record, $biblio, $itemnumbers );
# Getting the framework
my $frameworkcode = GetFrameworkCode($biblio);
@ -460,92 +460,112 @@ sub marcrecord2csv {
my @marcfieldsarray = split('\|', $marcfieldslist);
# Separating the marcfields from the user-supplied headers
my @marcfields;
my @csv_structures;
foreach (@marcfieldsarray) {
my @result = split('=', $_);
if (scalar(@result) == 2) {
push @marcfields, { header => $result[0], field => $result[1] };
my $content = ( @result == 2 )
? $result[1]
: $result[0];
my @fields;
while ( $content =~ m|(\d{3})\$?(.)?|g ) {
my $fieldtag = $1;
my $subfieldtag = $2 || undef;
push @fields, { fieldtag => $fieldtag, subfieldtag => $subfieldtag };
if ( @result == 2) {
push @csv_structures, { header => $result[0], content => $content, fields => \@fields };
} else {
push @marcfields, { field => $result[0] }
push @csv_structures, { content => $content, fields => \@fields }
# If we have to insert the headers
if ($header) {
my @marcfieldsheaders;
my ( @marcfieldsheaders, @csv_rows );
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# For each field or subfield
foreach (@marcfields) {
my $field_list;
for my $field ( $record->fields ) {
my $fieldtag = $field->tag;
my $values;
if ( $field->is_control_field ) {
$values = $field->data();
} else {
$values->{indicator}{1} = $field->indicator(1);
$values->{indicator}{2} = $field->indicator(2);
for my $subfield ( $field->subfields ) {
my $subfieldtag = $subfield->[0];
my $value = $subfield->[1];
push @{ $values->{$subfieldtag} }, $value;
# We force the key as an integer (trick for 00X and OXX fields)
push @{ $field_list->{fields}{0+$fieldtag} }, $values;
my $field = $_->{field};
# Remove any blank char that might have unintentionally insered into the tag name
$field =~ s/\s+//g;
# For each field or subfield
foreach my $csv_structure (@csv_structures) {
my @field_values;
my $tags = $csv_structure->{fields};
my $content = $csv_structure->{content};
if ( $header ) {
# If we have a user-supplied header, we use it
if (exists $_->{header}) {
push @marcfieldsheaders, $_->{header};
if ( exists $csv_structure->{header} ) {
push @marcfieldsheaders, $csv_structure->{header};
} else {
# If not, we get the matching tag name from koha
if (index($field, '$') > 0) {
my ($fieldtag, $subfieldtag) = split('\$', $field);
my $tag = $tags->[0];
if ( $tag->{subfieldtag} ) {
my $query = "SELECT liblibrarian FROM marc_subfield_structure WHERE tagfield=? AND tagsubfield=?";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($fieldtag, $subfieldtag);
my @results = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my @results = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $tag->{subfieldtag} );
push @marcfieldsheaders, $results[0];
} else {
my $query = "SELECT liblibrarian FROM marc_tag_structure WHERE tagfield=?";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my @results = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my @results = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $tag->{fieldtag} );
push @marcfieldsheaders, $results[0];
$output = $csv->string() . "\n";
# For each marcfield to export
my @fieldstab;
foreach (@marcfields) {
my $marcfield = $_->{field};
# TT tags exist
if ( $content =~ m|\[\%.*\%\]| ) {
my $tt = Template->new();
my $template = $content;
my $vars;
# Replace 00X and 0XX with X or XX
$content =~ s|fields.00(\d)|fields.$1|g;
$content =~ s|fields.0(\d{2})|fields.$1|g;
my $tt_output;
$tt->process( \$content, $field_list, \$tt_output );
push @csv_rows, $tt_output;
} else {
for my $tag ( @$tags ) {
my @fields = $record->field( $tag->{fieldtag} );
# If it is a subfield
if (index($marcfield, '$') > 0) {
my ($fieldtag, $subfieldtag) = split('\$', $marcfield);
my @fields = $record->field($fieldtag);
my @tmpfields;
my @loop_values;
if ( $tag->{subfieldtag} ) {
# For each field
foreach my $field (@fields) {
# We take every matching subfield
my @subfields = $field->subfield($subfieldtag);
my @subfields = $field->subfield( $tag->{subfieldtag} );
foreach my $subfield (@subfields) {
# Getting authorised value
my $authvalues = GetKohaAuthorisedValuesFromField($fieldtag, $subfieldtag, $frameworkcode, undef);
push @tmpfields, (defined $authvalues->{$subfield}) ? $authvalues->{$subfield} : $subfield;
my $authvalues = GetKohaAuthorisedValuesFromField( $tag->{fieldtag}, $tag->{subfieldtag}, $frameworkcode, undef);
push @loop_values, (defined $authvalues->{$subfield}) ? $authvalues->{$subfield} : $subfield;
push (@fieldstab, join($subfieldseparator, @tmpfields));
# Or a field
} else {
my @fields = ($record->field($marcfield));
my $authvalues = GetKohaAuthorisedValuesFromField($marcfield, undef, $frameworkcode, undef);
my $authvalues = GetKohaAuthorisedValuesFromField( $tag->{fieldtag}, undef, $frameworkcode, undef);
my @valuesarray;
foreach (@fields) {
foreach my $field ( @fields ) {
my $value;
# If it is a control field
if ($_->is_control_field) {
$value = defined $authvalues->{$_->as_string} ? $authvalues->{$_->as_string} : $_->as_string;
if ($field->is_control_field) {
$value = defined $authvalues->{$field->as_string} ? $authvalues->{$field->as_string} : $field->as_string;
} else {
# If it is a field, we gather all subfields, joined by the subfield separator
my @subvaluesarray;
my @subfields = $_->subfields;
my @subfields = $field->subfields;
foreach my $subfield (@subfields) {
push (@subvaluesarray, defined $authvalues->{$subfield->[1]} ? $authvalues->{$subfield->[1]} : $subfield->[1]);
@ -553,15 +573,36 @@ sub marcrecord2csv {
# Field processing
my $marcfield = $tag->{fieldtag}; # This line fixes a retrocompatibility concern
# The "processing" could be based on the $marcfield variable.
eval $fieldprocessing if ($fieldprocessing);
push @valuesarray, $value;
push @loop_values, $value;
push (@fieldstab, join($fieldseparator, @valuesarray));
push @field_values, {
fieldtag => $tag->{fieldtag},
subfieldtag => $tag->{subfieldtag},
values => \@loop_values,
for my $field_value ( @field_values ) {
if ( $field_value->{subfieldtag} ) {
push @csv_rows, join( $subfieldseparator, @{ $field_value->{values} } );
} else {
push @csv_rows, join( $fieldseparator, @{ $field_value->{values} } );
if ( $header ) {
$output = $csv->string() . "\n";
$output .= $csv->string() . "\n";
return $output;
