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Bug 24368: Comprehensive tests for Koha::Template::Plugin::Branches::pickup_locations

Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Tomás Cohen Arazi 4 years ago
committed by Martin Renvoize
Signed by: martin.renvoize GPG Key ID: 422B469130441A0F
  1. 86


@ -113,38 +113,80 @@ subtest 'pickup_locations() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
my $library_1 = { branchcode => 'A' };
my $library_2 = { branchcode => 'B' };
my $library_3 = { branchcode => 'C' };
my @library_array = ( $library_1, $library_2, $library_3 );
Koha::Libraries->search->update({ pickup_location => 0 });
my $library_1 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1 } });
my $library_3 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1 } });
my $plugin = Koha::Template::Plugin::Branches->new();
my $pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations();
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'Libraries count is correct' );
my $libraries = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Libraries');
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations({ search_params => { item => undef }});
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'item parameter not a ref, fallback to general search' );
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations({ search_params => { biblio => undef }});
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'biblio parameter not a ref, fallback to general search' );
my $item_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Item');
sub {
my $result = clone(\@library_array);
return @$result;
return [$library_1];
my $plugin = Koha::Template::Plugin::Branches->new();
my $pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations();
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item();
my $patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons' });
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'Libraries count is correct' );
for my $library ( @{$pickup_locations} ) {
ok( ( any { $_->{branchcode} eq $library->{branchcode} } @library_array ),
'Library ' . $library->{branchcode} . ' in results' );
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations(
{ search_params => { item => $item, patron => Koha::Patron->new } } );
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 1, 'Only the library returned by $item->pickup_locations is returned' );
is( $pickup_locations->[0]->{branchcode}, $library_1->branchcode, 'Not cheating' );
my $biblio_class = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Biblio');
sub {
return [$library_2];
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio();
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations(
{ search_params => { biblio => $biblio, patron => Koha::Patron->new } } );
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations({ selected => $library_2->{branchcode} });
my @selected = grep { exists $_->{selected} } @{ $pickup_locations };
is( scalar @selected, 1, '(param) Only one is selected' );
is( $selected[0]->{branchcode}, $library_2->{branchcode}, '(param) The selected one is the right one' );
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 1, 'Only the library returned by $biblio->pickup_locations is returned' );
is( $pickup_locations->[0]->{branchcode}, $library_2->branchcode, 'Not cheating' );
subtest 'selected tests' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv({ branchcode => $library_2->branchcode });
t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv({ branchcode => $library_3->{branchcode} });
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations();
@selected = grep { exists $_->{selected} } @{ $pickup_locations };
is( scalar @selected, 1, '(userenv) Only one is selected' );
is( $selected[0]->{branchcode}, $library_3->{branchcode}, '(userenv) The selected one is the right one' );
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'Libraries count is correct' );
foreach my $pickup_location (@{ $pickup_locations }) {
next unless exists $pickup_location->{selected} and $pickup_location->{selected} == 1;
is( $pickup_location->{branchcode}, $library_2->branchcode, 'The right library is marked as selected' );
$pickup_locations = $plugin->pickup_locations({ selected => $library_3->branchcode });
is( scalar @{$pickup_locations}, 3, 'Libraries count is correct' );
foreach my $pickup_location (@{ $pickup_locations }) {
next unless exists $pickup_location->{selected} and $pickup_location->{selected} == 1;
is( $pickup_location->{branchcode}, $library_3->branchcode, 'The right library is marked as selected' );
