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Bug 26963: (QA follow-up) Migrate unit tests into pickup_location

We wrote unit tests for _can_pickup_locations as part of this patchset,
but then I inlined the method whilst golfing. This patch moves those
tests into the existing pickup_locations test so we more thoroughly
cover the case where branch transfer limits are in play.

NOTE: The tests all assume that all items have an effective_itemtype and
ccode. I'm pretty sure items all have a type at this point, but I'm less
sure we enforce collection codes?

Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Martin Renvoize 4 years ago
committed by Jonathan Druart
  1. 224


@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 8;
use Test::More tests => 7;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Circulation;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ subtest "as_marc_field() tests" => sub {
subtest 'pickup_locations' => sub {
plan tests => 114;
plan tests => 119;
@ -192,12 +192,14 @@ subtest 'pickup_locations' => sub {
my $group2_1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Library::Groups', value => { parent_id => $root2->id, branchcode => $library3->branchcode } } );
my $group2_2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Library::Groups', value => { parent_id => $root2->id, branchcode => $library4->branchcode } } );
my $itemtype = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::ItemTypes', value => { itemtype => 'test' } } );
my $item1 = $builder->build_sample_item(
homebranch => $library1->branchcode,
holdingbranch => $library2->branchcode,
barcode => '1',
itype => 'test',
ccode => 'Gollum'
@ -214,65 +216,65 @@ subtest 'pickup_locations' => sub {
my $patron4 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { branchcode => $library4->branchcode, firstname => '4' } } );
my $results = {
"1-1-1-any" => 3,
"1-1-1-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-1-1-patrongroup" => 2,
"1-1-1-homebranch" => 1,
"1-1-1-any" => 3,
"1-1-1-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-1-1-patrongroup" => 2,
"1-1-1-homebranch" => 1,
"1-1-1-holdingbranch" => 1,
"1-1-2-any" => 3,
"1-1-2-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-1-2-patrongroup" => 2,
"1-1-2-homebranch" => 1,
"1-1-2-any" => 3,
"1-1-2-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-1-2-patrongroup" => 2,
"1-1-2-homebranch" => 1,
"1-1-2-holdingbranch" => 1,
"1-1-3-any" => 3,
"1-1-3-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-1-3-patrongroup" => 2,
"1-1-3-homebranch" => 1,
"1-1-3-any" => 3,
"1-1-3-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-1-3-patrongroup" => 2,
"1-1-3-homebranch" => 1,
"1-1-3-holdingbranch" => 1,
"1-4-1-any" => 0,
"1-4-1-holdgroup" => 0,
"1-4-1-patrongroup" => 0,
"1-4-1-homebranch" => 0,
"1-4-1-any" => 0,
"1-4-1-holdgroup" => 0,
"1-4-1-patrongroup" => 0,
"1-4-1-homebranch" => 0,
"1-4-1-holdingbranch" => 0,
"1-4-2-any" => 3,
"1-4-2-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-4-2-patrongroup" => 1,
"1-4-2-homebranch" => 1,
"1-4-2-any" => 3,
"1-4-2-holdgroup" => 2,
"1-4-2-patrongroup" => 1,
"1-4-2-homebranch" => 1,
"1-4-2-holdingbranch" => 1,
"1-4-3-any" => 0,
"1-4-3-holdgroup" => 0,
"1-4-3-patrongroup" => 0,
"1-4-3-homebranch" => 0,
"1-4-3-any" => 0,
"1-4-3-holdgroup" => 0,
"1-4-3-patrongroup" => 0,
"1-4-3-homebranch" => 0,
"1-4-3-holdingbranch" => 0,
"3-1-1-any" => 0,
"3-1-1-holdgroup" => 0,
"3-1-1-patrongroup" => 0,
"3-1-1-homebranch" => 0,
"3-1-1-any" => 0,
"3-1-1-holdgroup" => 0,
"3-1-1-patrongroup" => 0,
"3-1-1-homebranch" => 0,
"3-1-1-holdingbranch" => 0,
"3-1-2-any" => 3,
"3-1-2-holdgroup" => 1,
"3-1-2-patrongroup" => 2,
"3-1-2-homebranch" => 0,
"3-1-2-any" => 3,
"3-1-2-holdgroup" => 1,
"3-1-2-patrongroup" => 2,
"3-1-2-homebranch" => 0,
"3-1-2-holdingbranch" => 1,
"3-1-3-any" => 0,
"3-1-3-holdgroup" => 0,
"3-1-3-patrongroup" => 0,
"3-1-3-homebranch" => 0,
"3-1-3-any" => 0,
"3-1-3-holdgroup" => 0,
"3-1-3-patrongroup" => 0,
"3-1-3-homebranch" => 0,
"3-1-3-holdingbranch" => 0,
"3-4-1-any" => 0,
"3-4-1-holdgroup" => 0,
"3-4-1-patrongroup" => 0,
"3-4-1-homebranch" => 0,
"3-4-1-any" => 0,
"3-4-1-holdgroup" => 0,
"3-4-1-patrongroup" => 0,
"3-4-1-homebranch" => 0,
"3-4-1-holdingbranch" => 0,
"3-4-2-any" => 3,
"3-4-2-holdgroup" => 1,
"3-4-2-patrongroup" => 1,
"3-4-2-homebranch" => 0,
"3-4-2-any" => 3,
"3-4-2-holdgroup" => 1,
"3-4-2-patrongroup" => 1,
"3-4-2-homebranch" => 0,
"3-4-2-holdingbranch" => 1,
"3-4-3-any" => 3,
"3-4-3-holdgroup" => 1,
"3-4-3-patrongroup" => 1,
"3-4-3-homebranch" => 0,
"3-4-3-any" => 3,
"3-4-3-holdgroup" => 1,
"3-4-3-patrongroup" => 1,
"3-4-3-homebranch" => 0,
"3-4-3-holdingbranch" => 1
@ -318,7 +320,7 @@ subtest 'pickup_locations' => sub {
. $ha . '-'
. $hfp
. ' but returns '
. ' and returns '
. scalar(@pl)
@ -336,91 +338,87 @@ subtest 'pickup_locations' => sub {
subtest '_can_pickup_locations' => sub {
plan tests =>8;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UseBranchTransferLimits', 0);
my $library1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1, } } );
my $library2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1, } } );
my $library3 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 0, } } );
my $library4 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1, } } );
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item({
homebranch => $library1->branchcode,
holdingbranch => $library1->branchcode,
ccode => "Gollum"
my @to = ( $library1, $library2, $library3, $library4 );
my $pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to });
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 3, "With no transfer limits we get back the libraries that are pickup locations");
# Now test that branchtransferlimits will further filter the pickup locations
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UseBranchTransferLimits', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('BranchTransferLimitsType', 'itemtype');
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits', value => {
toBranch => $library2->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library1->branchcode,
itemtype => $item->itype,
ccode => undef,
branchcode => undef,
itemtype => $item1->itype,
rules => {
holdallowed => 1,
hold_fulfillment_policy => 1,
returnbranch => 'any'
class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits',
value => {
toBranch => $library1->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library2->branchcode,
itemtype => $item1->itype,
ccode => undef,
$pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to });
my $pickup_locations = $item1->pickup_locations( { patron => $patron1 } )->as_list;
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 2, "With a transfer limits we get back the libraries that are pickup locations minus 1 limited library");
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits', value => {
toBranch => $library4->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library1->branchcode,
itemtype => $item->itype,
ccode => undef,
class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits',
value => {
toBranch => $library4->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library2->branchcode,
itemtype => $item1->itype,
ccode => undef,
$pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to });
$pickup_locations = $item1->pickup_locations( { patron => $patron1 } )->as_list;
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 1, "With 2 transfer limits we get back the libraries that are pickup locations minus 2 limited libraries");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('BranchTransferLimitsType', 'ccode');
$pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to });
$pickup_locations = $item1->pickup_locations( { patron => $patron1 } )->as_list;
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 3, "With no transfer limits of type ccode we get back the libraries that are pickup locations");
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits', value => {
toBranch => $library2->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library1->branchcode,
itemtype => undef,
ccode => $item->ccode,
class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits',
value => {
toBranch => $library2->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library2->branchcode,
itemtype => undef,
ccode => $item1->ccode,
$pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to });
$pickup_locations = $item1->pickup_locations( { patron => $patron1 } )->as_list;
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 2, "With a transfer limits we get back the libraries that are pickup locations minus 1 limited library");
$builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits', value => {
toBranch => $library4->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library1->branchcode,
itemtype => undef,
ccode => $item->ccode,
class => 'Koha::Item::Transfer::Limits',
value => {
toBranch => $library4->branchcode,
fromBranch => $library2->branchcode,
itemtype => undef,
ccode => $item1->ccode,
$pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to });
$pickup_locations = $item1->pickup_locations( { patron => $patron1 } )->as_list;
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 1, "With 2 transfer limits we get back the libraries that are pickup locations minus 2 limited libraries");
$pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to, from => $library2 });
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 3, "With transfer limits enabled but not applying because of 'from' we get back the libraries that are pickup locations");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UseBranchTransferLimits', 0);
$pickup_locations = $item->_can_pickup_locations({ to => \@to });
is( scalar @$pickup_locations, 3, "With transfer limits disabled we get back the libraries that are pickup locations");
subtest 'deletion' => sub {
