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Bug 22544: Add tests

Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Josef Moravec 5 years ago
committed by Jonathan Druart
  1. 239


@ -19,40 +19,113 @@
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 6;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Exception;
use Koha::NewsItem;
use Koha::News;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
my $library = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch'});
my $nb_of_news = Koha::News->search->count;
my $new_news_item_1 = Koha::NewsItem->new({
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
title => 'a news',
content => 'content for news 1',
my $new_news_item_2 = Koha::NewsItem->new({
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
title => 'another news',
content => 'content for news 2',
like( $new_news_item_1->idnew, qr|^\d+$|, 'Adding a new news_item should have set the idnew');
is( Koha::News->search->count, $nb_of_news + 2, 'The 2 news should have been added' );
my $retrieved_news_item_1 = Koha::News->find( $new_news_item_1->idnew );
is( $retrieved_news_item_1->title, $new_news_item_1->title, 'Find a news_item by id should return the correct news_item' );
is( $retrieved_news_item_1->content, $new_news_item_1->content, 'The content method return the content of the news');
is( Koha::News->search->count, $nb_of_news + 1, 'Delete should have deleted the news_item' );
subtest 'Koha::News basic test' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my $library = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch'});
my $nb_of_news = Koha::News->search->count;
my $new_news_item_1 = Koha::NewsItem->new({
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
title => 'a news',
content => 'content for news 1',
my $new_news_item_2 = Koha::NewsItem->new({
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
title => 'another news',
content => 'content for news 2',
like( $new_news_item_1->idnew, qr|^\d+$|, 'Adding a new news_item should have set the idnew');
is( Koha::News->search->count, $nb_of_news + 2, 'The 2 news should have been added' );
my $retrieved_news_item_1 = Koha::News->find( $new_news_item_1->idnew );
is( $retrieved_news_item_1->title, $new_news_item_1->title, 'Find a news_item by id should return the correct news_item' );
is( $retrieved_news_item_1->content, $new_news_item_1->content, 'The content method return the content of the news');
is( Koha::News->search->count, $nb_of_news + 1, 'Delete should have deleted the news_item' );
subtest '->is_expired' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $today = dt_from_string;
my $yesterday = dt_from_string->add( days => -1 );
my $tommorow = dt_from_string->add( days => 1 );
my $new_today = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $today,
my $new_expired = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $yesterday,
my $new_not_expired = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $tommorow,
ok($new_expired->is_expired, 'Expired new is expired');
ok(!$new_not_expired->is_expired, 'Not expired new is not expired');
ok(!$new_today->is_expired, 'Today expiration date means the new is not expired');
subtest '->library' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $library = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $new_with_library = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
branchcode => $library->branchcode
my $new_without_library = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
branchcode => undef
ok($new_with_library->library, 'News item with library have library relation');
is($new_with_library->library->branchcode, $library->branchcode, 'The library linked with new item is right');
ok(!$new_without_library->library, 'New item without library does not have library relation');
subtest '->author' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
@ -68,5 +141,115 @@ subtest '->author' => sub {
is( $news_item->author, undef, '->author returns undef is the author has been deleted' );
subtest '->search_for_display' => sub {
plan tests => 12;
my $today = dt_from_string;
my $yesterday = dt_from_string->add( days => -1 );
my $tommorow = dt_from_string->add( days => 1 );
my $library1 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $library2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $new_expired = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $yesterday,
timestamp => $today,
lang => '',
branchcode => undef,
number => 1,
my $new_not_expired = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $tommorow,
timestamp => $today,
lang => '',
branchcode => undef,
number => 2,
my $new_not_active = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $tommorow,
timestamp => $tommorow,
lang => '',
branchcode => undef,
number => 3,
my $new_slip= $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $tommorow,
timestamp => $today,
lang => 'slip',
branchcode => $library1->branchcode,
number => 4,
my $new_intra = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $tommorow,
timestamp => $today,
lang => 'koha',
branchcode => $library2->branchcode,
number => 5,
my $new_intra2 = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::News',
value => {
expirationdate => $tommorow,
timestamp => $today,
lang => 'koha',
branchcode => undef,
number => 5,
my $news = Koha::News->search_for_display;
is($news->count, 4, 'Active and not expired news');
is($news->next->number, 2, 'News items are returned in correct order');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ type => 'slip'});
is($news->count, 2, 'Slip and all type returned');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ type => 'koha'});
is($news->count, 3, 'Intranet and all');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ type => 'OpacNavRight', lang => 'en'});
is($news->count, 1, 'OpacNavRight');
is($news->next->idnew, $new_not_expired->idnew, 'Returned the right new item');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ type => 'opac', lang => 'en'});
is($news->count, 1, 'Only all type is returned');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ type => 'opac', lang => 'en'});
is($news->count, 2, 'Opac en and all is returned');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ library_id => $library1->branchcode });
is($news->count, 3, 'Filtering by library returns right number of news items');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ library_id => $library2->branchcode});
is($news->count, 3, 'Filtering by library returns right number of news items');
$news = Koha::News->search_for_display({ library_id => $library2->branchcode});
is($news->count, 2, 'Filtering by library returns right number of news items');
throws_ok { Koha::News->search_for_display({type => 'opac'}) } 'Koha::Exceptions::BadParameter',
'Exception raised when type is opac and no language given';
