a drop in replacement for the existing search.pl
Actually, just the subject search to go (requires a slightly different
template .. or some kind of TMPL_IF in the template
includes directory in templates. Note that TMPL_INCLUDE tags in a template
will now use the koha.conf includes variable as a search path, so only the
filename needs to be used.
It creates a thesaurus table and fills it with data in bibliosubject. Thesaurus
contains 2 columns : freelib and stdlib. This permits connecting differents forms for a word/sentence (HUGO may be mapped to V. Hugo, Victor Hugo...)
In modbib.pl, you will see "..." near subject. If you click on this ..., a popup appear. It has 4 parts : the Subject field, a search field with Search button. If you enter a value here and click Search, a list of thesaurus entries starting by what you enter appear.
If you select a value and click "OK", the value is added to the subject list.
When you've finished, click END. the window is closed, and the value copied to main subject window.
Make heavy use of javascript. TESTED UNDER MOZILLA 0.99. Please test under IE.
Administration of thesaurus table will come soon (with html::template) ...
Note, I have the includes dir hard-coded in default.tmpl. Needs fixing.
Also, you can pick another template by setting a systempreferences variable
'template' to some other value. If the given template can't be found, default.tmpl will be loaded instead.
biblionumber, the other template shows notes, in the third column.
My thinking is that for every template, the scripts can search for a local
version of the template before using the default template.
I'm going to work on the search interface instead of the circulation interface
as the search interface is where my librarians want the most changes at the
Fixing glitches in counting lost items.
In items
itemlost=1 item marked lost by a librarian
itemlost=2 item marked lost by kohas automatic this item is over 4 weeks
overdue routine.
To the borrowers (ie in the opac) they should just show as lost
branchtransfers table
Circ2.pm has been changed a little
admin/branches.pl alows branches to be added, edited and deleted.
updatedatabase needs more fixing