- the quotemeta was wrong (and introduced some bugs in diacritics)
- fixing some bugs that appear only sometimes : the union was done including weight, which is wrong & resulted in missing some results (when various weighting)
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
- adding browser and nozebra table definition to kohastructure & updatedatabase
- bumping to
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
- support for authorities
- some bugfixes in ordering and "CCL" parsing
- support for authorities <=> biblios walking
Seems I can do what I want now, so I consider its done, except for bugfixes that will be needed i m sure !
* adding 3 subs in Biblio.pm
- GetNoZebraIndexes, that get the index structure in a new systempreference (added with this commit)
- _DelBiblioNoZebra, that retrieve all index entries for a biblio and remove in a variable the biblio reference
- _AddBiblioNoZebra, that add index entries for a biblio.
Note that the 2 _Add and _Del subs work only in a hash variable, to speed up things in case of a modif (ie : delete+add). The effective SQL update is done in the ModZebra sub (that existed before, and dealed with zebra index).
I think the code has to be more deeply tested, but it works at least partially.
- changing nozebra table to have biblionumber,title-ranking; (; is the entry separator. Now, if a value is several times in an index, it is stored only once, with a higher ranking (the ranking is the number of times the word appeard for this index)
- improving search to have ranking value (default order). The ranking is the sum of ranking of all terms. The list is ordered by ranking+title, from most to lower
- add nozebra table management on biblio editing
- the index table content is hardcoded. I still have to add some specific systempref to let the library update it
- manage pagination (next/previous)
- manage facets
WHAT works :
- NZgetRecords : has exactly the same API & returns as zebra getQuery, except that some parameters are unused
- search & sort works quite good
- CQL parser is better that what I thought I could do : title="harry and sally" and publicationyear>2000 not itemtype=LIVR should work fine