call to receiveorder() now takes $bookfund as arg.
Mason's ACQ fixes from HLT-DEV , work in progress
Added regex to convert & to %26 before redirect to
Now has error alert for blank barcode field, and little tidyup. now updates aqorder table's order record with lastest added biblioitem for that order, so ordersearch() now returns the acq-orders most recently created bibitem info, instead of the initally created biblitem info.
Now redirects back to if barcode exists or newitems() fails.
Now allows user to create a new biblioitem/item using a checkbox.
Adding option so magazines make new biblioitems as well as items - in testing stage
adding in the update for the replacement cost on the item table when editing a received order via
adding a bit to allow hlt to edit received order bit and not fail on duplicate barcode
added elsif to handle dup barcode error.
Fix to handle dup barcodes for newitem(), displays error the goes back to
Now checks to see if newly created item is currently reserved.
Fix for the receive periodicals bit
Catching any errors when making items
More bugfixing this time a bug not saving volume info
Fix for bug 3529, allow freight to be distributed among the items
Now saves modified fields.
Rental discount effects the amount a borrower is charge to issue an item
eg, if a borrower category has rental discount of 20 (its a percentage) on itemtypes DVD, and a dvd costs $2 to borrow normally, then it will cos them $1.60
If not set it defaults to zero
Got acqui homepage actually displaying suggestions - only displayed count before - need to get the suggestedby diplaying borrowers name rather than id number.
Showing budget breakdowns.
Slight alteration - let $status be an input parameter.
Added a bit to display the correct item type for a person who has 2 or more
reserve this type only reserves on the same day, ie - reserved a dvd and a book with same biblio.
Adding new system pref where one can still retrieve a correct reading
record history if one has moved older data from issues to oldissues table
to speed up issues speed