Zebra (and NoZebra) doesn't deal with stopwords.
It search the exact string the user types.
This commit :
- reintroduces stopword management script that was in 2.2
- add stopword management to Zebra & NoZebra searches.
PS : fortunatly, the stopwords table was not removed by updatedatabase, so nothing to do here.
(& the table is in kohastructure.sql)
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
thus, the title sorting was not working. This commit fixes the problem.
LIBLIME : verify I am right in the analysis and in the fix, it is a part mostly written by joshua
- support for authorities
- some bugfixes in ordering and "CCL" parsing
- support for authorities <=> biblios walking
Seems I can do what I want now, so I consider its done, except for bugfixes that will be needed i m sure !
* adding 3 subs in Biblio.pm
- GetNoZebraIndexes, that get the index structure in a new systempreference (added with this commit)
- _DelBiblioNoZebra, that retrieve all index entries for a biblio and remove in a variable the biblio reference
- _AddBiblioNoZebra, that add index entries for a biblio.
Note that the 2 _Add and _Del subs work only in a hash variable, to speed up things in case of a modif (ie : delete+add). The effective SQL update is done in the ModZebra sub (that existed before, and dealed with zebra index).
I think the code has to be more deeply tested, but it works at least partially.
- changing nozebra table to have biblionumber,title-ranking; (; is the entry separator. Now, if a value is several times in an index, it is stored only once, with a higher ranking (the ranking is the number of times the word appeard for this index)
- improving search to have ranking value (default order). The ranking is the sum of ranking of all terms. The list is ordered by ranking+title, from most to lower
- add nozebra table management on biblio editing
- the index table content is hardcoded. I still have to add some specific systempref to let the library update it
- manage pagination (next/previous)
- manage facets
WHAT works :
- NZgetRecords : has exactly the same API & returns as zebra getQuery, except that some parameters are unused
- search & sort works quite good
- CQL parser is better that what I thought I could do : title="harry and sally" and publicationyear>2000 not itemtype=LIVR should work fine
== Biblio.pm cleaning (useless) ==
* some sub declaration dropped
* removed modbiblio sub
* removed moditem sub
* removed newitems. It was used only in finishrecieve. Replaced by a Koha2Marc+AddItem, that is better.
* removed MARCkoha2marcItem
* removed MARCdelsubfield declaration
* removed MARCkoha2marcBiblio
== Biblio.pm cleaning (naming conventions) ==
* MARCgettagslib renamed to GetMarcStructure
* MARCgetitems renamed to GetMarcItem
* MARCfind_frameworkcode renamed to GetFrameworkCode
* MARCmarc2koha renamed to TransformMarcToKoha
* MARChtml2marc renamed to TransformHtmlToMarc
* MARChtml2xml renamed to TranformeHtmlToXml
* zebraop renamed to ModZebra
== MARC=OFF ==
* removing MARC=OFF related scripts (in cataloguing directory)
* removed checkitems (function related to MARC=off feature, that is completly broken in head. If someone want to reintroduce it, hard work coming...)
* removed getitemsbybiblioitem (used only by MARC=OFF scripts, that is removed as well)
Uses a complete new ZEBRA Indexing.
ZEBRA is now XML and comprises of a KOHA meta record. Explanatory notes will be on koha-devel
Fixes UTF8 problems
Fixes bug with authorities
SQL database major changes.
Separate biblioograaphic and holdings records. Biblioitems table depreceated
etc. etc.
Wait for explanatory document on koha-devel
install search-test.pl on your opac (or the intranet, if intranet youll need to put the tmpl file in the intranet too)
NOT FOR PRODUCTION, purely for testing
Replacing zebraserver and zebraport by zebradb in koha.conf . The zebra connexion can be done in a single variable "server:port/database". I used this in dirty searchMarc.pm as well as in Biblio.pm. I've replaced your code in Search.pm
It just does a simple cql search at the moment, takes a hashref of keyed by variable.
I have introduced 2 new variables to koha.conf
zebraserver and zebraport Ill add to the installer to get these set.
Very very very much a work in progress still. Thanks to paul for getting things up to this point.
Seems not to break too many things, but i'm probably wrong here.
at least, new features/bugfixes from 2.2.5 are here (tested on some features on my head local copy)
- removing useless directories (koha-html and koha-plucene)