This doesn't define borrowernumber = 0 if a borrower is NOT logged.
We know borrowernumber 0 is mysqluser... So in virtualshelves, a non logged user have all permissions.
When using XSLT Display, and UNIMARC,
since marcFlavour is not used in encoding data, when data is true utf8, as_xml
fails on some subfields.
Moreover, because transformMARCXMLForXSLT edits some values in the marc record
and the PERL UTF8 is not handled by MARC::File::USMARC, it endsup in double
encoding the data.
Sending a patch to fix both issues.
This patch adds
- two functions in C4/
NormalizeString (uses Unicode::Normalize)
SetUTF8Flag (This function in my opinion belongs to MARC::Record, or at least MARC::File::USMARC)
- edits C4::XSLT in order to cope with the correct marcflavour
- edits C4::Search searchResults to use setUTF8Flag
This patch C4::Search::buildQuery to detect ccl queries, and let zebra to parse them.
And set a default index "kw" if not specified.
This improve the detection of ccl queries, and do not duplicate the "ccl=" value.
Adding = as an index sign
Followup to 3037ff9e81
Signed-off-by: Henri-Damien LAURENT <>
added runtime parameters for guided reports. Online help:
Can I have run-time defined parameters?
Yes, you can: there is a specific syntax that Koha will understand as 'ask for values when running the report'. The syntax is <<Question to ask|authorised_value>>.
The << and >> are just delimiters. You must put << at the beginning and >> at the end of your parameter
The Question to ask will be displayed on the left of the string to enter.
The authorised_value can be omitted if not applicable. If it contains an authorised value category, or <strong>branches</strong> or <strong>itemtype</strong> or <strong>categorycode</strong>, a list with the Koha authorised values will be displayed instead of a free field
Note that you can have more than one parameter in a given SQL
Note that entering nothing at run time won't probably work as you expect. It will be considered as "value empty" not as "ignore this parameter". For example entering nothing for : "title=<<Enter title>>" will display results with title='' (no title). If you want to have to have something not mandatory, use "title like <<Enter title>>" and enter a % at run time instead of nothing
Sample :
SELECT surname,firstname FROM borrowers WHERE branchcode=<<Enter patrons library|branches>> AND surname like <<Enter filter for patron surname (% if none)>>
Auto_truncation is used even though exact search selected.
This patch removes this side effect
Conflicts solved:
Cherry-picked from 3.0.x :
The inventory tool was using itemcallnumber, title to sort; modified to use cn_sort, itemcallnumber, title so that call numbers
sorted on the padded sort field instead.
In the current OPAC, there is no easy way to search a particular library.
By default, a user searches all libraries, or with SearcMyLibraryFirst turn on,
the user's home library. In dev_week, a library pulldown menu existed in the search masthead.
This commit adds the option to bring that pulldown menu back
by turning on the system preference OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown
This feature is designed to manage collections of items that move
from library to library periodically. Koha can already track who *has*
and item, and who *owns* and item, but not who *should have* an item.
That is the issue this feature addresses.
It allows a persion to create a collection, and add any number of items
to that collection. The collection can then be transferred from library
to library. If an item shows up at a library that does not currently
'hold' that collection, Koha will ask you to transfer it to the library
that does currently 'hold it. In that way, one can even transfer
collections where some of the items are currently checked out. As soon
as they make it back to a library, they will get transferred to the
current library holding that collection.
The feature consists of 4 main pages.
'Home' Page: The landing page, lists collections and provides access to
the rest of the tools.
Access is via the Tools page.
Edit Collections: Add/Delete new rotating collections
Add/Remove Items: Add/Remove items from a given collection
Transfer Collection: Set the current 'holder' of a given collection.
Librarian access is controlled by 'CAN_user_tools_rotating_collections'
Bug 3998: Confusing warning on budget add page
Bug 3968: Empty Blue Box Pop Up
- Removed warning, made budget amount a required field.
- Added conditional logic to prevent display of tooltip when there is no content
- Moved filter form into sidebar
- Changed to pass an ID to a form field
- Improvements to breadcrumbs and title tags
- Restructured budgets admin toolbar to match existing toolbar patterns:
"new," "edit," etc.
This fixes:
* A bug which caused the label template editor to throw
an error when saving when no previous profile was applied.
* A typo which caused a 'fetch without execute' error in
It also comments out several useless warns
- Formatting links to different subscription views as tabs like the links to MARC view, ISBD, etc.
- Styling display of brief subscription view for better clarity
- Moving filter form on full subscription view to sidebar
- jQuery-fying some full subscription view scripts
- Adding branch name to output of full subscription information
- Styling year links for visibility and clarity (I'm not styling them as standard tabs because
they wouldn't wrap well with many many years' worth of subscriptions)
The web installer should log errors to the error log instead of only
dumping them to the browser. This will allow a record of the errors
which may be useful for later debugging.
If a global syspref OverdueNoticeBcc is present, send overdue notices to
this address. This allow a library to track and gather all outgoing
overdue notices.
The web installer should log errors to the error log instead of only
dumping them to the browser. This will allow a record of the errors
which may be useful for later debugging.
Get SuppliersWithLateIssues should return a list of suppliers
If you have subscriptions with no supplier it also returned a
invalid supplier with a null id and null name.
This patch ignores the non-supplier supplier
- improving behavior for users with no javascript
- style improvements to list "toolbar"
- adding new toolbar icons
- adding display of subtitle to lists
Leading spaces in a search term were causing an error to be thrown in a join operator when auto-truncations is turned on. This patch removes the leading spaces.
If the homebranch tag had an & in its name, then the XML wouldn't parse
correctly. As a result, if XSLT was turned on, "No copies available" would
always be displayed.
If we really wanted to delete all items linked to a subscription when we delete a subscription
we should change the database structure as such :
ALTER TABLE serialitems ADD FOREIGN KEY ( itemnumber ) REFERENCES items (itemnumber) ON DELETE CASCADE ;
ALTER TABLE serial CHANGE subscriptionid subscriptionid INT( 11 ) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE serial ADD INDEX subscription ( subscriptionid )
ALTER TABLE serial ADD FOREIGN KEY ( subscriptionid ) REFERENCES subscription (subscriptionid) ON DELETE CASCADE ;
The default sort order for items attached to a title in staff mode is
items.dateaccessioned desc. This means that a particular library's holdings
will be scattered through the list -- a special problem when it comes to serial
issues. I've done a change to that makes the sort order branch
description followed by dateaccessioned. Thus, a library's holdings will be
grouped together in the display.
- the XSLTParse4Display sub now has a new parameter : the interface (intranet or opac)
- the XSLTdisplay sysprefs is common to staff & opac (
- added UNIMARC xslt in intranet templates (modified to deal with staff/opac differences)
NOW() returns minuts and seconds. date_due is just YYYY-MM-DD
Thus date_due < now() is wrong if date_due is today, and the patron is considered as late.
With curdate(), the patron is late only the day after the overdue limit
Librarian are now able to select a different delivery place for each basketgroup. They can choose one from the branch list or manualy using a textarea.
Database schema and PDF generation have been modified to reflect these changes.