memberentryC and P : add error message ERROR_age_limitations : replace sql request by function getborrowercategory for return upperagelimit and dateofbirthrequired modify call to function getborrowercategory
- Printer selection for add a new branch, is now working
- the branchname of librarian is not display automaticly if you add a new branch
- the printqueue is now displayed on branches infos page and edit branch page
if this prefence is switched on: the document returned in another library than homebranch, the system automaticly transfer the document to his homebranch (with notification for librarian in returns.tmpl) .
switch off : the document stay in the holdingbranch ...
correcting bugs :
- comment C4::acquisition (not using in
- correcting date in
-add the new call of function getbranches in
moremember.tmpl:change wrong url change wrong field name in sql request(sub newmember)
memberentryA.tmpl : change wrong field name test condition (checkuniquemember)
new infos displayed :
-Waiting position of borrower on document reserve .
-Follow the document he's in transfert .
-more infos of document are displayed in a specific cell ....
N.B : the old display of reserves infos are only commented, will be removed, if new display is ok for everybody ...
This is to allow a person who is associated with many organisations to choose the one he/she is borrowing an item for
No changes to the issuing code, or the issues table, the associated borrower number is stored in the statistics table
Have to build a table to store borrower->organisation (which are really just other borrowers) links and write a routine to populate that table.
May have to make another change to
branchreserves : to see reserves for one library (with the branchip selection or librarian preferences)
currenttransfers : show all the transfers are waiting in the library
waitingreservetransfers: show all the book the librarian have to transfer to an another library .
"actions" are bugged, will be corrected .
adding two fields in branches table (branchip,branchprinter)
branchip : if the library enter an ip or ip range any librarian that connect from computer in this ip range will be temporarly affected to the corresponding branch .
branchprinter : the library can select a default printer for a branch
the intranet. The development was made on branch 2.2 by Arnaud Laurin from
Ouest Provence and integrated on HEAD by Pierrick Le Gall from INEO media
New page reserve/ taking a biblionumber as entry point.
New functions:
- C4::Biblio::get_iteminfos_of retrieves item informations for a list of
- C4::Biblio::get_biblioiteminfos_of retrieves biblioitem informations for a
list of biblioitemnumbers
- C4::Biblio::get_itemnumbers_of retrieve the list of itemnumbers related to
each biblionumber given in argument.
- C4::Circulation::Circ2::get_return_date_of retrieves return date for a
list of itemnumbers.
- C4::Koha::get_itemtypeinfos_of retrieves the informations related to a
list of itemtypes.
- C4::Koha::get_branchinfos_of retrieves the informations related to a list
of branchcodes.
- C4::Koha::get_notforloan_label_of retrives the list of status/label for
the authorised_values related to notforloan.
- C4::Koha::get_infos_of is the generic function used by all get_*infos_of.
- C4::Reserves2::GetNumberReservesFromBorrower
- C4::Reserves2::GetFirstReserveDateFromItem
Modified functions:
- C4::Reserves2::FindReserves was simplified to be more readable.
The reservation page is reserve/ and is linked from nowhere as
long as zebra is not stable yet on HEAD.
- modified userenv to add branchname
- modifier to have the librarian name & userenv displayed on every page. they are in a librarian_information div.
* introducing a category_type into categories. It can be A (adult), C (children), P (Professionnal), I (institution/organisation).
* each category_type has it's own forms to create members.
* the borrowers table has been heavily modified (many fields changed), to get something more logic & readable
* reintroducing guarantor/guanrantee system that is now independant from hardcoded C/A for categories
* updating templates to fit template rules
(see mail feb, 17 on koha-devel "new features for borrowers" for more details)
introduced by tipaul are not compliant with every template (depending on how
you use HTML labels). Shouldn't this kind of customization only be made
outside "prog" template?
- adding links in members menu
improvements from SAN Ouest Provence :
* introducing a category_type into categories. It can be A (adult), C (children), P (Professionnal), I (institution/organisation).
* each category_type has it's own forms to create members.
* the borrowers table has been heavily modified (many fields changed), to get something more logic & readable
* reintroducing guarantor/guanrantee system that is now independant from hardcoded C/A for categories
* updating templates to fit template rules
(see mail feb, 17 on koha-devel "new features for borrowers" for more details)
improvements from SAN Ouest Provence :
* introducing a category_type into categories. It can be A (adult), C (children), P (Professionnal), I (institution/organisation).
* each category_type has it's own forms to create members.
* the borrowers table has been heavily modified (many fields changed), to get something more logic & readable
* reintroducing guarantor/guanrantee system that is now independant from hardcoded C/A for categories
* updating templates to fit template rules
(see mail feb, 17 on koha-devel "new features for borrowers" for more details)
* introducing a category_type into categories. It can be A (adult), C (children), P (Professionnal), I (institution/organisation).
* each category_type has it's own forms to create members.
* the borrowers table has been heavily modified (many fields changed), to get something more logic & readable
* reintroducing guarantor/guanrantee system that is now independant from hardcoded C/A for categories
* updating templates to fit template rules
(see mail feb, 17 on koha-devel "new features for borrowers" for more details)
the system preference prefered date format.
improvement: book fund list and budget list screen redesigned. Filters on
each field. Columns are not sortable yet. Using DHTML Calendar to fill date
fields instead of manual filling. Pagination system. From the book fund
list, you can reach the budget list, filtered on a book fund, or not. A
budget can be added only from book fund list screen.
bug fixed: branchcode was missing in table aqbudget.
bug fixed: when setting a branchcode to a book fund, all associated budgets
move to this branchcode.
modification: when adding/modifying budget/fund, MySQL specific "REPLACE..."
statements replaced by standard SQL compliant statement.
bug fixed: when adding/modifying a budget, if the book fund is associated to
a branch, the branch selection is disabled and set to the book fund branch.
simple links.
improvement: support of itemtype icons on prog template. The icons are
displayed on itemtypes management screen and on moremember screen.
improvement: use of pagination_bar on itemtypes management screen.
new: function were added in C4::Koha to manage itemtype image location
(local/remote). Warning: you must copy or symlink the itemtypeimg directory
from the opac template into the intranet template.
improved: C4::Output::pagination_bar builds an HTML pagination bar with no
language dependency. This function hugely simplifies templates and offers a
standard pagination method. This function also improves preformances.
template guideline compliance: on circulation template, selected status of
each option in date options (day/month/year) is managed by a
TMPL_IF/TMPL_ELSE outside the <option>.
bug fixed: on circulation template, today issues could not be renewed with
new reserve/ items list coming from HTTP request.
bug fixed: on return template, included template to close the <head> was
bug fixed: on member/moremember template, renew items comply with new
simplification: deletion of useless input param look-up table in
reserve/, direct use of CGI method.
read. HTML output uses fieldset, it should be cleaner, feedback welcomed.
improvement: simplified by using named submit buttons
(renew_all and renew_checked), and by using arrays in HTTP query for items.
Contrib from Tmer Garip (from Turkey) :
* holiday :
in /tools/ the script let you define holidays (days where the library is closed), branch by branch. You can define 3 types of holidays :
- single day : only this day is closed
- repet weekly (like "sunday") : the day is holiday every week
- repet yearly (like "July, 4") : this day is closed every year.
You can also put exception :
- sunday is holiday, but "2006 March, 5th" the library will be open
The holidays are used for return date calculation : the return date is set to the next date where the library is open. A systempreference (useDaysMode) set ON (Calendar) or OFF (Normal) the calendar calculation.
allow to get a list of letters for a module.
overduerules is a tool relying on
It will allow ppl to manage three levels of overdue thanks to a brand new overduenotice script to come out soon.
Changing barcodes, export and import and letters directory.
Changing export script name ( to
Changing import script name ( to
install on your opac (or the intranet, if intranet youll need to put the tmpl file in the intranet too)
NOT FOR PRODUCTION, purely for testing
Seems not to break too many things, but i'm probably wrong here.
at least, new features/bugfixes from 2.2.5 are here (tested on some features on my head local copy)
- removing useless directories (koha-html and koha-plucene)
some explanations :
- updater/updatedatabase => will transform all tables in innoDB (not related to utf8, just to warn you) AND collate them in utf8 / utf8_general_ci. The SQL command is : ALTER TABLE tablename DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci.
- * will show the pages in utf8
- THE HARD THING : for me, mysql-client and mysql-server were set up to communicate in iso8859-1, whatever the mysql collation ! Thus, pages were improperly shown, as datas were transmitted in iso8859-1 format ! After a full day of investigation, someone on usenet pointed "set NAMES 'utf8'" to explain that I wanted utf8. I could put this in my.cnf, but if I do that, ALL databases will "speak" in utf8, that's not what we want. Thus, I added a line in : everytime a DB handle is opened, the communication is set to utf8.
- using marcxml field and no more the iso2709 raw marc biblioitems.marc field.
- the last 5 issues are now shown, and their status can be changed (but not reverted to "waited", as there can be only one "waited")
- the library can create a "distribution list". this paper contains a list of borrowers (selected from the borrower list, or manually entered), and print it for a given issue. once printed, the sheet can be put on the issue and distributed to every reader on the list (one by one).
* synch with rel_2_2. Probably the last non manual synch, as rel_2_2 should not be modified deeply.
* code cleaning (cleaning warnings from perl -w) continued
* run updater/updatedatabase to create imageurl field in itemtypes.
* go to Koha >> parameters >> itemtypes >> modify (or add) an itemtype. You will see around 20 nice images to choose between (thanks to owen). If you prefer your own image, you also can type a complete url (http://www.myserver.lib/path/to/my/image.gif)
* go to OPAC, and search something. In the result list, you now have the picture instead of the text itemtype.
* run updater/updatedatabase to create imageurl field in itemtypes.
* go to Koha >> parameters >> itemtypes >> modify (or add) an itemtype. You will see around 20 nice images to choose between (thanks to owen). If you prefer your own image, you also can type a complete url (http://www.myserver.lib/path/to/my/image.gif)
* go to OPAC, and search something. In the result list, you now have the picture instead of the text itemtype.
It provides the user with the list of items that have been ordered for a delay and are NOT yet received.
The user may filter by supplier or branch or delay.
This page is still under developpement.
Goal is to make it ready to print to reorder the books.
2 new functions have been written in Acquisition module :
branches has been modified to manage branch independancy.
Request for comment.
STILL UNDER developpment
don't update your cvs if you want to have a working head...
this commit contains :
* updater/updatedatabase : get rid with marc_* tables, but DON'T remove them. As a lot of things uses them, it would not be a good idea for instance to drop them. If you really want to play, you can rename them to test head without them but being still able to reintroduce them...
* : modify MARCgetbiblio to find the raw marc record in biblioitems.marc field, not from marc_subfield_table, modify MARCfindframeworkcode to find frameworkcode in biblio.frameworkcode, modify some other subs to use biblio.biblionumber & get rid of bibid.
* other files : get rid of bibid and use biblionumber instead.
What is broken :
* does not do anything on zebra yet.
* if you rename marc_subfield_table, you can't search anymore.
* you can view a biblio & bibliodetails, go to MARC editor, but NOT save any modif.
* don't try to add a biblio, it would add data poorly... (don't try to delete either, it may work, but that would be a surprise ;-) )
IMPORTANT NOTE : you need MARC::XML package (, that requires a recent version of MARC::Record
Updatedatabase stores the iso2709 data in biblioitems.marc field & an xml version in biblioitems.marcxml Not sure we will keep it when releasing the stable version, but I think it's a good idea to have something readable in sql, at least for development stage.
- a mail is sent everytime an issue if recieved in serial module. The mail is sent to all borrowers that have put an alert on the subscription (remember that you can put an alert only if the librarian have defined a "letter" as mail to send)
- the librarian can see, for a given subscription, who has put an alert.
* adding a package, that manages Letters & alerts.
* adding feature : it's now possible to define a "letter" for any subscription created. If a letter is defined, users in OPAC can put an alert on the subscription. When an issue is marked "arrived", all users in the alert will recieve a mail (as defined in the "letter"). This last part (= send the mail) is not yet developped. (Should be done this week)
* adding feature : it's now possible to "put to an alert" in OPAC, for any serial subscription. The alert is stored in a new table, called alert. An alert can be put only if the librarian has activated them in subscription (and they activate it just by choosing a "letter" to sent to borrowers on new issues)
* adding feature : librarian can see in borrower detail which alerts they have put, and a user can see in opac-detail which alert they have put too.
Note that the system should be generic enough to manage any type of alert.
I plan to extend it soon to virtual shelves : a borrower will be able to put an alert on a virtual shelf, to be warned when something is changed in the virtual shelf (mail being sent once a day by cron, or manually by the shelf owner. Anyway, a mail won't be sent on every change, users would be spammed by Koha ;-) )
* adding a package, that manages Letters & alerts.
* adding feature : it's now possible to define a "letter" for any subscription created. If a letter is defined, users in OPAC can put an alert on the subscription. When an issue is marked "arrived", all users in the alert will recieve a mail (as defined in the "letter"). This last part (= send the mail) is not yet developped. (Should be done this week)
* adding feature : it's now possible to "put to an alert" in OPAC, for any serial subscription. The alert is stored in a new table, called alert. An alert can be put only if the librarian has activated them in subscription (and they activate it just by choosing a "letter" to sent to borrowers on new issues)
* adding feature : librarian can see in borrower detail which alerts they have put, and a user can see in opac-detail which alert they have put too.
Note that the system should be generic enough to manage any type of alert.
I plan to extend it soon to virtual shelves : a borrower will be able to put an alert on a virtual shelf, to be warned when something is changed in the virtual shelf (mail being sent once a day by cron, or manually by the shelf owner. Anyway, a mail won't be sent on every change, users would be spammed by Koha ;-) )
* module (acquisition, catalogue...) : it will be usefull to show the librarian only letters he may be interested by.
* title, that will be used as mail subject.
Only items on the same branch as user can be created, modified, deleted.
If trying to get an item which homebranch is different from user branch AND that user is not superlibrarian, then go back to additem.
the letter table contains 3 fields :
* code => the code of the letter
* name => the complete name of the letter
* content => the complete text. It's a TEXT field type, so has no limits.
My next goal now is to work on point 2-I "serial issue alert"
With this feature, in serials, a user can subscribe the "issue alert". For every issue arrived/missing, a mail is sent to all subscribers of this list. The mail warns the user that the issue is arrive or missing. Will be in head.
(see mail on koha-devel, 2005/04/07)
The "serial issue alert" will be the 1st to use this letter system that probably needs some tweaking ;-)
Once it will be stabilised default letters (in any languages) could be added during installer to help the library begin with this new feature.
May be too much... Funds could be enough....
It works provided you update your base adding branchcode both in aqbookfund AND aqbudget.
If selection in budget is not needed, I shall remove.