This patch updates the OPAC and staff interface to use Bootstrap 5.
Bootstrap CSS assets are now pulled from node_modules and compiled into
staff-global.css and opac.css at build time. This update lays the
foundations of some other chnages, especially the addition of a dark
mode in the future.
Hundreds of templates have been updated, mostly with updates to the grid
markup. Most of the responsive behavior is still the same with the
exception of improved flexibility of headers and footers in both the
OPAC and staff interface.
The other most common change is to add a new "namespace" to data
attributes used by Bootstrap, e.g. "data-bs-target" or "data-bs-toggle".
Modal markup has also been updated everywhere. Other common changes:
dropdown button markup, alert markup (we now use Bootstrap's "alert
alert-warning" and "alert alert-info" instead of our old "dialog alert"
and "dialog info").
Bootstrap 5 now uses CSS variables which we can override in our own
'_variables.scss' (in both the OPAC and staff) to accomplish a lot of
the style overrides which we previously put in staff-global.scss.
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch makes two categories of changes:
1. CSS changes to accommodate changes in DataTables default CSS and
markup structure. I've tried to make sure all of our Koha-specific
styles are still applying.
This change necessitates a rebuild of staff interface CSS.
2. DataTables option names: In this version of DataTables you can't
override a default which uses CamelCase (e.g. "pagingType") with one
in "Hungarian" notation, e.g. "sPaginationType." Since we define many
default options in prog/js/datatables.js in camel case, any template
which previously used a Hungarian notation option to override the
default has now been updated to use the CamelCase version.
See for a summary
of the different option name changes.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Test plan:
1. Apply patches
2. sudo koha-upgrade-schema <instance>
3. Restart services
4. Set TaxRates syspref = 0.15
5. Create a new fund with amount = 1000
6. Add an order to a basket with the following values:
- Fund = Choose the fund from step #5
- Quantity = 1
- Vendor price = 10
- Tax rate = 15%
- Discount = 20%
- Retail price = 10.00
- Replacement cost = 10.00
- Actual cost = 10.00
- Ensure the basket belongs to a vendor with ("List prices" = "Don't include tax" and "Invoice prices" = "Don't include tax")
7. Go to the Acquisitions home page
8. Confirm the 'Ordered' column for the step #5 fund contains 9.20
9. Click on the 9.20 link and confirm the page that loads
also contains 9.20 as the 'Subtotal'
10. Change 'CalculateFundValuesIncludingTax' = 'Exclude'
11. On the Acquisitions home page confirm the 'Ordered' column now
contains 8.00
12. Click on the 8.00 link and confirm the page also contains
8.00 as the 'Subtotal'
13. Close your basket and receive your order - change the 'Actual costs'
= 8.00 (the $10 retail price less the 20% discount, tax exclusive)
14. Go to the Acquisitions home page and confirm the 'Spent' column now
contains 8.00
15. Click on the 8.00 link and confirm the page also contains
8.00 as the 'Subtotal'
16. Change 'CalculateFundValuesIncludingTax' = 'Include'
17. Confirm the 'Spent' column on the Acquisitions home page now shows
18. Click on the 9.20 link and confirm the page also contains
9.20 as the 'Subtotal'
Sponsored-by: Waikato Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch updates acquisitions, suggestions, and ERM templates so that
title tags can be more easily translated.
To test, apply the patch and confirm that the following pages have the
correct title tags:
- Acquisitions -> Acquisitions home
- Ordered
- Spent
- Vendors: Search, new, edit
- Baskets: New, edit
- New order
- From an empty record
- From an existing record
- From existing orders (copy)
- From a suggestion
- From a subscription
- From an external source
- From a staged file
- Basket groups
- Receive shipments
- Uncertain prices
- Late orders
- Suggestions
- Invoices
- Invoice details
- Invoice files
- Receive orders
- Transfer order
- Cancel order
- EDIFACT messages
- Order search
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch finds places in the updated breadcrumbs markup where a
translatable string is isolated in a way that makes it hard for the
translation script to find it, and wraps these strings with <span>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Auld <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch updates several acquisitions-related templates so that they
use the new WRAPPER for displaying breadcrumbs.
To test, apply the patch and test each page and its variations.
Breadcrumbs should look correct, and each link should be correct.
- Acquisitions ->
-> All available funds table
-> Ordered
-> Spent
-> Vendor
-> Vendor details
-> Uncertain prices
-> Receive shipments (must have at least one open basket)
-> If necessary, receive a new shipment. Or click an
invoice number to reach the "receive orders" page.
-> Click "Receive" in the table listing baskets.
-> Basket -> Add to basket
-> From a suggestion
-> From an external source
Signed-off-by: Andrew Auld <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch adds a "page-section" container div around the main section
of acquisitions page which lack it.
This patch contains indentation changes, so please ignore whitespace
when looking at the diff.
To test, apply the patch and view the following pages to confirm that
the main content is contained in a white box:
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket -> Create EDIFACT order
- Acquisitions -> EDIFACT messages
- Acquisitions -> Orders search -> Results
- Acquisitions -> Late orders
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Add to basket -> From a subscription
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Add to basket -> From a suggestion
- Acquisitions -> All available funds -> Ordered
- Acquisitions -> All available funds -> Spent
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Add to basket -> From an external source ->
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
What this patch does:
- change the navigation bar style
- change the breadcrumbs style
- change the "last borrower" link style
- move the search bar inside the navigation bar
- move the help link to the same row as the breadcrumbs
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Changed each of the pages in the acqui folder to have one <h1> tag
showing that describes the page, rather than the <h1> describing the
The hierarchy of heading tags may be broken in many pages, but this
will be dealt with in an additional bug.
To test:
1) Go to the Staff Client
2) Apply patch
3) Go to each of the pages in the acqui folder and check that they have
an obvious and descriptive heading
4) Ensure that the heading in the page is <h1>
Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
Swapped the order of the page titles to have the unique information first, i.e. the name of the specific page displays first, and the name of the website (e.g. Koha) displays at the end.
To test:
1) Apply patch
2) Ensure each of the files in the modules folder and the modules/acqui folder are swapped around to display the most unique information first, and the website name is at the end
3) Ensure the pages displayed on the Staff Client that correspond to
these files also display the changes
Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Henry Bolshaw <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
This patch cleans up some instances I missed on the first round:
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Receive shipments
- Acquisitions -> "All available funds" table
-> Click an "Ordered" value
-> Click a "Spent" value
- Acquisitions -> Vendor
-> test sorting of contracts in the "Contracts" table
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
This patch modifies several acquisitions templates to replace the use of
the "title-string" DataTables sorting method with the newer "data-order"
To test, apply the patch and view the following pages to confirm that
columns containing dates sort correctly when using any setting of the
"dateformat" system preference:
- Acquisitions -> Late orders
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket -> Add to basket -> From a
- Acquisitions -> "All available funds" table
-> Click an "Ordered" value
-> Click a "Spent" value
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Receive shipments
- Acquisitions -> Vendor
-> test sorting of contracts in the "Contracts" table
Signed-off-by: Amit Gupta <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
I think the "breadcrumbs" ID is worth saving for past and future CSS
customization reasons.
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Modified breadcrumbs to be accessible, in particular for a
Made the block of breadcrumbs be a <nav aria label="Breadcrumb"
class="breadcrumb"> with an ordered list inside. The last breadcrumbs
also has aria-current="page" to specify that it is the current page.
To test:
1) Apply patch
2) Build scss file
3) Ensure each of the files in the modules folder and the modules/acqui
folder has breadcrumbs that are in a <nav aria label="Breadcrumb"
class="breadcrumb"> block
4) Ensure that there is an ordered list in the block of breadcrumbs
5) Ensure that the last breadcrumb has aria-current="page"
6) Ensure that the breadcrumbs on each page of the staff client
belonging to these files look the same as before, but the '>' symbol
is replaced with '/' and the last breadcrumb has bold text
7) Ensure that when the last breadcrumb is clicked it takes you to the
page you are currently on
Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
I think we can do without the comment - suggesting removal with
this patch.
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
This patch adds context (word class, either verb or noun) to the word
'Order' when it is displayed alone in the acquisitions module.
The following files have been modified:
To test, check all those pages in English to make sure there is
no change.
1- Go to Acquisitions
2- Create a basket
3- Add to basket from an existing record (neworderbiblio)
4- Add to basket from a subscription (newordersubscription)
5- Add to basket from a suggestion (newordersuggestion)
6- Add to basket from an external source (z3950_search)
7- In one of the orders, check the uncertain price box
8- Check the basket display table (basket)
9- Click transfer on one of the orders (transferorder)
10- Go to the vendor page and click on 'Uncertain prices' (uncertainprice)
11- Click on 'Receive parcel' (parcel)
12- Go to the Acquisitions home page and click on the
amount for 'ordered' (ordered)
13- Go to the Acquisitions home page and click on the
amount for 'spent' (spent)
Next, install a new language (fr-CA used as example)
1- translate create fr-CA
2- open fr-CA-messages.po and add a translation for Order
(verb) and Order (noun) (it doesn't have to be real, just
write something different for each)
3- translate install fr-CA
4- in the system preferences, enable the french language in
5- change interface language to french
Redo the tests above to make sure the word you put in the translation
for the verb is in the places where 'Order' should be a verb and that
the translation you put in for the noun is in the places where 'Order'
should be a noun
Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
This patch upgrades DataTables and makes some style changes to the
default DataTables toolbar style. DataTables assets are now combined and
minified using their download customizer, bundling together these
- JSZip 2.5.0
- pdfmake 0.1.36
- DataTables 1.10.18
- Buttons 1.5.6
- Column visibility 1.5.6
- HTML5 export 1.5.6
- Print view 1.5.6
- FixedHeader 3.1.4
DataTables assets have been moved from lib/jquery/plugins to
lib/datatables. The global header and footer include files are updated
This patch removes the custom "four_button" pagination configuration and
updates pages which used it to use the built-in "full" type instead.
This is done for the sake of consistency and upgradability. This change
touches a lot of files.
Table-specific CSS has been moved from staff-global.scss to a new
include, _tables.scss. A second common include, _mixins.scss has some
variable definitions used in both files.
Many images have been made obsolete by this change and have been
To test, apply the patch and regenerate the staff client CSS. View
various pages in the staff client with tables:
- Not formatted by DataTables:
- Reports -> Most circulated items
- Catalog -> Search results
- Formatted by DataTables without column configuration
- Acquisitions -> Vendor search
- Lists
- Formatted by DataTables with column configuration
- Administration -> Libraries
- Administration -> Item types
- Reports -> Saved SQL reports
- Non-standard DataTables configurations:
- Circulation -> Checkouts
- Administration -> System preferences
- Reports -> Lost items
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
To test:
On the fund detail page, have some shipment costs associated with a fund
an example would be cgi-bin/koha/acqui/<your fund>&fund_code=<your
Click the link for the fund, without this patch it will give an internal
server error.
With this patch, the shipment invoice will be loaded.
Signed-off-by: Jason DeShaw <>
Signed-off-by: Laurel Moran <>
Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
To test:
1 - Find a vendor in acquisitions
2 - Click 'receive shipment'
3 - Create an invoice
4 - Click 'Finish receiving'
5 - Add an adjustment that encumbers while open and update adjustments
6 - Go to acqui-home and click on the ordered total for the fund with the adjustment
7 - Note the invoice adjustment shows the invoice id and does not link
8 - Add another invoice and another adjustment, but close the invoice this time
9 - Go to acqui-home and click on the spent total for the fund with the adjustment
10 - Note the invoice adjustment shows the invoice id and does not link
11 - Apply patch
12 - Visit the spent and ordered pages and note the adjustments show invoicenumber and are links
13 - prove -v t/db_dependent/Koha/Acquisition/Invoice/Adjustments.t
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <>
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
DataTables are used on enough pages in the staff client that it
doesn't make sense to put inclusion of the CSS into each template
where it is needed. This patch moves includes of datatables.css from
individual templates into the global header file.
To test, apply the patch and view various pages which have DataTables.
View various styles of DataTables, e.g.
- Full pagination, like item search results
- Four-button, like Saved SQL reports
Everything should look the same as it was.
Signed-off-by: Jose-Mario Monteiro-Santos <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Some price information on the spent and ordered list already
used the $Price filter. With this patch all amounts should be
formatted according to the CurrencyFormat system preference.
Signed-off-by: Jack Kelliher <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
The order list for each fund calculates using the ecost tax excl., but
it should be tax incl.
At the moment this means that the sum on the start page table and the
order list don't match up.
Test plan:
- Create and receive orders
- Values on acqui home and ordered/spent should be the same
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
This patch has been generated with the script provided on bug 21576.
It only affects variable used in the href attribute of a link *when*
href it the first attribute of the node (grep "a href")
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Improvements to the display of lists of ordered and received orders:
- Show the vendor's name instead of the internal number
To test:
- Make sure you have some pending and received orders
- Access the Spent and Ordered pages by clicking on the
amount ordered or spent on the acq start page
- Verify that
- Vendor name shows
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
This patch modifies several acquisitions templates to use the Bootstrap
grid instead of YUI.
This patch also removes obsolete "text/javascript" attributes from
<script> tags and "text/css" attributes from <style> tags in the
modified templates.
To test, apply the patch and view the following pages, confirming that
they look correct at various browser widths:
- Acquisitions home page -> Click a "spent" value for a fund.
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Vendor details.
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Uncertain prices
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Receive shipments
- Click an "Invoice number" link in the table of shipments.
- Click "Receive" for one of the titles in pending orders.
Signed-off-by: Claire Gravely <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Here we go, next step then.
As we did not fix the performance issue when autofiltering
the variables (see bug 20975), the only solution we have is to add the
filters explicitely.
This patch has been autogenerated (using, see next
pathces) and add the html filter to all the variables displayed in the
Exceptions are made (using the new 'raw' TT filter) to the variable we
already listed in the previous versions of this patch.
To test:
- Use t/db_dependent/Koha/Patrons.t to populate your DB with autogenerated
data which contain <script> tags
- Remove them from borrower_debarments.comments (there are allowed here)
update borrower_debarments set comment="html tags possible here";
- From the interface hit page and try to catch alert box.
If you find one it means you find a possible XSS.
To know where it comes from:
* note the exact URL where you found it
* note the alert box content
* Dump your DB and search for the string in the dump to identify its
location (for instance table.field)
* Ideally we would like to use the raw filter when it is not necessary
to HTML escape the variables (in big loop for instance)
* Provide a QA script to catch missing filters (we want html, uri, url
or raw, certainly others that I am forgetting now)
* Replace the html filters with uri when needed (!)
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Move to aqinvoice_adjustment
Move to Koha::Acquisition::Invoice::Adjustments
Test if variable exists before count
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
This patchset adds the ability to add adjustments to an invoice, one can
provide a reason, an adjustment amount, select a budget, and choose
whether to encumber the funds before the invoice is closed or not
To test:
1 - Create a new invoice with or without a shipping cost
2 - Note there are no existing adjustments
3 - Add an adjustment
4 - Submit the form withno changes, nothing happens
5 - Update the adjustment you created, ensure changes are saved but no
extra adjustment created
6 - Add another invoice prodiving only reason or amount (you can have 0
value adjustments)
7 - Verify the adjustment total at bottom is correct
8 - Recieve some orders
9 - Verify totals are correct
Signed-off-by: Séverine QUEUNE <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Having to write [% KOHA_VERSION %] for each url is bad because:
- It's easily forgettable when adding new <script> or <link>
- It prevents grep'ing for the full filename
- It violates the DRY principle
- If at some point we want to change the "force js and css reload"
mechanism, it will be tedious
This patch:
- adds a Template::Toolkit plugin that generates <script> and
<link> tags for JS and CSS files, and inserts automatically the Koha
version in the filename
- use the new plugin to remove all occurences of [% KOHA_VERSION %]
- remove the code that was adding KOHA_VERSION as a template variable
Test plan:
1. Apply patch
2. Go to several different pages in Koha (opac and intranet) while
checking your browser's dev tools (there should be no 404 for JS and
CSS files, and the Koha version should appear in filenames) and the
server logs (there should be no "File not found")
3. `git grep KOHA_VERSION` should return nothing
4. prove t/db_dependent/Koha/Template/Plugin/Asset.t
Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
This patch modifies even more staff client acquisitions templates so
that JavaScript is included in the footer instead of the header.
To test, apply the patch and test the JavaScript-driven features of the
modified templates: All button controls, DataTables functionality, tabs,
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Vendor details
- Contracts datatable
- Edit vendor
- Add contacts, form validation
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Invoices -> Invoice -> "Go to receipt"
- Datatables, MARC and Card previews
- Transfer
- Confirmation of transfer, window closes
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Receive shipments
- Datatables, date pickers
- Acquisitions -> Available funds table -> Spent report
- Datatables
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Uncertain prices
- Datatables, form validation
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket -> Add to basket from external source
- Select and clear all on search form
- Search results
- Datatables, MARC and Card previews, in-table pop-up controls
(click any table cell)
Signed-off-by: Claire Gravely <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
1) Open Acquisitions and click on the ordered link under the fund
2) There will be no link on the title
3) Go back and click on thespent link
4) There will be no link on the title
5) Apply patch
6) Go to Acquisitions and click on ordered
7) There will now be a link that takes the user to the book catelog
8) Go back and click on sent
9) There will be a link that takes the user to the book catelog
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Works like a charm!
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
The staff client CSS is not language-specific, so it can be moved out of
the en/ directory and thus not be duplicated for every translation.
In order to be able to have a generic path to the YUI CSS files, the YUI
directory is moved by this patch to the staff client's lib/ directory.
To test, apply the patch and visit various pages in the staff client.
Look in particular at pages which include more than the standard CSS.
For example:
- The staff client login page.
- The staff client home page.
- Patron -> Set permissions.
- The advanced cataloging editor.
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket groups.
- Tools -> News -> Edit news.
- Administration -> System preferences.
Revised: I intended for this to be built on top of Bug 15883. Now it is.
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <>
On top of 15883
Works as described, all pages on test plan
No Errors
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
The "highlight" class on table rows is unnecessary since we have a CSS
rule which defines colors for alternating row colors. This patch removes
use of the "highlight" class from templates and removes the definition
from staff-global.css
To test, view the affected pages and confirm that the change has not
broken anything.
Acquisitions -> Vendor -> View basket
Acquisitions -> Late orders
Acquisitions -> Ordered
Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Receive shipment
Acquisitions -> Spent
Acquisitions -> Vendor details -> Contracts table
Administration -> MARC frameworks (comment removed only)
Administration -> Class sources
Authorities -> Authority search results
Catalog -> Bibliographic detail page -> Items -> View item's checkout
Catalog -> (is this template used?)
Cataloging -> Cataloging search results
Patrons -> Patron account
Reports -> Patrons who haven't checked out
Reports -> Statistics wizards -> Patrons
Reports -> Top lists -> Most-circulated items
Reports -> Inactive -> Items with no checkouts
Reports -> Reports dictionary
Reports -> Statistics wizards -> Circulation
Reports -> Statistics wizards -> Holds
Holds -> Place a hold -> Existing holds table
Serials -> New subscription -> Search for a vendor -> Search results
Serials -> Check expiration
Serials -> Subscription -> Serial collection
Serials -> Subscription -> Serial collection -> Edit serials
Tags -> View tags -> View titles with a tag
Tools -> Manage staged MARC records -> Batch (I think the affected
section of this template is obsolete)
Tools -> Log viewer -> Log result
Lists -> View lists (May be broken by Bug 15916)
Note that if you search the templates for instances of a <tr> with a
"highlight" class you'll find two instances in slip templates which
refer to a class defined in printreceiptinvoice.css.
Signed-off-by: Frédéric Demians <>
Looks good. Haven't seen any regression.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Brendan A Gallagher <>
This patch removes instances of dt_add_type_uk_date() from acquisitions
templates and updates sorting configurations according to current
In cases where a formatted date was passed from a Perl script, the
script has been modified to pass an unformatted date.
Several instances of the no longer valid align attribute have been
removed from <td> tags in favor of an existing "data" class which is
suitable for display of currency values.
To test, view the following pages in Acquisitions. Columns containing
dates should sort correctly regardless of dateformat system preference
setting. Columns containing bibliographic titles should ignore articles
when sorting.
- Add to an order from a staged file: The table of staged files should
sort correctly. After clicking "add orders" for one of the staged
files, the table of titles in that staged file should also be sorted
- Add to an order from a subscription. The table of subscription search
results should sort correctly.
- Orders search results should sort correctly.
- Late orders should sort correctly.
- Search for a vendor. Click on the vendor name to view the vendor
detail page. The table of contracts on this page should sort
- From the Acquisitions home page click a number in the "spent" column
of the table of available funds. The table of orders should sort
- From the Acquisitions home page click a number in the "ordered" column
of the table of available funds. The table of orders should sort
- From a vendor detail page, click the "Receive shipments" button. On
the receive shipments page the table of shipments should be sorted
Signed-off-by: David Cook <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
On and, the itemtype codes are displayed, instead of
Links for the ordernumber should be changed. In, we are
redirected to the receive page. In, the links are deleted.
Signed-off-by: Broust <>
Revisited patch: The link to orderreceive was broken, so I undo the
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Works alright, itemtype descriptions are shown.
The removed link was potentially 'dangerous' as you shouldn't
get to the receive page for an order, without providing an invoicenumber
Passes all tests and QA script.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
Term also occurs on the spent page accessible from the funds
table on the acquisition module start page.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
This patch adds an upgraded copy of the DataTables plugin to the jQuery
plugin directory outside the theme directories. Copies of the old
DataTables plugin scripts have been left in the old location while
templates are incrementally updated.
To test, visit each affected page in Acquisitions and confirm that table
sorting still words correctly:
- Acquisitions home
- Acquisitions -> Late orders
- Acquisitions -> Order search
- Acquisitions -> Ordered (from table of available funds)
- Acquisitions -> Spent (from table of available funds)
- Acquisitions -> Vendor search
- Acquisitions -> Vendor detail
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket -> Add order from existing record
-> Add order from suggestion
-> Add order from subscription
-> Add order from external source
-> Add order from staged file
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket groups
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Uncertain prices
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Invoices
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Invoices -> Invoice
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Receive shipments
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Receive shipments -> Receipt summary (click
invoice number)
Also test one or more pages which have not been modified to confirm that
old DataTables assets are still in place and working (ex: Circulation,
Quotes editor, Saved reports, etc.)
Signed-off-by: Srdjan <>
Edit: Rebased on current master
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
All tests und QA script pass. I found some smaller bugs, that
also appeared on master without the patch applied. For some datatables
I struggled with a result set of over 5.000 lines - there is room for
improvement where a lot of data can be shown.
testing notes:
- Acquisitions home
- Amounts don't sort correctly before and after the patch, see bug 10792.
- Acquisitions -> Late orders
- OK.
- Acquisitions -> Order search
- OK.
- Acquisitions -> Ordered (from table of available funds)
- OK.
- Acquisitions -> Spent (from table of available funds)
- OK.
- Acquisitions -> Vendor detail
- OK.
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket
- OK.
- Acquisitions -> Vendor -> Basket -> Add order from existing record
- Datatables seems not to be in use here?
-> Add order from suggestion
- OK.
-> Add order from subscription
- OK.
-> Add order from external source
- OK.
-> Add order from staged file
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
This patch adds the JS required to enable correct sorting
of dates in DD/MM/YYYY format to pages which require it.
To test, set your dateformat accordingly and confirm on the
affected pages that dates are sorted correctly.
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Resolved conflict in serials/
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <>
- New pages:
- allow to search in invoices on several criteria
- permit to view and modify invoice details
- shipment date
- billing date
- shipment cost and budget used for shipment cost
Invoice informations are now stored in their own sql table and aqorders
have a link to it
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
This is the first patch for bug 7760 and touches all pages in acquisitions.
This adds a unique id "acq_<filename>" and a class "acq" to the body tag of
each page in acquisitions.
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
New revision updates for current master and cleans up new
instances introduced by recent commits.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
2 problems found, fixing those in follo up patches:
- late orders don't allow more than 1 order to be selected
- basketgroups: 'Edit vendor' does the same as 'Manage orders'